Appraisal Record For Supplier Survey
Ref. GVSR no報告編號.
Vendor: 供應商 Location: 地址 Responsible Person and Title: 聯系人/職務 No. Of Survey: 評估次數 Survey Team: 評估人員 Item 項目 I 2 3 4 5 6 □1ST □ 2ND □3RD □ Others: Survey Date: 評估日期 QP Survey Rating And Survey Team Comment/評估內容和評估結果
Section 部分 Management System管理系統 Resource Management資源管理 Supplier Management供應商管理 Incoming material control and verify來料的控制與驗證 Product process control產品實現控制 System control and maintain 體系控制與維持 Total/合計 Survey Result評估結果 Total Number of Non-conformance不符合項總數_______ □Acceptable可接受 □Audit result is acceptable with no findings 審核未發現不符合項 □Minor findings - Needs written reply with CAP and evidence of documents support within 2 weeks 輕微不符合-須要在2周內回復糾正預防措施和文件記錄支持證據 □Unsatisfactory(supplier shall implement the requested corrective action and re-audit if necessary) 不滿意(供應商應實施改善措施,如需要再次進行審核) □Major findings - Needs written reply with CAP and follow up audit within 3 months if necessary. 主要不符合-須要回復糾正預防措施,如有需要再3個月內進行再次審核 □Critical findings - Suspension of certification for 3 months. Re-certification is allowed through passing the re-audit.致命不符合-暫停3個月的供應商資格,再次審核合格後恢復資格 評估目的:對供應商品質系統進行全面評估,加強對供應商和委外加工商產品質量與安全要求,提升產品的品質。 Score 得分 Remark 備注事項 Overall reviews整體評語: QA/QC Dept 品質部 MSS Dept 物料開發 與供應部 Prepared By/Date 評估人/日期 Approval By/Date 批核人/日期 Approval By/Date 批核人/日期 Prepared By/Date 評估人/日期
Remarks for completion of checklist / report 審核清單/報告備注
OP-74-001.F07.02 Page 1 of 6
Appraisal Record For Supplier Survey
Ref. GVSR no報告編號.
1). “Yes” – Compliance is demonstrated. “是”-符合要求
2). “No” – Corrective actions are required. “否”-有改善措施要求
3). Evidence shall be recorded in “Findings” in justifying “Yes”, “No” or “NA” decision. 有證據支持判定的結果
4). Suggestions shall be written in “Opportunities for Improvement” at the end of each section 在每項最後將建議項填寫在“改善點”一欄中 5). Score Scheme: 分數分配 Description 描述 Not familiar with requirements, no documentation and no implementation 未達到要求,無文件支持和未實施 Familiar with requirements with limited documentation and preliminary planning and implementation 基本接近要求,有有限的文件支持和初步的計劃與實施行動 0-<60% Implementation, with some documentation 實施0-<60% ,有部分文件支持 60-95% Implementation and with basic documentation 實施60-95%,有基本的文件支持 Analysis of results and on-going continuous improvement can be demonstrated in key areas linked to customer satisfaction 審核結果和持續改善行動在主要方面達到客戶滿意 The factory demonstrates significant innovation in news way to show relevant results beyond the customer requirements and sets as industry benchmark. 審核結果高於客戶要求,達到行業基准
Score 分數 0 1 2 3 4 5 OP-74-001.F07.02 Page 2 of 6
Appraisal Record For Supplier Survey
Ref. GVSR no報告編號.
Appraisal Check List評估內容 1.0 Management System管理系統 Compliance 符合性 Remark 備注事項 Is established Quality System and wrote Quality Manual and procedure according to ISO requirement? 1.1 是否建立品質控制系統並按照ISO體系要求編寫手冊與程□Yes □No □NA 序文件? Is management system documented and keep the inspection record (incoming /in-process/ finished product) □Yes □No □NA 1.2 to tracked through? 是否已形成文件式管理?是否有並保留產品檢驗記錄(進料,制程,成品)並可追溯? For product safety standard (eg.ASTM/EN71/CONEGor any other similar requirements from customers, is there a procedure to ensure such standards/requirements are fully □Yes □No □NA 1.3 met? 對於安全物料標准(如ASTM/EN71/CONEG等)與客戶的類似要求,是否有相應的管制程序以確保產品完全滿足規定/要求? Are product safety standards and regulations collected? (Such as ASTM F963、EN 71、CONEG etc)? 1.4 是否收集與產品要求相關的法律法規及相關技術指令(如ASTM F963、EN71、CONEG等)並按照要求跟進? Are test reports and compliance letter completed and 1.5 returned to QP? 是否向QP提交相應的測試報告及聲明書? Opportunities for Improvement改善點 2.0 Resource Management資源管理 □Yes □No □NA □Yes □No □NA Compliance 符合性 Remark 備注事項 2.1 Does vendor have the sufficient technical support to follow up our product quality requirement? □Yes □No □NA 是否有足夠的資源來滿足我公司產品品質的需要? Is the manufacturing and inspection equipment inspected or maintained quality? 生產設備及檢測設備是否定期檢驗和保養? Is the personnel clear about the responsibility of quality to insure they are competent for the job? 是否明確從事影響產品質量工作人員的要求,保證這些人員能夠勝任工作? □Yes □No □NA 2.2 2.3 □Yes □No □NA Opportunities for Improvement改善點 3.0 Supplier Management供應商管理 Compliance 符合性 Remark 備注事項 OP-74-001.F07.02 Page 3 of 6
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Ref. GVSR no報告編號.
3.1 Is material and supplier evaluation mechanism established against product Safety Specification? And evaluation results for suppliers clearly recorded down? 是否制定關鍵供應商的評估評價准則,並定期評估供應商與跟進,保存相關記錄以便追溯? Is Safety Supplier List and Approval Vendor List( AVL) established? 是否有建立安全物料供應商名錄? Does request evidence from suppliers or conduct relevant testing on all relevant incoming materials to assure compliance of Safety Material requirements? 是否要求供應商定期提供《合格的測試證明》與《符合性聲明書》並評審保存? □Yes □No □NA 3.2 □Yes □No □NA 3.3 □Yes □No □NA Opportunities for Improvement改善點 In-coming Material Control And Confirmation 4.0 來料的控制與驗證 4.1 Is all material processed through incoming inspection and identified? 是否對來料進行檢驗? Is the definition and control procedure on key material and product mechanism established against material/product safety Specification? 是否有針對其安全物料/產品要求定義關鍵物料及控制方法? Are test reports and compliance letter provided by sub-suppliers checked and verified? 是否定期抽樣測試以驗證供應商來料的符合性? Compliance 符合性 □Yes □No □NA Remark 備注事項 4.2 □Yes □No □NA 4.3 □Yes □No □NA Any CAR requested and followed closely for non-compliant incoming materials? 4.4 來料管制物質含量測試超標時是否要求供應商執行有效糾正措施並跟進改善效果? Opportunities for Improvement改善點: 5.0 5.1 Product Process Control/產品實現控制 Are the machine parameter and performance in key process has been monitored ? Is there any record? 是否對關鍵工序的機器參數、產品特性加以監視並記錄? Are the machines washed to avoid pollution in process? Any record? 是否對生產設備進行清洗避免制程污染,並保存記錄? Are incoming materials, semi-products, products, and materials returned from production line clearly identified Safety Material status? 是否有明確規定安全物料生產前、生產中物料、成品及退倉物料的識別方法? □Yes □No □NA Compliance 符合性 □Yes □No □NA □Yes □No □NA Remark 備注事項 5.2 5.3 □Yes □No □NA OP-74-001.F07.02 Page 4 of 6
Appraisal Record For Supplier Survey
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5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 Is verification action or standard defined in quality control item? IS standard for Inspection established output according to industrial standard, design document and customers requirements? 是否有明確的控制驗證措施或標準?檢驗標準是否根據行業標準,設計輸出文件及客戶要求制定? Does vendor have the first sample evaluation report, the sample list and the sample approval procedure for the manufacturing? 是否對首辦進行評估,是否有樣辦清單及樣辦審批程序? Is there a procedure to indicate what product does comply to the requirements of Safety Specification at manufacturing plant? 工廠是否可通過物料清單識別其産品是否有安全要求? Does vendor have set up SPC for manufacturing process monitoring? 是否運作SPC對生產制造過程中進行監控? Are the tested OK materials and product clearly marked and separated between those waiting for test ? 貨倉是否對測試合格物料,成品和待測試物料及成品有標識並區分擺放? Is there Batch No on product for traceability to search for its material with related code ? 成品是否有批號控制,並且能追溯到成品所用的每種物料及批號? □Yes □No □NA □Yes □No □NA □Yes □No □NA □Yes □No □NA □Yes □No □NA □Yes □No □NA Is the test plan for final products enough? 5.10 是否有針對成品物質含量管制進行測試以驗證其産品符合□Yes □No □NA 性? Is quality problem from process and finished product in time feedback and analysis and handled effectively? Does nonconforming control of product & material include □Yes □No □NA 5.11 identification,documentation,segregation? 制程異常問題及成品異常問題是否得到及時反饋及有效分析改進和處理?不合格物料及不合格品的管控是否包含標識,文件記錄,隔離? Are all discrepant materials, semi-products and finished □Yes □No □NA 5.12 products properly segregated, identified and stored? 不合格物料、半成品和成品是否有區分、判定和儲存? Opportunities for Improvement改善點 6.0 Control And Maintain System體系控制與維持 Is there an audit (once per year) Safety Material Management System to guarantee its efficiency? 是否定期(至少每年一次)對體系進行自查,保證體系的有效實施和保持? Is quality problem from customer in time analysis and handled effectively? 客戶提出的品質問題是否及時有效的分析和處理? Is Safety Material Management System Internal Audit result recorded and reviewed by management? Are corrective and preventive actions taken and recorded? 是否對安全物料管理系統進行定期評審並作出相應糾正預防行動及記錄? Compliance 符合性 □Yes □No □NA Remark 備注事項 6.1 6.2 □Yes □No □NA 6.3 □Yes □No □NA OP-74-001.F07.02 Page 5 of 6
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Ref. GVSR no報告編號.
6.4 6.5 Are the result of corrective and preventive actions confirmed to be efficiency? 是否驗證了糾正預防措施實施的有效性並得到保持? Is Safety material Management training provided to employees and record kept? 是否有對員工進行安全物料規定/要求培訓,並有相關記錄? □Yes □No □NA □Yes □No □NA Opportunities for Improvement改善點 7.0 7.1 Reference Item 參考項目 (注:不計入總分) Does vendor employee have the good mentality on the environmental protection? 員工是否有環境保護意識? Is there any properly separate action against the factory waste? 垃圾是否分類處理? Are all waste water ,waste gas and waste residue appropriate disposed in the factory? 工廠廢水,廢氣,廢渣的有效處理? Compliance 符合性 □Yes □No □NA □Yes □No □NA □Yes □No □NA □Yes □No □NA □Yes □No □NA Remark 備注事項 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Does the employing corporation oblige the personnel to work against their will?有無強迫勞工? Does the employee earn the minimum salary standard of the local level? 員工薪資有無達到當地最低工資標准? Are there the fire protection practice and the fire-prevented system training in the plant? 有無進行消防系統培訓及消防演習? Does the vendor obtain the qualification certification of ISO 9000 and ISO14000? 有無取得ISO 9000和ISO14000証書? 7.6 □Yes □No □NA □Yes □No □NA 7.7 Opportunities for Improvement改善點
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