

2023-06-04 来源:好走旅游网

Learn to say no

Maybe because I too care about other people's feelings, so in the face of someone else's request, I will never have the heart to say \"no.\"Even the unreasonable demands, I also always readily agreed, particularly after they often regret this, I am full of contradictions.More than once I determined to learn to reject others, but each time the face of which both begging for attention, I retreat.Finally one day, I did, I refused an unreasonable request. Although it temporarily will I bring trouble, but I believe I am doing so.After half an hour of fighting, I'm finally share of papers. Just relieved! Trouble came. \"Can you lend us your papers look?\" After the desk asked me softly. I sighed with frustration, handed her the papers. Immediately behind the hilarious, I was very uncomfortable, I know that I helped them make mistakes, but I'm not even reject the weak have no courage. The voice behind more and more, I can not pretend nothing had happened, this is my fault. Suddenly, I turned quickly out of the hands from which both his papers. They looked at me serious face, seems to understand what I was courage, said: \"You should work independently. It does not matter, and that was not difficult, you must be completed.\" Listening to my1

words, theydisappointed, but I know this is only temporary, one day they will understand all this is for their good, finally remove the burden of heart here. This conscience feel good!I learned to refuse to change their own weakness. This life has been I feel the taste, I think it should be good for the United States refused. Rejected the city's bustling downtown, you get a weak rural tranquility. Misty rain turned sultry poetry, you get the pure sunny self.Rejected the bitterly painful events of the past, you will gain confidence easy smile. Learn to refuse, you will have a full flavor of the vast sky. Learn to refuse, you will fly in their own unique spiritual home.Let us learn to refuse to make life more meaningful.Let us learn to refuse to create a harmonious society.

Let us learn to reject, a better life.


Learn to say no

Maybe because I too care about other people's feelings, so in the face of someone else's request, I will never have the heart to say \"no.\"Even the unreasonable demands, I also always readily agreed, particularly after they often regret this, I am full of contradictions.More than once I determined to learn to reject others, but each time the face of which both begging for attention, I retreat.

Finally one day, I did, I refused an unreasonable request. Although it temporarily will I bring trouble, but I believe I am doing so. After half an hour of fighting, I'm finally share of papers. Just relieved! Trouble came. \"Can you lend us your papers look?\" After the desk asked me softly. I sighed with frustration, handed her the papers. Immediately behind the hilarious, I was very uncomfortable, I know that I helped them make mistakes, but I'm not even reject the weak have no courage. The voice behind more and more, I can not pretend nothing had happened, this is my fault. Suddenly, I turned quickly out of the hands from which both his papers. They looked at me serious

face, seems to understand what I was courage, said: \"You should work independently. It does not matter, and that was not difficult, you must be completed.\" Listening to my

1 words, theydisappointed, but I know this is only temporary, one day they will understand all this is for their good, finally remove the burden of heart here. This conscience feel good! I learned to refuse to change their own weakness. This life has been I feel the taste, I think it should be good for the United States refused. Rejected the city's bustling downtown, you get a weak rural tranquility. Misty rain turned sultry poetry, you get the pure sunny self.Rejected the bitterly painful events of the past, you will gain confidence easy smile. Learn to refuse, you will have a full flavor of the vast sky. Learn to refuse, you will fly in their own unique spiritual home.

Let us learn to refuse to make life more meaningful. Let us learn to refuse to create a harmonious society. Let us learn to reject, a better life.


We've all been taught that we should help people. It is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others. It may even win us favors in return. However, we must be realistic. We can't say yes to every request. If we did, we would fail or go crazy for sure. Sometimes we simply don't have the time to help. In this case, we must know how to say no politely.

When we need to say no, here is one method we can try. First, we should tell the truth. If we really can't do something, we should just say so. Second, we should remember to refuse requests politely. We must

communicate clearly, but must also be sincere and sympathetic. A true friend will understand. Finally, we must not feel guilty about saying no. Sometimes refusing others is the right thing to do. It can save ourselves, and them, a lot of trouble. In short, we cannot please everyone all the time. Refusing favors is a part of life.

我们都被教导说,我们应该要帮助别人。这是应该做的事,而且这样做会使我们受人欢迎。它甚至会为我们赢得一些回报。但是,我们必须要实际一点。我们不能答应每一个要求。如果我们这么做,我们就一定会失败或发疯。有时候我们确实没有时间去帮忙。既然如此,我们就必须知道如何有礼貌地说不。 当我们需要说不的时候,有个办法我们可以试试。首先,我们应该要说实话。假如我们真的办不到某件事,我们就应该说不。第二,我们应该记得要客气地拒绝对方的要求。我们必须清楚地表达,但态度也必须真诚并且表示同情。一个真正的朋友会谅解的。最后,我们不必为了说不而觉得有罪恶感。有时候拒绝别人才是我们应该做的事。它可以替我们自己和别人,都省下许多麻烦。总而言之,我们无法一直取悦每个人。拒绝请求是人生的一部分。



We've all been taught that we should help people. It is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others. It may even win us favors in return. However, we must be realistic. We can't say yes to every request. If we did, we would fail or go crazy for sure. Sometimes we simply don't have the time to help. In this case, we

must know how to say no politely.

When we need to say no, here is one method we can try. First, we should tell the truth. If we really can't do something, we should just say so. Second, we should remember to refuse requests politely. We must communicate clearly, but must also be sincere and sympathetic. A true friend will understand. Finally, we must not feel guilty about saying no. Sometimes refusing others is the right thing to do. It can save ourselves, and them, a lot of trouble. In short, we cannot please everyone all the time. Refusing favors is a part of life.


心理健康活动课《学会拒绝》教学设计 【设计理念】



1、认知目标:通过本次辅导活动,让学生了解辨别生活中有哪些不合理要求需要拒绝。 2、情感目标:当别人提出不合理要求或做自己力所不能及的事情时要拒绝。

3、能力目标:独立思考,是非明确,能听清楚别人提出的要求什么地方不合理;拒绝时语气要婉转,态度要诚恳,要说出充分的理由,力求使对方心服口服地接受拒绝。 【辅导重、难点】

重点:培养学生学会判断、敢于说“不”。 难点:学会解决学习和生活中遇到的问题。 【辅导对象】二年级 【辅导过程】


同学们,今天上课前,老师想和大家玩一个小游戏。这个小游戏的名字叫做“抓手游戏”。 现在请全班同学按照四人小组围圈站好,左手向上并伸出食指,右手张开,放在右边同学的食指上。当你们听到老师说到含有“不”字的句子时,你们必须马上用右手去抓住右边同学的食指,同时你也要收回左手食指,避免被你右边的同学给抓到。

二、主题活动,情景聚焦,认识拒绝,分析拒绝。 1.观看视频小故事《小狗的邀请》。 (1)思考: ① 小兔子为何最后会伤心地哭了呢? ② 小兔子为何会答应小狗的邀请?

③ 小兔子其实想去看马戏么?为什么? (2)交流讨论。

(3)小结:是呀!我们想要获得真诚永久的友谊,得到别人的肯定,接受和拒绝同样的重要。生活中,拒绝别人或遭人拒绝是件很普通的事情。因为我们要满足每个人每件事是不太现实的,所以我们在应该说“不”时大胆地说“不”。(师相机板书课题 说“不”没关系------学会拒绝) (设计意图:通过观看生动的视频故事,让学生更加直观地了解到,没有拒绝别人的好意所带来的一些麻烦,从而很巧妙地导入到今天心理辅导课的主题——学会拒绝)

2.交流讨论:下面哪一种情况应该拒绝? (1)同桌交流 (2)全班汇报。 3.观看视频小故事《小猴的邀请》。 (1)思考: ① 小兔子最后为何也不高兴? ② 小猴子怎么会非常生气地走了? (2)汇报。


(设计意图:通过故事的延续,让学生明白:在生活中不仅要懂得拒绝,更重要地是懂得如何去拒绝。) 三、指导行为,如何拒绝。 1.学会说“不”三步曲。

(1)归纳总结:第一步,学会耐心聆听;第二步,学会正确判断;第三步,婉转拒绝。(师相机板书 聆听 判断 拒绝) (2)拍手齐唱《说“不”三步曲》儿歌。 2.观看视频小故事《小熊的邀请》。

(1)思考: ① 小兔子拒绝了小熊的邀请,为何小熊还是非常开心地离开了? ② 小兔子是怎样拒绝小熊的?

③ 你们从小兔子身上学到了什么? (2)交流讨论。

(3)小结:是呀!我们平时拒绝别人的时候也要注意礼貌,要文明用语。 (设计意图:通过故事的发展,学生能更加深刻地记住如何更加文明有礼地拒绝别人,让别人不会受到伤害,自己也能快乐起来。) 3.观看视频小故事《小壁虎借尾巴》。

(1)思考: ① 小壁虎为何要去借尾巴?借到了么? ② 小鱼借尾巴给小壁虎了么?她是怎样拒绝的? ③ 小壁虎会生气么? (2)交流讨论。 四、帮帮团:锦囊妙招。






(设计意图:通过设计生活中学生会遇到的一些情境,让学生说出如何拒绝的理由,再次强化学会拒绝的技巧。) 1.四人小组交流讨论。 2.全班汇报。 3.小结:只要我们学会了如何婉转地拒绝别人的好意或请求,我们就能更好地与人交往。我们就能更加快乐的生活,你们身边的朋友也会越来越多。

五、齐唱《祝愿歌》 【板书设计】 说“不”没关系 ——— 学会拒绝 聆听 判断 拒绝
