
人事部一级笔译样题参考答案 汉译英

2024-04-15 来源:好走旅游网

建立和完善刑事缺席审判制度是惩治和预防腐败犯罪的需要。腐败是人类社会的一个痼疾。随着经济全球化进程 的加快,腐败犯罪越来越猖獗,给当今世界各国造成许多 严重问题。腐败还同有组织犯罪和包括洗钱在内的经济犯罪之间有着千丝万缕的联系。

Establishing and improving the system of criminal judgment by default is a necessity to prevent and punish corruption crimes. As a persistent problem of human societies, corruption crimes become more rampant amid the increasing globalization, and posed a lot of serious problems in countries worldwide. In addition, corruptions are, in one way or another, connected to organized crimes and economic crimes including money laundry.

惩治和预防腐败是社会各界和世界各国政府的共同要求。就目前我国的司法实践来看,我国反腐败形势依然严峻, 腐败案件仍处在多发高发期,部分贪官携款外逃现象屡屡 发生。由于许多国家没有与我国签订双边引渡条约,从这 些国家引渡贪官并追回赃款的难度很大。

It is the common requirement of all walks of the society and national governments to prevent and punish corruption crimes. In terms of China's current judiciary practice, China is still facing a tough situation in fighting corruption amid a period of many and frequent corruption cases taking

place, with many corrupt officials fleeing abroad with money. Due to absence of extradition treaties between China and many other countries, it is rather difficult to extradite back corrupt officials from these countries and recover the illicit money.

如果按照现行刑事诉讼法规定,贪官一旦外逃又不能及时 抓捕归案,诉讼活动只能处于中止状态。我国于 2005 年 签署并加入了《联合国反腐败公约》( UN Convention Against Corruption)。该公约是第一个全球性反腐败法律 文件,资产追回机制是其一大建树。

According to China's criminal procedure law in force, if a corrupt official flees overseas and he is not apprehended in time, the legal procedure against him would be

suspended. In 2005, China subscribed to and joined the UN Convention Against Corruption, an international legal document

against corruption with assets recovery as its highlight.

《公约》中规定对于贪污公共资金或者对所贪污公共资金的洗钱行为,被请求缔约国应当在实行没收后,基于请求 缔约国的生效判决,将没收的财产返还请求缔约国。人民法院作出生效判决是我国利用《公约》追回腐败资产的关键。所以建立和完善我国刑事缺席审判制度势在必行。

According the Convention, in the event of an embezzlement of public funds or money laundering of such embezzled funds, the requested State Party shall, after confiscating such funds, in line with the effective court judgment from the requiring State Party, return the confiscated funds to the requiring State Party. Therefore, the judgment by people's courts is the key to China's recovery of corruption assets via the Convention. That's why it is imperative to establish and improve China's criminal

judgment system by default.
