
Module 1 - Review Questions

2020-10-17 来源:好走旅游网
Hi All,

My answers to the activities for discussion

Activity 1.3

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Activity 1.4

Turn to page 42 in the text. Do the ‘Management in practice’ experiential: I got 19, 16 and 14.. but im not sure what the first part mran. Do we subtract those scores from question six??? exercise.

1. Why do you think these three skills categories are all needed in order to be a good


Conceptual skills give a manager the ability to see the bigger picture and plan for the future. Technical skills help a manager provide the correct solutions and to understand what their team does, humanistic skills help a manager relate to, motivate and manage the people they deal with throughout the day.

2. What do you think the ideal ranking would be of these three skills categories for a

good manager? Why?

It depends on the industry and the team they're managing. In an IT team the managers technical skills are important so they understand what the team is talking about and can make informed decisions. Across the board i would guess that humanistic skills provide the greatest value for short term loyalty and productivity from staff and conceptual skills will provide long term value to the company by creating vision and innovation that will maintain the competitiveness of the company while also helping the manager to understand many departments needs.

3. Does it look like you will be able to become a good manager? Why do you think so?

What will you have to do to develop yourself into becoming a good manager? Project manager: responsible for temporary work project. Coordinates resources and manages a project to completion.

General manager: responisble for several departments and most ptobablly has first line managers reporting to them (sales manager, ops manager etc)

First line manager: directly reponsible for the production of goods and services. First/second level

Top manager: responsible for the entire organisation. At the top of the heirarchy.

I'm not really a people person so i already know i need to work on that and my politicking skills

Can someone tell me where to find the Video that we're supposed to watch for the self assessment questions? Is it essential?
