

2023-06-26 来源:好走旅游网
Emailing can be a tricky form of communication. There are mistakes to be made. I have made more than a few of them. I hope this can help you avoid some of the same mistakes.


1. Using a non-descriptive headline. 1.使用非描述性主题

A \"Hi\" may be nice to start a regular conversation. But when we are talking about emailing and subject lines then a more descriptive subject line is useful. It will quickly convey what your email is about and it will stand out among the other 100 subject lines your reader is scanning through in his/her inbox. 开始进行一个平常的交谈时使用“hi”可能会很好。但是,当我们讨论写电子邮件和信件主题时,一个略微更具描述性的主题是有用的。它能够快速传达你的邮件的信息,并且能够在你的收件人的多达上百个主题的邮件中脱颖而出。 2. Rambling on and on. 2.啰嗦,东拉西扯

It's easy to fall into the trap of wanting to talk on and on about your problem, question, new product etc. It's great or interesting, so why not? The problem is just that people get a lot of emails. Maybe dozens or hundreds each day. If you don't get to the point quickly then you may lose their interest halfway through the email. So, get to the point quickly.


3. Not explaining properly. 3.没能适当解释。

It's easy to assume that people know as much as you do and that some things are just self-evident. That's not always the case though. You shouldn't write too long and rambling emails. But you shouldn't write too short emails either. If you have something that may need to be explained, explain it clearly but as simply as you can. Make sure that you get the point of the email across to your reader. 很容易认定人们和你知道的一样多,而且认为有些事情是显而易见的。但事实并非如此。你不能写太长和离题的邮件,但你也不能把它写的太短。如果你有事情需要解释,那么就该尽可能简单地清楚解释它。一定要让你的邮件是直达主题。 4. Being too formal. 4.格式太正规。

Having a really formal tone can be helpful sometimes. Other times a less formal tone is more useful.


An email is often a way to build and develop a relationship of some sort. To do that, emotions must come into play. You want to create an emotional

connection to your reader. That doesn't mean that you should be overemotional though.


Just try to write to someone in a relaxed tone. The same tone that you would use if you met that person in a relaxed conversation in real life. Write kinda like you talk. Then your email will have a conversational tone. And the connection between the two of you will often be better and more natural. How do you write in a conversational tone? Be relaxed when you write the email and your tone will be relaxed. If you are tense or anxious, try a few belly breaths or take a short break out in the fresh air.


5. Messing up your contact information. 5.联系方式杂乱无章

Have you included all the necessary information on how to get a hold of you? What is your phone number or fax number? When are you available for calls? What is most likely the quickest way to get a hold of you? And, finally, don't forget to triple check the addresses and digits for your website, phone etc. 你把你所有联系方式的必要信息都写进去了吗?你的电话或传真是多少?你什么时候能够接电话?最快可能联系到你的方式是什么?最后,不要忘了多次检查你的地址信息和网站、电话等的数字正确与否。

6. Using email in the first place. 6. 首先考虑使用电子邮件


When phone or face to face is better. There is certainly a larger risk for misunderstandings if you use email. There is no body language or voice tonality to convey nuances and emotions. And emoticons can only go so far.If you have a possibly emotional issue to bring up consider using the phone or meeting face to face instead. No point in creating totally unnecessary conflicts.

当电话和面对面交流更好时,如果你使用电子邮件,会有存在误会的危险。因为电子邮件中没有身体语言或者声音语调来传达你的神韵和情感。情感只能走到此为止。如果你带来了可能情感化的话题,考虑使用电话或者会议来代替电子邮件。没必要去制造完全不需要的冲突。 7. Not reading through your email an extra time before hitting send. 7. 在发送之前没花额外的时间通读你的邮件。

There may be typos, spelling errors or even things you thought about writing but forgot too add. Again, thoroughly check your contact information in the email. And don't forget to check that your attachment is actually attached to the email.

