专利名称:System and Method for Providing Secure
Remote Access to Computer-Based Work
发明人:Frank O'Dea,Donald Matthew Rankin
Ferguson,Omar Hussain Choudhry
摘要:Described are various embodiments of a system and method for providingenrolled users secure remote access to computer-based work originating from distinct
clients. In some embodiments, the system comprises a network-accessible computingunit having a business application operating thereon and being remotely accessible bydistinct network-enabled computing devices via respective secure network connectionthereto. The computing unit further has one or more data storage devices operativelyassociated therewith or accessible thereto to maintain a user register of enrolled usersand their respective work capabilities, as well as a register of computer-based tasks to becompleted for the distinct clients. The system is operable select at least one of enrolleduser as suitable for performing a designated task, authorize the selected user remoteaccess to the business application to complete the designated task; and track work doneby the selected user for remuneration purposes.
申请人:YP-IT LTD.
地址:Ottawa CA