

2021-10-17 来源:好走旅游网

英制(SAE J429)螺栓所用材料:

Grade Material and Treatment C Element% Min 1 2 4 5 5.1 5.2 7 8 8.1 SAE 1541 8.2 Low or medium carbon steel Medium Medium Carbon Low or Low or Carbon cold steel quenched medium medium carbon steel drawn steel and tempered carbon steel Medium Carbon alloy steel quenched and tempered -- --- --- 0.55 --- --- 0.55 --- 0.048 0.13 --- 0.28 0.55 --- 0.048 0.058 --- 0.15 0.15 0.30 0.25 --- 0.74 0.28 0.55 --- 0.28 0.55 --- 0.28 0.55 --- 0.15 0.25 0.74 0.048 0.058 0.0005 Max 0.55 Mn Min P Max S Max B Min 0.048 0.048 0.058 0.058 --- --- 0.048 0.048 0.040 0.058 0.058 0.045 --- 0.0005 ---- 0.040 0.048 0.045 0.058 --- --- 英制螺栓(SAE J429)的机械性质:

Full Size Bolts, 机械性能Machine Test Specimen Of Bolts,Screws,and Studs ElongationReduction Of Surface Core 强度等级 Grade Designation 产品Products 规格Nominal Size Dia In Screws,Studs,Sems Hardness Hardness Proof Load Tensile Strength Yield Strength Tensile Strength Rockwell Rockwell 伸长率 Area断面收缩 30N Max Min Max Bolts螺栓 1 Screws螺钉 Studs螺柱 Bolts螺栓 1/4 thru 1-1/4 33000 60000 36000 60000 18 35 --- B70 B100 1/4 thru 3/4 Over 3/4 thru 1-1/2 55000 74000 57000 74000 18 35 --- B80 B100 2 Screws螺钉 Studs螺柱 33000 65000 85000 60000 115000 120000 36000 100000 92000 60000 115000 120000 18 10 14 35 35 35 --- --- 54 B70 B100 4 Studs螺柱 Bolts螺栓 1/4 thru 1-1/2 1/4 thru 1 Over 1 thru 1-1/2 No.6 thru 5/8 C22 C32 C25 C34 5 Screws螺钉 Studs螺柱 74000 105000 81000 10500 14 35 50 C19 C30 5.1d此螺丝有垫片 Bolts螺栓 Screws螺钉 Studs螺柱 Bolts螺栓 Screws螺钉 85000 120000 --- --- --- --- 59.5 C25 C40 No.6 thru 1/2 / / / / / / / / / 5.2 7e此螺丝热处理后辗牙 1/4 thru 1 85000 120000 92000 120000 14 35 56 C26 C36 Bolts螺栓 Screws螺钉 1/4 thru 1-1/2 105000 13300 115000 133000 12 35 54 C28 C34 2019-2-2第 - 1 - 页 共 23 页


Carbon:碳 0.28-0.55 0.25-0.58 0.15-0.38 0.13-0.41 Manganese min锰 0.60 0.57 0.70 0.67 Phosphorus max磷 0.040 0.048 0.040 0.048 Sulfur ,max硫 Boron ,min硼 Chemical化学成份 Type1 Heat analysis Product analysis Heat analysis Product analysis 0.050 0.058 0.050 0.058 Surface Hardness Reduction of Area ,min % --- --- 0.0005 0.0005 Hardness硬度 Brinell Rockwell HB布氏 HRC洛氏 255to321 223to285 25to34 19to30 --- Type2 强度等级 Grade Designation 产品Products 规格 Nominal Size Dia. In 1/4 thru 1 Proof Load Tensile Strength Full Size Bolts, Screws,Studs, Yield Strength Elongation in 4D min % Rockwell 30N Max / / TYPE2 TYPE1 85ksi 74ksi 55ksi 120ksi 105ksi 90ksi 92ksi 81ksi 58ksi 14 14 14 35 35 35 Bolts螺栓 Studs螺柱 Bolts螺栓over 1 thru 1-1/2 over 1-1/2 thru3 183t235 8 8.1 8.2 Screws螺钉 Studs螺柱 Studs螺柱 Bolts螺栓 Screws螺钉 1/4 thru 1-1/2 120000 150000 130000 15000 12 35 58.6 C33 C39 1/4 thru 1-1/2 1/4 thru 1 120000 120000 150000 150000 130000 130000 150000 150000 10 10 35 35 --- 58.6 C32 C38 C33 C39 英制螺栓(ASTM A449)的化学成份和机械性质: 配合的螺帽为ASTM A563中的产品:

These values are the as the over-tapping required for zinc coated nuts in Specification ASTM A563

1/4至1-1/2英寸普通产品配合的螺帽为ASTM A563的B普通螺帽(hex);1-1/2至3英寸普通产品配合的螺帽为ASTM A563的A重型螺帽(heavy hex);1/4至3英寸镀锌产品配合的螺帽为ASTM A563的DH重型螺帽(heavy hex)

英制螺栓(ASTM A307)的化学成份和机械性质:

Chemical 化学成份 Carbon:碳 Heat analysis Product analysis Heat analysis Product analysis

Manganese min锰 Phosphorus max磷 max 0.90 max 0.93 max 0.90 max 0.93 max 0.04 max 0.041 max 0.04 max 0.041 Sulfur max硫 Boron min硼 Grade A GradeB max0.29 max0.33 max0.29 max0.33 max 0.15 --- max 0.05 max 0.051 ① --- --- 备注: 1lbf=4.448N 1 ksi=6.9Mpa 1lbf=0.4593kgf 2019-2-2第 - 2 - 页 共 23 页


Full Size Bolts, Surface Hardness Reduction Area min % of Rockwell 强度等级 产品规格Nominal Size Dia In Less than 3xdia Proof Load Tensile Strength Screws,Studs, Yield Strength Elongation in 2 in min % Hardness硬度 Brinell Rockwell HB 121-241 max241 HRB 69-100 max100 69-95 max95 Grade Designation Products Grade A Bolts螺栓 30N Max / / / 3xdia and longer Less than 3xdia Min 60ksi 60-100ksi --- --- 18 18 23 / / / / / / Grade B Grade C 121-212 max212 Studs螺柱 3xdia and longer All 58-80ksi 36(50)ksi No hardness required ①Resulfurized steel is not subject to rejection based on product analysis for sulfur

配合的螺帽为ASTM A563中的产品:

1/4至1-1/2英寸普通产品配合的螺帽为ASTM A563的A 普通螺帽(hex);1-1/2至4英寸普通产品配合的螺帽为ASTM A563的A重型螺帽(heavy hex);1/4至4英寸镀锌产品配合的螺帽为ASTM A563的A重型螺帽(heavy hex)

英制螺栓(ASTM A354)的化学成份和机械性质:

Chemical For size Heat analysis Product analysis Heat analysis Product analysis Carbon:碳 Manganese min锰 Phosphorus max磷 0.30-0.53 0.28-0.55 0.35-0.53 0.33-0.55 / / Full Size Bolts, Screws,Studs, Proof Load Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation in 2 in min % Reduction of Area min % Sulfur max硫 Boron min硼 max 0.035 max 0.040 max 0.035 max 0.040 max 0.040 max0.045 max 0.040 max0.045 Surface Hardness Rockwell 30N Max 化学成份 through 1-1/2 in For size Large than1-1/2 in / / 强度等级 产品规格Nominal Size Dia In 1/4 to 2-1/2 Over 2-1/2 1/4 to 2-1/2 Over 2-1/2 Hardness硬度 Brinell HB 255-331 235-311 311-363 293-363 Rockwell HRC 26-36 22-33 33-39 31-39 Grade Designation Products Grade BC Grade BD 105ksi 95ksi 120ksi 105ksi 125ksi 115ksi 150ksi 140ksii 109ksi 99ksi 130ksi 115ksi

Bolts螺栓 Studs螺柱 16 16 14 14 50 45 40 40 / / These values are the as the over-tapping required for zinc coated nuts in Specification ASTM A563

译文:这些值为镀锌产品的要求,在ASTM A563中对螺帽有具体要求。

英制螺栓(ASTM A193)的机械性质:

Grade and Class 2019-2-2第 - 3 - 页 共 23 页

Diameter Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation in Reduction of Hardness硬度 Refer 青岛天时海洋石油装备有限公司

in. B5 B6 B6X To 1/4 incl. To 1/4 incl. To 1/4 incl. To 2-1/2 incl. B7 Over2-1/2 to 4 Over 4 to 7 To 2-1/2 incl. B16ksi Min 100 110 90 125 115 100 125 110 100 100 100 75 75 0.2% Offset Min 80 85 70 105 95 75 105 95 85 80 75 30 30 4D min % Min 16 15 16 16 16 18 18 17 16 18 18 30 30 Area min % Min 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 45 45 50 50 50 50 Max Brinell Rockwell To note 1 1 1 -- -- -- --- -- -- 321 321 321 235 235 223 223 -- -- C26 C35 C35 C35 C35 C35 C35 B99 1 Over2-1/2 to 2 Over 4 to 7 To 4 incl. 1 B7M Over 4 to 7 Classes 1 and 1D: B8,B8M,B8P,B8LN,B8MLN Class1: B8C,B8T Class 1A:B8A,B8CA,B8MA,B8PA,B8TA,B8LNA all ,B8MLNA,B8NA,B8MNA,B8MLCuNA Classes 1B and 1D: B8N,B8MN,B8MLCuN Class 1C and 1D: B8R Class 1C: B8RA all all all 80 100 100 35 55 55 30 35 35 Elongation in 4D min % Min 40 55 55 Reduction of Area min % Min 223 271 271 B96 C28 C28 75 30 30 50 192 B90 all all B99 B96 B96 1,2 3,4 4 3 3.4 3 3 Grade and Class Class 1C and 1D: B8S Class 1C: B8SA Diameter in. all all To 3/4 Over 3/4 to 1 Tensile Strength Yield-Strength ksi Min 0.2% Offset Min Hardness硬度 Max Brinell Rockwell 271 271 321 321 321 321 C28 C28 C35 C35 C35 C35 Refer To note 3 3 95 95 125 115 105 100 50 50 100 80 65 50 35 35 12 15 20 28 55 55 35 35 45 45 Class 2: B8,B8C,B8P,B8T,B8N Over 1 to 1-1/4 Over1-1/4 to1-1/2incl. To 3/4 Over 3/4 to 1 3,5 110 100 95 90 96 80 65 50 15 20 25 30 45 45 45 45 321 321 321 321 C35 C35 C35 C35 3,5 3 Class 2: B8M,B8MN,B8MLCuN Over 1 to 1-1/4 Over1-1/4 to1-1/2incl. To 2 incl. Class 2B: B8,B8M2 Over 2 to 2-1/2incl. Over2-1/2 to 3 incl. 95 90 80 85 85 75 65 55 65 60 25 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 60 60 321 321 321 321 321 C35 C35 C35 C35 C35 3,5 Class 2C: B8M3

To 2 incl. Over 2 3,5 2019-2-2第 - 4 - 页 共 23 页



1. The minimum temperature for Grades B5, B6X,and B7 shall be 1100°F; for Grade B16, 1200°F;



2. To meet the tensile strength requirements, the hardness shall be over Brinell 201(Rockwell B94)minimum.

译文:硬度一定要在201布氏(94HRB)硬度以上,抗拉强度一定能达到。 3. Class 1 is solution treated-Class 1A is solution treated in the finished condition for corrosion resistance; heat treatment is critical due to physical property requirements. Class 2 is solution treated and strain-hardened. Austenitic steels in the strain-hardened condition may not show uniform properties throughout the section particularly in sizes over 3/4 in .in diameter. 译文:Class 1将其视为1级对待,Class 1A的材料应进行表面处理,具有防腐蚀性

能,Class 2类的各等级的材料应接受碳化物固溶处理后应变硬化奥氏体钢,尤为3/4以上的螺栓,经硬化后可能出现整个面上各部分性能不均匀现象.

4. For diameters 3/4 in. and smaller, a maximum hardness of Brinell 241(Rockwell B 100) is permitted.

译文:直径为3/4或更小的产品,硬度要求为最大241布氏(100HRB)硬度。 5. For diameters 1-1/2 in. and larger, center(core) properties may be lower than

indicated by test reports which are based on values determined at mid-radius.


Table 3 Grade Identification Markings for Popular Grades of Carbon Steel Nuts

Grade Identification Marking Nominal Size in. Hardness Proof Load Rockwell硬Stress ksi载荷 度 See Note参见Specification规 Material材料 2019-2-2第 - 5 - 页 共 23 页


Min NO MARK SAE J995-Grade 5 ASTM A563-Grade DH Carbon Steel 1/4 thru 1 120 - C32 12 ASTM A563-Grade O ASTM A563-Grade A ASTM A563-Grade B SAE J995-Grade 2 Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel 1/4 thru 1-1/2 1/4 thru 1-1/2 1/4 thru 1 Over 1 thru 1-1/2 1/4 thru 1-1/2 1/4 thru 4 69 90 120 105 90 144 B55 B68 B69 - B78 Max C32 C32 C32 C32 C38 笔记 3,4 3,4 3,4 11 5 Carbon Steel Carbon Steel ASTM A563-Grade may be C Quenched and Tempered Atmospheric corrosion ASTM A563-Grade Resistant Steel, C3 may be Quenched and Tempered Carbon Steel ASTM A563-Grade may be D Quenched and Tempered 1/4 thru 4 144 B78 C38 5,9 1/4 thru 4 150 B84 C38 6 Carbon Steel, Quenched and Tempered Atmospheric corrosion ASTM A563-Grade Resistant Steel, DH3 Quenched and Tempered ASTM A194-Grade 1 Carbon Steel 1/4 thru 4 175 C24 C38 6 1/4 thru 4 175 C24 C38 5,9 1/4 thru 4 1/4 thru 4 130 150 B70 159 - 352 2,7 2,7,8 ASTM A194-Grade Medium Carbon 2 Steel Medium Carbon ASTM A194-Grade Steel, 2H Quenched and Tempered 1/4 thru 4 175 C24 C35 2,7 Table 3 Continued next page

Table 3 Grade Identification Markings for Popular Grades of Carbon Steel Nuts


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Grade Identification Marking See Notes 1,2 NOTES:(备注)

1. In addition to the indicated grade marking, all grades, except A563 grade O, A

and B, must be marked for manufacturer identification.

Specification Material Nominal Size in. Proof Hardness Load Rockwell硬Stress 度 ksi保Min Max 载 150 150 150 150 175 159 C24 C26 C26 C24 237 C30 C34 C36 C38 See Note Medium Carbon ASTM Steel, 1/4 thru 4 A194-Grade 2HM Quenched and Tempered Medium Carbon 1/4 thru 5/8 Steel, SAE J995-Grade 8 Quenched and over 5/8 thru 1 >1" Tempered Medium Carbon ASTM Alloy Steel, 1/4 thru 4 A194-Grade 4 Quenched and Tempered Medium Carbon ASTM Alloy Steel, 1/4 thru 4 A194-Grade 7 Quenched and Tempered Medium Carbon ASTM Alloy Steel, 1/4 thru 4 A194-Grade 7M Quenched and Tempered 10 2,7,8 12 2,7 175 C24 C38 2,7 150 159 237 2,7,8 除所列等级标记外,所有等级(除A563,O、A、B级外),必需注明厂家自己标记。 2. The markings shown for all grades of A194 nuts are for cold formed and hot

forged nuts. When nuts are machined from bar stock, the nut must be additionally marked with the letter‘B’.The letters H and M indicate heat the ated nuts. 3. Nuts are not required to be marked unless specified by the purchaser. When

marked, the identification marking shall be the grade letter O, A or B. 4. Properties shown are those of non plated or non coated coarse thread hex

nuts. For properties of other nut styles, nuts with fine threads, and plated or coated nuts, refer to Table 3, page B-171. 5. Properties shown are those of coarse thread heavy hex nuts.

A194标准,所有螺帽都是冷墩成型和热处锻造成型螺帽。当螺帽是由棒钢机械加工而成时,需在标记上加字母“B”;字母“H”和“T”表示是经热处理的螺帽。 如购货方无特殊要求,螺帽上可以不注明等级标记。如果要注明的话,等级标记为字母O、A或B。 所示机械性能,是非电镀、粗牙、六角螺帽的机械性能。细牙、电镀螺帽的机械性能,参阅B171页,表3。 6. Properties shown are those of coarse thread heavy hex nuts. For properties of

other nut styles and nuts with fine threads, refer to Table 3, page B-112. 7. Properties shown are those of coarse and 8-pitch thread heavy hex nuts. For

properties of coarse and 8-pitch hex nuts, refer to Table 3, page B-132.

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所示机械性能是粗牙、重型六角螺帽的机械性能。 所示机械性能是粗牙、重型六角螺帽的机械性能。细牙螺帽和其它类别螺帽的机械性能参阅B-112页,表3。


8. Hard-nesses are Brinell Hardness Numbers.

所示机械性能是粗牙,牙数为8的重型六角螺帽的机械性能。粗牙,牙数为8的普通六角螺帽的机械性能参阅B132页,表3。 9. The nut manufacturer, at his option, may add other markings to indicate the

use of atmospheric corrosion resistant steel. 10. Specifications(详细说明)—

ASTM A563-Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts, page B-167.

硬度是布氏硬度。 如采用防腐蚀钢材,螺帽生产厂家可增加其它标记。 ASTM书A563-碳钢、合金钢螺帽,B-167页。 ASTM A194/A194M-Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure and High Temperature Service, page B-126.

ASTM A194/A194M –经高压、高温处理的,与螺栓配套的碳钢,合金钢螺帽。

11. Grade 2 不需打任何标记。 12. Grade 5 and 8应标记等级。

HV表示维氏硬度,是硬度的一种测量方法及单位; KSI是千磅/平方英寸,是压强,具体地说是抗拉强度单位; 抗拉强度和硬度之间非线性关系,一般可以查表换算:


1 KSI = 1000 lb / in.2 = 1000 x 0.4536 x 9.8 N / (25.4 mm)2 = 6.89 N / mm2

Table 2 Grade Identification Markings for Popular Grades of Carbon Steel

Externally Threaded Fasteners

Grade Identification Marking Specification Material Hardness Proof Tensile Rockwell Load Nominal Size in. Stress Strength ksi Min ksi Min Max See Note 2019-2-2第 - 8 - 页 共 23 页


SAE J429-Grade 2 Low or Medium ASTM A307-Grade Carbon Steel A ASTM A307-Grade B SAE J429-Grade 1 1/4 thru 1-1/2 1/4 thru 3/4 over 3/4 thru 1-1/2 1/4 thru 4 33 55 33 - - - 60 74 60 60 B70 B100 B80 B100 B70 B100 B69 B100 307A 307B 1/4 thru 4 Medium Carbon Steel, Quenched 1/4 thru 1-1/2 and Tempered Medium 1/4 thru 1 Carbon Steel, over 1 thru Quenched 1-1/2 and Tempered over 1-1/2 thru 3 Low or Medium Carbon Steel, No.6 thru 1/2 Quenched and Tempered Low Carbon Martensite Steel, 1/4 thru 1 Quenched and Tempered Medium Carbon Steel, Quenched and Tempered 1/2 thru 1 Atmospheric over 1 to 1-1/2 corrosion Resistant Steel, Quenched and Tempered

Table 2 Continued next page

60min B69 100max B95 No Mark SAE J429-Grade 4 SAE J429-Grade 5.1 ASTM A449-Type 2 A325 65 115 - - 仅指studs SAE J429-Grade 5 ASTM A449-Type1 ASTM A449-Type1 85 74 55 120 105 90 C25 C19 183 C34 C30 235 3 85 120 C25 C40 4 SAE J429-Grade 5.2 C26 85 120 C25 C36 C34 ASTM A325-Type1 5 85 74 120 105 C24 C19 C35 C31 6 ASTM A325-Type3 Table 2 Grade Identification Markings for Popular Grades of Carbon Steel

Externally Threaded Fasteners(Continued) Grade Nominal Size Proof Tensile Hardness Specification Material Identificatiin. Load Strength Rockwell See Note 2019-2-2第 - 9 - 页 共 23 页


on Marking SAE J429-Grade 7 BDASTM A354-Grade BC Medium Carbon Alloy Steel, 1/4 thru 2-1/2 105 Quenched and Tempered Medium Carbon Alloy Steel, 1/4 thru 1-1/2 105 Quenched and Tempered Medium 1/4 thru 1-1/2 Carbon Alloy Steel, Quenched and 1/4 thru 2-1/2 Tempered 120 Stress ksi Min ksi 125 Min C26 Max C36 热处理后再辗牙 133 - - SAE J429-Grade 8 ASTM A354-Grade BD 150 C33 C39 120 150 C33 C39 7 仅指studs No Mark A490 A490 Medium SAE J429-Grade Carbon Alloy 1/4 thru 1-1/2 8.1 or SAE 1541/1541H Low Carbon martensite SAE J429-Grade Steel, 1/4 thru 1 8.2 Quenched and Tempered Medium Carbon Alloy ASTM A490-Type Steel, 1/2 thru 1-1/2 1 Quenched and Tempered Low Carbon Marten-site ASTM A490-Type Steel, 1/2 thru 1 2 Quenched and Tempered Atmospheric Corrosion ASTM A490-Type Resistant 1/2 thru 1-1/2 3 Steel, Quenched and Tempered 120 150 - - 120 150 C33 C39 120 150 min 170max C33 C38 120 150 min 170max C33 C38 120 150 min 170max C33 C38 6 NOTES:(备注)

1.In addition to the indicated grade marking, all grades included in this table must be marked for manufacturer identification. 除所列等级标记外,此表中所有等级必需标注厂家自己的标记。

2.While hex heads are shown, grade markings apply equally to products with other head configurations. 如果是六角头型,等级标记等同与其它头型。

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3.Hardnesses are Brinell Hardness Numbers. 硬度为布氏硬度。 4.Grade 5.1 is a popular grade for SEMS. SEMS产品常用等级是5.1级,参阅J-10页。 5.A325 Type 1 bolts may also be marked with 3 radial lines 120°apart in addition to A325 marking. A325 1类产品,等级标记为 + A325 。

6.The bolt manufacturer, at his option, may add other markings to indicate the use of atmospheric corrosion resistant steel. 如采用防腐蚀钢材,厂家可增加其它标记来表明使用的是耐腐蚀钢材。

7.ASTM A354 Grade BD may have optionally six radial lines. ASTM A354 BD级可采用六条线标记。 8.Specifications—(详细说明:)

SAE J429 — Mechanical and Material Requirements for Externally Threaded

Fasteners, page B-79.

SAE J429—外螺纹紧固件 机械性能与材质要求,B-79页。

ASTM A307— Carbon Steel Externally Threaded Standard Fasteners, page B-90.

ASTM A307—碳钢外螺纹紧固件,B-90页。

ASTM A449— Quenched and Tempered Steel Bolts and Studs, page B-97.

ASTM A449—淬火、回火(碳钢)螺栓、螺柱,B-97页。

ASTM A325— High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, page E-28.

ASTM A325—高强度螺栓,E-28页。

ASTM A354— Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts, Studs, and Other

Externally Threaded Fasteners, page B-139.

ASTM A354—淬火、回火合金钢螺栓,螺柱及其它外螺纹紧固件,B-139


ASTM A490— Heat Treated Steel Structural Bolts, 150 ksi Minimum Tensile

Strength, page E-37.

ASTM A490—热处理钢结构螺栓,抗拉强度最小150 ksi,E-37页。 附表一:Reference to Fastener ldentification Markings

Specification No. SAE J429 ASTM A307 ASTM A449 ASTM A354 ASTM A193/A193M ASTM A320/A320M ASTM F593 ASTM F468 ASTM A325 ASTM A490 ASTM A394 ASTM F901 ASTM A563 ASTM A194/A194M Material See Clause No. Bolts, Screws and studs Carbon steel 6 Carbon alloy steel Carbon steel 13 Carbon steel 15 Carbon alloy steel 15 and S1 Carbon alloy steel 16 and S5 stainless steel Carbon alloy steel 11 stainless steel stainless steel 18 nonferrous alloys 17 carbon steel 16 Carbon alloy steel 18 Carbon steel 16 aluminum 17.1 and S2.1 Nuts Carbon steel 14 Carbon steel 14 Carbon alloy steel stainless steel On Page No B-79 B-90 B-97 B-139 B-114 B-104 B-148 B-158 E-28 E-37 E-44 E-51 B-167 B-126 2019-2-2第 - 11 - 页 共 23 页


ASTM F594 ASTM F467 ASTM F436 ASTM F959 stainless steel nonferrous alloys Washers Carbon steel Carbon steel 18.1 17.1 15 17 B-177 B-184 L-24 E-65 螺帽机械性质:


GB/T 3098.2/4、ISO 898.2/ 6、JIS B1052、SAE J995、DIN 267.4 、ASTM A563、ASTM A194、


螺纹组合件在实际使用过程中由于超拧,可能产生下列失效形式: 1. 螺杆断裂; 2. 螺杆的螺纹脱扣; 3. 螺母的螺纹脱扣; 4. 螺母和螺杆的螺纹脱扣;




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GB3098/JIS B1052

性能等级 C max 化学成份% Mn min P max 0.060/0.110 S max 4、5、6 8、9 10 12 / 04 05 / 0.50 0.58 0.58 0.58 ―/― 0.25 0.30 0.45 0.150 0.150 0.150/0.058 0.150/0.058 0.060 0.048 0.048 1)、性能等级为05、8(>M16的I型螺母)、10和12级螺母应进行淬火并回火处理。 2)、对于4、5、6和04、05级的螺母可以用易切钢制造(供需双方另有协议除外),其硫。磷和铅的最大含量为:硫0.30%(0.34%);磷0.11%;铅0.35%; 3)、对于10、12为改善螺母的机械性能,必要时可以增添合金元素 性能等级 04 螺纹规格 05 保证螺母 应力SP 热处理 型式 4 保证螺母 应力SP 热处理 型式 维氏硬度保证HV 应力mi> ≤ 维氏硬度HV min max 353 淬火并 维氏硬度螺母 HV min ma热处理 型式 max 不302 淬火薄SP n x -- M4 M4 18380 8 27500 2 薄-- 型 -- -- -- -- M7 型 回火 2019-2-2第 - 13 - 页 共 23 页


M1M7 0 M10 M16 M16 M39 回火 510 117 302 不淬火回火 1 性能等级 5 螺纹规格 6 保证螺母 应力SP 热处理 型式 8 维氏硬度螺母 保证HV 应力mi热处理 型式 保证应力SP > ≤ 维氏硬度HV min max 维氏硬度HV min maSP x 800 855/810 螺母 ma热处理 型式 n 180/170 x -- M4 M4 M7 M1520 580 590 13不0 302 淬火1 610 回火 600 670 680 15不淬0 700 30火回2 火 1 870/830 30200/ 2 188 不淬火回火 M7 0 M10 M16 M16 M39 880/840 1 630 146 720 170 性能等级 920 233 353 淬火并回火 螺纹规格 8 2019-2-2第 - 14 - 页 共 23 页

9 10 青岛天时海洋石油装备有限公司

保证应力SP > ≤ 维氏硬度HV mimax n 螺母 保证应力SP 维氏硬度螺母 HV 应力min ma热处理 型式 维氏硬度保证HV miSP n 1040 x ma热处理 型式 螺母 热处理 型式 x 900 -- M4 170 M4 M7 M1915 -- -- -- -- -- 940 30不淬火回182 火 8 950 2 1040 1040 272 1050 353 淬火并1 回火 M7 0 M10 M16 M16 M39 890 18302 不淬火回火 2 920 1060 0 性能等级 12 保证应力维氏硬度 螺母 HV min max 热处理 型式 螺纹规格 保证应力SP 1150 淬火 1150 维氏硬度 螺母 HV min max 热处理 型式 > -- M4 ≤ M4 M7 M1SP 1140/1150 1140/1150 淬火 1 1160 272 353 并 回火 2 1140/1160 295 353 并 回火 M7 0 2019-2-2第 - 15 - 页 共 23 页


M10 M16 M16 M39 1170/1190 1190 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1200 螺帽机械性质: 表一:GB3098.2/ JIS B1052

表二GB/T3098.4/JIS B1052

性能等级 04 维氏硬度螺纹规格 05 保证螺母 应力SP 热处理 型式 5(日标无要求) 保证螺母 应力SP 热处理 型式 维氏硬度HV min max 维氏硬度螺母 HV min 17ma热处理 型式 保证HV 应力miSP n x max 8≤d≤10 不10<d≤16 淬火薄27500 型 2 3 回火 35薄690 5 19720 0 30不 淬火 1 18380 302 淬火8 回火 并 型 2 16<d≤33 33<d≤39 回火 性能等级 6 螺纹规格 8 保证螺母 应力维氏硬度螺母 HV 应力HV 保证维氏硬度螺母 保证应力维氏硬度HV 2019-2-2第 - 16 - 页 共 23 页


SP min 8≤d≤10 10<d≤16 16<d≤33 33<d≤39 ma热处理 型式 SP min 25ma热处理 型式 SP min 19ma热处理 型式 x x x 302 2 不淬火回火 770 780 870 930 18不8 302 淬火23回火 3 1 1030 1090/1030 955 0 295 35淬火并 3 回火 1 890 5 -- -- -- -- 性能等级 10 保证螺纹规格 12 维氏硬度螺母 保证HV 应力mi热处理 型式 维氏硬度螺母 HV min ma热处理 型式 保证应力SP 维氏硬度螺母 应力SP HV min maSP n 29淬火0 2635并 2 -- 3 回火 0 1200 5 x ma热处理 型式 x 淬火353 1 回火 1055 x 35淬火回火 8≤d≤10 10<d≤16 16<d≤33 1100 1110 295 252 3 --- 33<d≤39 -- --- -- -- 1080 -- -- --- -- 1)D>16mm的螺母,可以淬火并回火,由制造者确定.


螺帽等级 Nut Grade 螺帽称呼径 Nut Size Dia, in 保证应力KSI / PSI 粗牙UNC,8UN 细牙UNF,12UN 硬度 Rockwell Hardness 2019-2-2第 - 17 - 页 共 23 页


2 5 8 1/4 thru 1-1/2 1/4 thru 1 Over1 thru1-1/2 1/4 thru 5/8 Over5/8 thru 1 Over1 thru 1-1/2 90/90,000 120/120,000 105/105,000 105/105,000 90/90,000 109/109,000 94/94,000 150/150,000 C32max C24-C32 C26-C34 C26-C36

Grade of Nut Composition,% Analysis分析 Carbon碳 Manganese min(锰) Phosphorus max磷 Sulfur max硫 0.55mHeat ax 0.58max --- --- 0.12 0.13B 0.15A --- Chemical 化学成份 O,A,B,C product 0.55mD CHeat product ax 0.58max 0.20-00.30 0.27 0.04 0.048 0.05 0.058 DH CHeat product .55 0.18-0.58 0.60 0.57 0.04 0.048 0.05 0.058 Grade of Nut O A Nominal Nut Size, in 1/4 to 1-1/2 1/4 to 1-1/2 1/4 to 1-1/2 1/4 to 1-1/2 1/4 to 1 1-1/8 to 1-1/2 1/4 to 1-1/2 1/4 to 1-1/2 1/2 to 1 Style of Nut square square hex hex hex hex hex hex hex Proof Load Stress, ksi Non-Zinc Coated Nuts 69 90 69 90 120 105 135 150 150 Hardness Zinc Coated Nuts Brielle Rockwell 52 68 52 68 90 79 135 150 150 103-302 116-302 103-302 116-302 121-302 121-302 159-352 248-352 248-352 B55-C32 B68-C32 B55-C32 B68-C32 B69-C32 B69-C32 B84-C38 C24-C38 C24-C38 Mechanical Requirements 机械性质 O A B B D1 DH2 DH3 2019-2-2第 - 18 - 页 共 23 页


A B B C1 C3 D1 DH2 DH3 A B B D1 DH2 1/4 to 4 1/4 to 1 Heavy hex Heavy hex 100 133 116 144 144 150 175 175 100 133 116 150 175 75 100 87 144 144 150 150 150 75 100 87 150 175 116-302 121-302 121-302 143-352 143-352 159-352 248-352 248352 B68-C32 B69-C32 B69-C32 B78-C38 B78-C38 B84-C38 C24-C38 C24-C38 1-1/8 to Heavy hex 1-1/2 Heavy hex 1/4 to 4 Heavy hex 1/4 to 4 Heavy hex 1/4 to 4 Heavy hex 1/4 to 4 Heavy hex 1/4 to 4 1/4 to 1-1/2 1/4 to 1 Hex thick Hex thick 116-302 121-302 121-302 159-352 248-352 B68-C32 B69-C32 B69-C32 B84-C38 C24-C38 1-1/8 to 1-1/2 Hex thick 1/4 to 1-1/2 Hex thick 1/4 to 1-1/2 Hex thick Nuts with UNF,12UN,and Finer Pitch Threads O A B B D1 DH2 A B B D1 DH2 1/4 to 1-1/2 1/4 to 1-1/2 1/4 to 1 1-1/8 to 1-1/2 1/4 to 1-1/2 1/4 to 1-1/2 1/4 to 4 1/4 to 1 hex hex hex hex hex hex Heavy hex Heavy hex 65 80 109 94 135 150 90 120 105 150 175 49 60 82 70 135 150 68 90 79 150 150 103-302 116-302 121-302 121-302 159-352 248-352 116-302 121-302 121-302 159-352 248-352 B55-C32 B68-C32 B69-C32 B69-C32 B84-C38 C24-C38 B68-C32 B69-C32 B69-C32 B84-C38 C24-C38 1-1/8 to 1-1/2 Heavy hex 1/4 to 4 1/4 to 4 Heavy hex Heavy hex 英制螺帽ASTM A563化学成份和机械性质:

Mechanical Requirements Grade of Nut Nominal Nut Size in Style of Nut Proof Load Stress ksi Non-Zinc Coated Nuts Zinc Coated Nuts Hardness Brinell Rockwell 2019-2-2第 - 19 - 页 共 23 页


机械性质 A B B D1 DH2 1/4 to 1-1/2 1/4 to 1 1-1/8 to 1-1/2 1/4 to 1-1/2 1/4 to 1-1/2 hex thick hex thick hex thick hex thick hex thick 90 120 105 150 175 68 90 79 150 175 116-302 121-302 121-302 159-352 248-352 B68-C32 B69-C32 B69-C32 B84-C38 C24-C38 备注:

A:For Grades O,A,and B a sulfur content of 0.23% max is acceptable with the purchasers


译文:O,A和B的允许硫的最大含量为0.23%。 B: Acid Bessemer-steel only. 译文:仅仅针对耐腐蚀的碳钢。

C: For Grades D and DH a sulfur content of 0.05-0.15% is acceptable, provided the

manganese is 1.35% min.

译文:D级和DH级允许的硫的含量为0.05-0.15%,但锰的含量为最小1.35%. 1: Nuts made in accordance to the requirements of specification ASTM A194/A194M Grade 2 or Grade2H,page B-126,and marked with their grade symbol are acceptable equivalents for Grades C and D nuts. When A194 zinc coated in inch series nuts are supplied, the zinc coating, lubrication and rotational capacity testing shall be in accordance with Specification ASTM A563.

译文:螺帽的生产要符合ASTM A194/A194M中的有关要求,2级和2H等级与C

级和D级等同采用并要有明确的标记在螺帽上;镀锌螺帽的外观尺寸参照ASTM A194中的有关规定,其机械性质参照ASTM A563中的有关规定.

2: Nuts made in accordance with the requirements of Specification A194/A194M Grade 2H,and marked with its grade symbol are an acceptable equivalent for Grade DH nuts When ASTM A194 zinc coated inch series nuts are supplied the zinc coating over-tapping lubrication capacity testing shall be in accordance with Specification ASTM A563.


A194的规定,其机械性能参照ASTM A563.

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英制螺帽ASTM A194的化学成份和机械性质:

Mang- Grade Symbol Material Carbon anese Phosp- Sulfur horus Silicon ium Chrom- Nickel denum nium and Tantalum Molyb- Tita- Columbium Selenium Elements Other 1 碳钢 0.15min 1.00max 0.04max 0.05max 0.40max -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2和2HM和2H 碳钢 0.40min 1.00max 0.04max 0.05max 0.04max -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 4 3 6 6F 6F 7.7M 8,8C 8C,8CA 8M,8MA 8T,8TA 承接前页:

Grade Symbol 碳钼 0.40-0.50 0.70-0.90 0.035max 0.040max 0.15-0.35 AISI501 0.10min 1.00max 0.04max 0.03max 1.00max -- -- 0.20-0.30 -- -- -- -- 4.0-6.0 --- -- -- -- -- 8.0-11.0 9.0-12.0 0.40-0.65 -- -- -- 0.15-0.25 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.70max -- -- -- -- -- -- Min10 -- -- -- -- -- 0.15min -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- AISI410 0.15max 1.00max 0.04max 0.03max AISI416 0.15max 1.25max 0.06max 0.15max 1.25max 0.06max 0.15min 0.06min 1.00max 11.5-13.5 1.00max 12.0-14.0 1.00max 12.0-14.0 AISI4142 0.37-0.49 0.65-1.10 0.04max 0.04max 0.15-0.35 0.75-1.02 AISI304 0.08max 2.00max 0.045max 0.030max 1.00max 18.0-20.0 AISI347 0.08max 2.00max 0.045max 0.030max 1.00max 17.0-19.0 -- -- -- AISI316 0.08max 2.00max 0.045max 0.030max 1.00max 16.0-18.0 10.0-14.0 2.00-3.00 AISI321 0.08max 2.00max 0.045max 0.030max 1.00max 17.0-19.0 9.012.0 -- Material Mang- Carbon anese 0.15max 2.00max 0.15max 2.00max Phosp- Sulfur horus 0.20max 0.15max 0.20max 0.06max Silicon Chro- Nickel mium 1.00max 17.0-19.0 1.00max 17.0-19.0 8.0-10.0 8.0-10.0 Molyb- Tita- Columbium Selenium Other Elements -- 0.15min denum nium and Tantalum -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.10-0.30 8F,8FA 8F,8FA 8P,8PA 8N,8NA 8LN,8LNA 8MN,8MNA 8MLN,8LMNA -- -- -- Ni 0.10-0.16 Ni 0.10-0.16 Ni 0.10-0.16 Ni 0.10-0.16 Ni 0.20-0.40 0.08max 2.00max 0.045max 0.030max 0.08max 2.00max 0.045max 0.030max 0.030max 2.00max 0.045max 0.030max 0.08max 2.00max 0.045max 0.030max 0.030max 2.00max 0.045max 0.030max 0.06max 4.0-6. 1.00max 17.0-19.0 11.0-13.0 1.00max 18.0-20.0 1.00max 18.0-20.0 8.0-11.0 8.0-11.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.00max 16.0-18.0 10.0-13.0 2.00-3.00 1.00max 16.0-18.0 10.0-13.0 2.00-3.00 8R,8RA 0.045max 0.030max 1.00max 20.5-23.5 11.5-13.5 1.50-3.00 2019-2-2第 - 21 - 页 共 23 页


8S,8SA 8MLCuN,8MLCuNA 0.01max 7.0-9.0 0.060max 0.030max 3.5-4.5 16.0-18.0 8.0-9.0 -- 6.0-6.5 6.0-7.0 0.50-0.65 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Ni0.08-0.18 Ni0.18-0.22 Ni0.18-0.25 Va0.25-0.35 0.020max 1.00max 0.030max 0.010max 0.80max 19.5-20.5 17.5-185 0.030max 2.00max 0.040max 0.030max 1.00max 20. 0-22.0 23.5-25.5 0.36-0.47 0.45-0.70 0.035max 0.040max 0.15-0.35 0.80-1.15 -- 9C,9CA 16 Grade of Nut Style of Nut Proof Load Stress ksi 130 Completed Nuts Rockwell Sample Nut after Treatment as in7.1.5.2 Rockwell Hardness B Brinell C Scale B Scale Brinell Hardness Mechanical Requirements Grade1 Grade2,2HM,6, 6F,7M Grade2H,3, 4,716 All Type of Grade8 Grades 9C and 9CA Heavy hex Hex Heavy hex Hex Heavy hex Hex Heavy hex Hex 121min 120 150 248-352 135 175 248-352 150 80 126-192 75 -- 70min 121HB min 70HRB min 24-38 -- 179HB min 89HRB min 机械性质 24-38 -- 201HB min 94HRB min -- 60-90 -- -- 注:最大硬度仅对经热处理的螺母或规格太大而不能进行保证载荷试验的螺母,才是强制性的;对其它螺母不是强制性的,是指导性的。对不淬火回火的,而又能满足保证载荷试验的螺母,最低硬度应不作为拒收依据。

保证载荷的应力面积AS按下式计算: AS=л/4(d2/2+ d3/2)²



d3= d1-H/6 mm


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P----螺距,mm; Л----圆周率,л=3.1416

注 螺帽成型最小孔径的计算为:规格-2H1(H1-0.561266P1)


(1) 安全负荷测试:将螺帽装在芯轴(芯轴硬度≥45HRC)上,施加一定的荷重,并持续10-15S,施加荷重时速率不得超过3mm/min,螺帽应能承受该荷重而不得脱扣或断裂,卸载后,应能用手将螺帽旋出,或借助扳手松开螺帽,但不得超过半扣(半牙)后用手将螺帽旋下来.试验中,若心轴损坏,则试验作废

(2) 硬度测试:常规检测应在一个承面上进行,并取间隔为120º的三点硬度平均值作为该螺帽的硬度值.如属未经热处理之螺帽,则在对角处各测一点; 如属经过热处理之螺帽,则在对角处各测3点;仲裁方法则是通过螺母轴心线的纵向截面上,并尽量靠近螺纹大径处进行硬度试验并采用HV30的试验力.

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