专利名称:Method and system for interfacing to cloud
发明人:Robert S. Mason, JR.,Andres Rodriguez申请号:US14531106申请日:20141103
摘要:An interface between an existing local file system and a data store generatesand exports to the data store a versioned file system. The state of the local file system ata given point in time can be determined using the versioned file system. In operation, the
interface creates and exports to the data store structured data representations, whichcorrespond to versions of the local file system, as well as actual file system data thatthese structured data representations represent. A cache associated with the interfacestores recently used data and metadata, as well as all write data and metadata waiting tobe transferred to the data store. Prior to transfer, one or more data transformationsmay be applied to the data and metadata. In one embodiment, the data store comprisesone or more cloud storage service providers. A content control system is used toconfigure and manage the interface.
申请人:Nasuni Corporation
地址:Natick MA US