

2020-04-18 来源:好走旅游网
扎赫拉城博物馆,科尔多瓦,西班牙MADINAT AL-ZAHRA MUSEUM, CORDOBA, SPAIN, 2008建筑设计:涅托-索韦哈诺事务所ARCHITECTS: Nieto Sobejano Architects1西班牙10世纪的扎赫拉古城被认为是世界上最重要的早期伊斯兰考古遗址之一,也是西欧大陆最大的一个,其挖掘工作现在依然在继续。博物馆作为一个向游人讲述遗址和展示考古发现的基点,也用作考古队的基地和研究、训练中心。涅托-索韦哈诺事务所精致巧妙的设计将博物馆综合体完美地融入基地和周围农田环境之中。由墙、露台和植物组成的一系列矩形体块,整体看来让设计更像一个景观而不是建筑。建筑师将首层3个出土建筑作为展览的入口,就好像博物馆等着人们从地下被发现一样。游客被引导着通过一系列的有顶空间和虚空空间:在一个大露台边的修道院承载了它的主要公共功能。另外两个院子分别为研究中心和外部展览空间。随着来自西班牙国内各地大量游客的到访,来此聆听西班牙民族在伊斯兰统治时期的坚韧的故事,由此而来,博物馆和其视听设计的影响显而易见。□1 地段平面/Site plan(版权/Copyright:Nieto Sobejano Architects)2 Mashrabiyya风格的开口和波光粼粼的池水/View of mashrabiyya-type openings, and reflecting pool34世界建筑 2011/05

2暗示与明示:2010阿卡汗建筑奖/IMPLICATE & EXPLICATE: THE 2010 AKAA 35

3The tenth-century palace city of Madinat al- Zahra is widely considered to be one of the most significant early Islamic archaeological sites in the world, and the most extensive in Western Europe. Excavations at the site are still ongoing, and the museum was conceived as a place to interpret the site and display the archaeological findings, as well as to serve as a training and research centre and the headquarters of the archaeological team. A refined and subtle design by the architectural firm Nieto Sobejano, the museum complex blends seamlessly into the site and the surrounding farmland: a series of rectangles composed of walls, patios and plantings which, taken together, seem more like a landscape than a building. The architects took the ground plan of three excavated buildings as 43 总平面/Master plan4 靠近工作区域的天井/Patio nearby the working areaswaiting to be revealed from the ground. Visitors are guided through a sequence of covered spaces and voids: the main public functions are arranged in a cloister around a broad patio. Two more courtyards define the research centre and the external exhibition area respectively. The impact of the building and its audiovisual programming is already evident in the large numbers of people who come from all parts of the country to visit the museum and hear its story of tolerance and convivencia under Islamic rule in Spain. □业主/Client: Junta de Andalucia, Consejeria de Cultura设计时间/Design: 2001-2003竣工时间/Completed: 2008建设面积/Built Area: 9 125m2a starting point, as though the museum had been 36世界建筑 2011/05

55 从大厅望向主天井/View of main patio from the lobby暗示与明示:2010阿卡汗建筑奖/IMPLICATE & EXPLICATE: THE 2010 AKAA 37

38世界建筑 2011/056评语扎赫城博物馆的建成体现了博物馆学与考古学间的独特联系。建筑和谐、低调地融入景观之中,体现出其服务场地之上的文物古迹,并与之有机结合在一起的明确职责。这种谦卑的姿态反而强化了建筑所要传达的信息,而这一信息对于我们所处的时代具有特别重要的意义:扎赫拉城博物馆在从土地中生长出来的同时,也与地面紧密地结合在一起,用建筑语言强调了无论在古今都对西班牙乃至整个欧洲具有根本性意义的伊斯兰文化的精神——文化萌发于其所在的土壤之中,这是形成地区多样化的根源之一。扎赫拉城博物馆以安达卢西亚之名(译注:科尔多瓦隶属安达卢西亚地区)象征着共存共生,并证明了科尔多瓦所拥有的不仅是过去,也有将来。□(司马蕾 译)7Jury CitationThe Madinat al-Zahra Museum is a unique 8celebration of the link between museology and archaeology. It harmoniously and humbly blends into the landscape, understanding itself as serving the heritage being revealed in the site to which it is organically connected. This humility only adds to the powerful message it represents, one that is of particular significance in and for our times. Because the Madinat al-Zahra museum springs out of the soil and remains incorporated with it, it presents with superb architectural eloquence the spirit of an Islamic culture which was—which is—indigenous to 910Spain and Europe, as it emanates from the ground itself, one of the region's multiple roots.The Madinat al-Zahra museum is a symbol of the conviviencia evoked by the name Andalusia and bears testimony that indeed, Cordoba is the future, not only the past. □116、7 两层高展室内景/View of the two levels of exhibitions8-12 剖面/Sections12暗示与明示:2010阿卡汗建筑奖/IMPLICATE & EXPLICATE: THE 2010 AKAA 39

131413 进入博物馆的坡道入口/Access ramp to the museum14 靠近工作区域的天井/Patio nearby the working areas40世界建筑 2011/05

151618171915 靠近工作区域的天井/Patio nearby the working areas16 休息室/The lobby17 工作区内景/View of the working area18 工作区走廊/Corridor in the working areas19 一层展览/View of the exhibitions on the ground floor (2-19版权/Copyright:Aga Khan Award for Architecture, Melissa Walsh, Maximillian Jacobson-Gonzalez)暗示与明示:2010阿卡汗建筑奖/IMPLICATE & EXPLICATE: THE 2010 AKAA 41
