英语共有26个字母。同一个字母或字母组合可以有不同的读音,而不同的字母和字母组合又可以有相同的读音。所以读英语需要借助一套标音法。国际音标是传统的标音法。Phonics 是针对儿童学习特点,适合儿童学习英语语音的注音系统。它的核心是建立字母(letter)与语音(sound)之间的对应关系。不用借助音标,看着字母就可以直接读出该词的发音,解决单词不会读,无法拼的问题。孩子在熟悉这套规则后,可以依照读音,猜出该词的拼写。做到看词能读,听音会写。
学习phonics 之前,孩子需要学会26个字母。知道每个字母所代表的发音。之后学习 phonics 语音体系,熟悉26个字母和字母组合的基本发音。在此基础上,运用多种教学手段让孩子们熟练运用 phonics 。在掌握了phonics 后,孩子的认字能力会大大提高,能够进行自由阅读。 Phonics (字母拼读)是什么?
- Phonics,即字母拼读法(又译自然拼音)是自然形成的一种发音规则,它主要教授英文字母(letter)与语音(sound)间的对应关系,是美国、加拿大本土孩子的必修课程。在初级英语中70%的单词在拼读时都是有规律可循的。一旦掌握了这种发音规则就不必去翻查字典而能够顺利地将单词读出。一旦孩子们学习了这种不用音标的发音规律可以很快学会拼读不认识的单词,提前进入阅读领域,使英语学习变得简单、快乐、有趣。 为什么从小就要学 Phonics?
- Phonics教学在美国,至少已经有百年以上的历史了。适当的Phonics教学,一直被认为是最有效、最直接教授母语阅读的方法。美国学者Adams(1990)在Phonics Instruction for the Nineties 里指出,出现在初级阅读材料中的词汇,其语音和字母间的对应关系相当稳定。孩子通常能从出现频率最高的37个音组中,拼出大约500个最常使用的词汇。 国际音标 和 Phonics 的区别?
- 国际音标如同中文的拼音系统,是另外形成的辅助系统,是为母语不是英语的学习者所服务的。整个系统完整但规则相对抽象,对非母语系学习者确实相当有帮助。但学习一套全新的符号及其发音规则,即便是对小学高年级或初中生都不是很容易,更别说刚接触26个字母的幼儿了。
- Phonics 属于英语拼字系统的内在机制,经过百多年来的发展和完善,已是美国孩子的必学课程。
Phonics 更注重英文字母和其发音的对应关系,可以迅速提升英语阅读能力。对于英语为母语的学习者,因为有口语优势,在发现字母和发音的对应关系后,只要能把字的音念出来,就很容易联想到该字的意思,能直接认字或拼字。而中国孩子虽然没有母语背景、但Phonics 对于帮助认字、拼字、提高阅读能力,及从小教授正确英语发音方面仍然具有巨大的积极意义。
- 总的来说,这两者对中国学习者都是不可或缺的,只是适合学习的年龄段有所不同而已。只掌握音标,会造成现在很多中国孩子都有的碰到生词就无法开口的现象。要知道除了字典,很少有国外书籍或绘本、读本会标注音标哦,无法发音就会严重破坏阅读的流畅性,进而影响到孩子的学习兴趣。而只掌握Phonics,会让孩子发现随着学习深入到脱离初级英语范围后,越来越多的单词无法直接用Phonics 拼出,发生和不少欧美人士一样的阅读困难现象。英语发展千百年来,不断吸收各语种词汇,而中国孩子缺乏口语环境,发生读音差错不足为奇。若是能从幼儿阶段引入易学实用的Phonics,小学阶段再系统学习国际音标,将使孩子受用终身!
有一款教材 smart phonics 2010版, 质量还不错,可供你参考研究!
Phonics, Syllable and Accent
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Phonics Rules
The vowels are \"a,e,i,o, and u\"; also sometimes \"y\" & \"w\". This also includes the diphthongs \"oi,oy,ou,ow,au,aw, oo\" and many others.
The consonants are all the other letters which stop or limit the flow of air from the throat in speech. They are: \"b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,qu,r,s,t,v,w,x,y,z,ch,sh,th,ph,wh, ng, and gh\".
1. Sometimes the rules don't work.
There are many exceptions in English because of the vastness of the language and the many
languages from which it has borrowed. The rules do work however, in the majority of the words.
2. Every syllable in every word must have a vowel.
English is a \"vocal\" language; Every word must have a vowel.
3. \"C\" followed by \"e, i or y\" usually has the soft sound of \"s\". Examples: \"cyst\\"city\".
4. \"G\" followed by \"e, i or y\" usually has the soft sound of \"j\". Example: \"gem\\"gist\".
5. When 2 consonants are joined together and form one new sound, they are a consonant digraph. They count as one sound and one letter and are never separated. Examples: \"ch,sh,th,ph and wh\".
6. When a syllable ends in a consonant and has only one vowel, that vowel is short. Examples: \"fat, bed, fish, spot, luck\".
7. When a syllable ends in a silent \"e\long. Examples: \"make, gene, kite, rope, and use\".
8. When a syllable has 2 vowels together, the first vowel is usually long and the second is silent. Examples: \"pain, eat, boat, res/cue, say, grow\". NOTE: Diphthongs don't follow this rule; In a diphthong, the vowels blend together to create a single new sound. The diphthongs are: \"oi,oy,ou,ow,au,aw, oo\" and many others.
9. When a syllable ends in any vowel and is the only vowel, that vowel is usually long. Examples: \"pa/per, me, I, o/pen, u/nit, and my\".
10. When a vowel is followed by an \"r\" in the same syllable, that vowel is \"r-controlled\". It is not long nor short. \"R-controlled \"er,ir,and ur\" often sound the same (like \"er\"). Examples: \"term, sir, fir, fur, far, for, su/gar, or/der\".
Basic Syllable Rules
1. To find the number of syllables: ---count the vowels in the word,
---subtract any silent vowels, (like the silent \"e\" at the end of a word or the second vowel when two vowels a together in a syllable)
---subtract one vowel from every diphthong, (diphthongs only count as one vowel sound.) ---the number of vowels sounds left is the same as the number of syllables.
The number of syllables that you hear when you pronounce a word is the same as the number of vowels sounds heard. For example:
The word \"came\" has 2 vowels, but the \"e\" is silent, leaving one vowel sound andone syllable. The word \"outside\" has 4 vowels, but the \"e\" is silent and the \"ou\" is a diphthong which counts as only one sound, so this word has only two vowels sounds and therefore, two syllables.
2. Divide between two middle consonants.
Split up words that have two middle consonants. For example:
hap/pen, bas/ket, let/ter, sup/per, din/ner, and Den/nis. The only exceptions are the consonant digraphs. Never split up consonant digraphs as they really represent only one sound. The exceptions are \"th\
3. Usually divide before a single middle consonant.
When there is only one syllable, you usually divide in front of it, as in:
\"o/pen\ The only exceptions are those times when the first syllable has an obvious short sound, as in \"cab/in\".
4. Divide before the consonant before an \"-le\" syllable.
When you have a word that has the old-style spelling in which the \"-le\" sounds like \"-el\before the consonant before the \"-le\". For example: \"a/ble\ and \"this/tle\". The only exception to this are \"ckle\" words like \"tick/le\".
5. Divide off any compound words, prefixes, suffixes and roots which have vowel sounds.
Split off the parts of compound words like \"sports/car\" and \"house/boat\". Divide off prefixes such at \"un/happy\\"hope/less\" and \"care/ful\". In the word \"stop/ping\follows the rule that when you add \"-ing\" to a word with one syllable, you double the last consonant and add the \"-ing\".
Accent Rules
When a word has more than one syllable, one of the syllables is always a little louder than the others. The syllable with the louder stress is the accented syllable. It may seem that the placement of accents in words is often random or accidental, but these are some rules that usually work.
1. Accents are often on the first syllable. Examples: ba'/sic, pro'/gram.
2. In words that have suffixes or prefixes, the accent is usually on the main root word. Examples: box'/es, un/tie'.
3. If de-, re-, ex-, in-,po-, pro-, or a- is the first syllable in a word, it is usually not accented. Examples: de/lay', ex/plore'.
4. Two vowel letters together in the last syllable of a word often indicates an accented last syllable. Examples: com/plain', con/ceal'.
5. When there are two like consonant letters within a word, the syllable before the double consonants is usually accented. Examples: be/gin'/ner, let'/ter.
6. The accent is usually on the syllable before the suffixes -ion, ity, -ic, -ical, -ian, -ial, or -ious, and on the second syllable before the suffix -ate. Examples: af/fec/ta'/tion, dif/fer/en'/ti/ate.
7. In words of three or more syllables, one of the first two syllables is usually accented. Examples: ac'/ci/dent, de/ter'/mine.