专利名称:System and method for dynamically
reconfiguring a programmable gate array
发明人:Iadanza, Joseph Andrew申请号:EP96480061.9申请日:19960507公开号:EP0748051A3公开日:19971217
摘要:In each of multiple logic cells of a Programmable Gate Array (\"PGA\"), aprogramming array is provided having multiple programming words therein. Each of theprogramming words is engagable to control the configuration of the logic cell. The
programming words are selectively engaged such that multiple functions are performedby the logic cell within the PGA. As a result, a PGA with a number of virtual logic cells inexcess of actual physical logic cells is provided. The PGA therefore has the capability toemulate a PGA with a larger number of logic cells than it physically has.
申请人:International Business Machines Corporation
地址:Old Orchard Road Armonk, N.Y. 10504 US
代理机构:Lattard, Nicole