专利名称:Optical wireless communications发明人:David John Edwards,Dominic Christopher
O'Brien,Grahame Edward Faulkner,DavidMichael Holburn,Robert Joseph Mears
摘要:An optical wireless local area network using line of sight optical links. The basestation and terminal stations are provided with optical transceivers which include a
transmitter array and detector array. The transmitter array consists of an array ofresonant cavity light emitting diodes integrated using flip-chip technology with a CMOSdriver circuit. The driver circuit includes constant bias, current peaking and chargeextraction. The driver circuitry is compact and can be confined within a region underlyingthe corresponding light source. The detector array consists of an array of photo diodes,provided with sense circuitry consisting of a pre-amplifier and post-amplifier. The diodesand sense circuitry are also integrated using a flip-chip technique. The light emitter andthe detector may include adaptive optical elements to steer and/or focus the lightbeams.
申请人:David John Edwards,Dominic Christopher O'Brien,Grahame EdwardFaulkner,David Michael Holburn,Robert Joseph Mears
地址:Oxford GB,Oxford GB,Oxford GB,Cambridge GB,Cambridge GB
代理机构:Nixon & Vanderhye, PC