
Social Network Service for Semiconductor Manufactu

2023-01-21 来源:好走旅游网

专利名称:Social Network Service for Semiconductor

Manufacturing Equipment and Users

发明人:Chung Ho Huang,Henry T. Chan,Chad R.

Weetman,David J. Hemker




摘要:Methods and systems for sharing information related to operational metrics ofa plurality of equipment used in manufacturing of semiconductor wafer includes

interfacing a server with the equipment to allow the server to receive a plurality ofparameters including operational metrics associated with operation of each of theplurality of equipment. The plurality of parameters are processed to identify event-related data, message-related data and to generate human-readable interpretation forthe identified event-related data and the message related data. Users are identified forreceiving the operational metrics of each of the plurality of equipment. The event-relateddata, message-related data and the corresponding human-readable interpretation forthe operational metrics associated with each of the equipment are forwarded to a socialnetwork service for performing a posting operation to social data streams associatedwith the identified users. The operational metrics received over time from each of theequipment are managed so as to provide timely updates to the respective users on thestatus of each equipment. The timely updates are provided as additional postings to therespective social data streams of the users.

申请人:Lam Research Corporation

地址:Fremont CA US


