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1. a- ①无、不、非 acentric ②含有in, on, at, by, with, to, of等意义 asleep ③加强意义 aloud
2. ab- 离去、相反、不 abnormal/abuse/abduct
3. ac- 含有at, to 之意,或表示加强及引申意义 accustom/account/acquit 4. ad- 含有at, to 之意,或表示加强意义 adjust/adventure/adjunction 5. af- 含有at, to 之意,或表示加强意义 affamish/affirm 6. ag- 含有at, to 之意,或表示加强意义 aggravate/aggrieve 7. amphi- 两,双 amphibiology/amphibian 水陆两栖
8. an- ①无、不annoynmous/anarchism/anharmonic ②加强或引申意义
annotate/annihilate/announce/annul 9. ante- 前、先 anteroom/antedate/antecessor 10. anti- 反对、相反、防止 antiwar/anticontagious
11. ap- 加强或引申意义 appoint/appease/apprehension/approximate/appraise 12. apo- 离开(亦作ap-)apology
13. ar- 含有at, to 之意,或表示加强及引申意义 arrange/arrect/arrive 14. as- 含有at, to 之意,或表示加强及引申意义 assimilate/assort/assign 15. at- 含有at, to 之意,或表示加强及引申意义 attract/attrap 16. auto- 自己、自动 autorotation/autobiography
17. be- ①使… 使成为… belittle/becalm/benumb ②加以… 饰以… 用…(做某
事)bepowder/becloud ③在 beside/below/before/behind ④表示加强及引申意义 belaud/besiege/bemoan 18. bene- 善、好 benevolent/beneficent 19. bi- 两,二 bilingual/bilateral/bicycle
20. by- 旁、侧、非正式、副 byroad/bywork/byname 21. circum- 周围、环绕 circumplanetary/circumsolar 22. co- 共同 cooperation/coagent/comate 23. col- 共同 collaboration/collocate/collingual
24. com- ①共同 compatriot/compassion ②加强或引申意义 compress/commix 25. con- ①共同 concentric/conjoin/condominate ②加强或引申意义
conclude/consolidate/confront/contribute/confirm/condense 26. contra- 反对、相反、相对 contraclockwise/contradict
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27. cor- ①共同、互相 correlation/correspond ②加强或引申意义
28. counter- 反对、相反 counterattack/counteroffensive
29. de- ①否定、非、相反 destruction/decompose ②除去、取消、毁
desalt/depollution/decode ③离开 detrain/deplane ④向下、降低、减少 depress/devalue/depopulation ⑤使成…作成…或仅作加强意义 delimite/design/depicture 30. deca- 十 decameter/decagram 31. deci- 十分之一 decilitre 32. demi- 半 demigod/demilune
33. di- 二、双 ditheism/digamy/dioxide/diacid
34. dia- 贯穿、对穿、穿过、透过 dialogue/diameter/diathermal 35. dif- 分开、否定、不 diffluence/differ/diffuse
36. dis- ①不、无、相反 dislike/disability ②取消、除去、毁
disroot/discourage/disarm ③加在含有“分开”、“否定”等意义的单词之前,dis-则作加强意义 dispart/dissemination/disannul ④分开、离、散 dissect/dispense/dissolve [注] dis-有时也作di- divert/digress/divorce 37. dys- 不良、恶、困难 dysfunction/dysphonia
38. e- ①加强或引申意义,使… evaluate/evaporate ②出、外
eject/erupt/emigrate/emerge/evade ③除去 eradicate 39. ef- 出、离去 effluence
40. em- ①表示“置于…之内”、“上…” embay/embed ②表示“用…做某事”、
“饰以…”、“配以…” embalm/embar ③表示“使成某种状态”、“致使…”、“使之如…”、“作成…” embody/empower
41. en- ①表示“置于…之中”、“登上…”、“使上…” encase/encage/enroll ②表
示“用…来做某事”、“饰以…”、“配以…” entrap/enchain/encloud ③表示“使成某种状态”、“致使…”、“使之如…”、“作成…”enlarge/endanger/enrage/enrich/enable ④加在动词之前,表示“in ”,或只作加强意义enclose/entrust/entangle 42. endo- 内 endoparasite 43. ennea- 九 enneagon 44. eu- 优、善、好 euphonic
45. ex- ①出、外、由…中弄出 export/expose/exhume/expel ②前任的、以前的
ex-president ③表示“使…”、“做…”,或做加强意义 exalt/exaggerate
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46. exo- 外、外部 exogamy/exosphere
47. extra- 以外、超过 extraordinary/extrasolar 48. fore- 前、先、预先 foretell/forerun/foresee 49. hecto- 百 hectowatto 50. hemi- 半 hemisphere
51. hepta- 七(在元音前作hept-) heptarchy 52. hetero- 异 heterosexual
53. hexa- 六(在元音前作hex-)hexagon 54. holo- 全 hologram/holocrystalline
55. homo- 同 homosexual/homophone/homograph 56. hyper- 超过、过多、太甚 hypersexual/hypermilitant 57. hypo- 下、低、次、少 hypotension
58. il- 用在l之前 ①不、无、非 illegal/illiterate ②加强或引申意义 illustrate 59. im- (用在b, m, p 之前)①不、无、非 imbalance/immortal/impossible ②向内、
入 imbibe/immerge ③加强意义,或表示“使成…”、“饰以…”、“加以…”impel/impulse/impassion
60. in- ①不、无、非 inglorious/insensible ②内、入 inside/inject ③加强意
义, 或表示“使…”、“作…” inflame/incurve 61. infra- 下、低 infrastructure/infrasound
62. inter- ①在…之间、…际 international ②互相 intercourse/interview 63. intra- 在内、内部 intraparty 64. intro- 向内、入内 introduce/intromit
65. ir- (用在r之前)①不、无 irristable/irresolute/irrelative ②向内、入
66. iso- 等、同 isomorph/isotherm 67. kilo- 千 kilogram
68. macro- 大、宏、长 macrobian/macropod 长足的 69. mal- 恶、不良、失、不(亦作male-)maltreat/malediction 70. meta- ①超 metaphysical ②变化 metagenesis 71. micro- 微 microskirt
72. milli- (亦作mill- 与 mille-)①千分之一、毫 millimeter ②千
73. mini- 小 miniskirt/minicrisis
74. mis- 误、错、恶、不 misspell/misuse/misdoing/mistrust
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75. mono- 单一、独(在元音前作mon-)monarch/monoxide 76. multi- 多 multilateral/multilingual 77. neo- 新 neogamist/neonatal/neolithic
78. non- ①不 nonaligned ②非 nonage ③无 nonelastic 79. octa- (亦作octo- 与 oct-)octolateral/octavalent 八价的 80. omni- 全、都、公、都 omnipotent/omniform
81. out- ①超过、胜过 outnumber ②过度、太甚 outspend ③外、出 outdoor
④除去 outroot
82. over- ①过度、太甚 overpraise ②在上、在外、从上、越过
oversea/overleap/overlook ③颠倒、反转 overthrow 83. paleo- 古、旧 paleobotany/Paleolithic 84. pan- 全、泛 pantheism/pantropical
85. para- ①半、类似、准 parareligious ②辅助、副 paralegal/paramedic ③旁、
靠近、外 parasite/parabiosphere ④错误、伪 paraphasia 语言错乱 86. para- ①防、避开、保护 parasol(sol=sun 防止日晒) /parachute(chute=fall
保护降落) para-代替parachute,现已被广泛使用,它表示“空投”、“空降”、“伞投”、“伞兵”、“降落伞”等意义。 parabomb
87. pen- (=almost) 几乎、相近、相似、不完全是、差不多 (亦作pene-)
88. penta- 五(在元音前作pent-) pentagon/pentarchy
89. per- ①贯穿、通、透、全、遍、自始至终 perspective/pernoctation/perennial
②加强意义 perplex/permute/perfervid ③过、高(用于化学名词)peroxide 90. peri- 周围、外层、靠近 perigee/perihelion/perilune/periastron 91. poly- 多 polycrystal
92. post- 后 postwar/postpone/postnatal
93. pre- ①前 preposition/prefix/predawn ②预先 prepay/preheat/precool 94. pro- ①在前、向前 progress/protrude ②代理、代替 pronoun/prolocutor ③
拥护、亲、赞成 proslavery 95. proto- 原始 prototype/protocontinent
96. pseudo- 假(在元音前做pesud-)pseudomyopia/pseudopregnance
97. quradri- 四(亦作quadru-,在元音前作quadr-)quadrilingual/quadruped 98. quasi- 类似、准、半 quasi-sovereign
99. quinque- 五(在元音前作quinqu-) quinquennial
100. re- ①回、向后 return/reclaim/regress ②再、重复、重新 rearm/remarry
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③相反、反对 reation/rebel/resent/revolt 101. retro- 向后、回、反 retrogress/retrospect/ 102. se- 离开、分开 seduce/selude/segregate 103. semi- 半 semiliterate
104. sept- 七(亦作septi-及septem-)septangle 105. sex- 六(亦作sexi-)sexfoil
106. Sino- 中国 sinology/sinomania/Sino-American 中美的
107. step 后、继、后父或后母所生的,前妻或前夫所生的 stepfather/stepson(前
夫之子)/stepsister(后父之女,异父姐妹) 108. stereo- 立体 stereogram
109. sub- ①下 subway/submarine/subglacial ②次、亚、准
subtropics/subfamily ③稍、略、微 subacute/subarid ④副、分支、下级 subhead/subbranch ⑤接近 subarctic/subequatorial ⑥更近一层、再 subdivide/subtenant ⑦用于化学名词前,表示化合物成分含量少的 suboxide
110. super- ①超、超级 supersecret ②上 superaquous/superterrene ③过度、
过多 supersaturate
111. supra- 超、上 supramolecular
112. sur- 上、外、超 surface/surpass/surmount 113. sym- 共同、相同 sympathy/symmetry/symbiosis 114. syn- 共同、相同 synchronous/synonym/synthesis 115. tetra- 四(在元音前作tetr-)tetraoxide
116. trans- ①超过、横过、超 transmarine ②转移、变换 transform/transplant 117. tri- 三 trigonometry
118. twi- 二、两 twiformed/twofold
119. ultra- ①极端 ultrapure/ultrathin ②超、以外ultrasonic/ultrared 120. un- ①不 unreal ②无 unbounded ③非 unjust/unartificial ④未
undeclared ⑤相反动作、取消、除去 unbind ⑥从…中弄出 unearth 121. under- ①下 underlay ②内(用于衣服)underwear ③不足、少 underdress
④副、次 underagent 122. vice- 副 vice-principal
123. with- 向后、相反 withdraw/withstand/withhold
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