

2021-08-18 来源:好走旅游网
Agricultural Science&Technology,2016,17(1 1):2602—2610 Copyright⑥201 6,Information Institute of HAAS.All rights resewed Agronomy and Horticultrue Tillering Characteristics of Different Varieties of Double..season Rice under Different Mechanical Transplanti ng Modes Muying LI ,Chengkuan HUANG,Xueming TAN,Xiaohua PAN,Qinghua SHI Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang 330045,China Abstract A tota J of 8 early—season and late—season rice varieties with different growth periods were selected,and their tillering characteristics under wide-narrow row and equaI row transplanting modes were studied.The results showed that the Iength of slow growth phase was reIa1ed to the performance of transplanter;the ef- fect of mechanicaI transplantinq on tillering of early—season rice was greater than that of Iate・season rice;compared with fate-season rice.early—season rice showed 不同机插条件下双季稻不同品 种的分蘖特性 李禾英 ,黄程宽。谭雪明,潘晓华,石度华 (江西农业大学.江西南昌330045) 要选择不同生育期的 、晚稻晶种各8 later tillering and longer tillering period;the tiller number per plant and effective 摘panicle number per plant difered greatly among different varieties of double—season 个,研究宽窄行和等行机插秧条件下不司品种 nce;under the condition of same transplanting density,the tillers of rice under wide- 的分蘖特性。结果表明:水稻机插秧缓苗期的 narrow row transplanting mode appeared rapidly and disappeared slowly,and wide— narrow row transplanting mode improved tillering.effective panicle number and yield 长短与插秧机的性能有关:机捕对 稻分蘖的 影响大于晚稻。早稻比晚稻分蘖起始慢、分蘖 of rice;diferent varieties of double-season rice showed different adaptability to me— chanical transplanting.and the varieties with shOn growth period.strong tillering a— 期长,不同品种的单株分蘖数和有效穗数差异 fI=i处理 bility and more effective panicles per plant were more suitable for mechanicaI trans— 较大:在相同密度的情况下,宽窄行机fplanting;the effecf of mechanicaI transplanting on reluvenation of rice could be im— 水稻在缓苗期后分蘖发生快、消亡慢,宽窄行 机插有利增加水稻分蘖、有效穗数以及提高水 稻产量;不同品种的机捅适应性有差异,生育 期短、单株分蘖力强和单株有效穗多的晶种适 合机插;机插对水稻缓荫的影响应该叮以通过 提高插秧机性能得到改善 关键词 双季稻;等行机插;宽窄行机{ ;分蘖 特性 proved by improving the performance of transplanter. Key words Double-season rice;Equal row mechanicaI transplanting;Wide.narrow r0w mechanicaI transplanting:IIIlering characceristics M eimchpaon ̄iaznetd  mperoadsucreti otno ist aabni- lize rice production and in— crease rice farmers’income.a techni— ment of mechanical transplantinq of dOubIe・seasOn rice,such as ioint of cropping seasons, knowledge of planting methods and integration of a cal suppo ̄for improving the compre- hensive production capacity of rice and achieving the security of food.and griculture and machinery【’一 .Jn the technology IeveI of mechanical tranS- planting,seedling technology is not standardized翻.and needs to be further improved.Farmers have not yet mas— tered the seedling technology for me. chanicaI transplanting,and the nursed seedlings cannot reach the require. ments of mechanicaI transplanting[4-5]. an inevitable trend of the development of modern rice cultivation.The deve1. opment course of mechanizatiOn Of rice production shows that mecha— nization of transplanting is the weakest Iink in meChanizatiOn of rice produc tion,and the development of mecha- nization of transplanting in double.sea. In addition,seedlings are vulnerable to mechanicaI damage.resulting in slow growth after transplanting I。1 and pro son rice areas;s particularly slow[1]_ Currently.the mechaniza On of rice transplanting is represented by me— chanicaI transplanting.There are many factors influencing the develop— Iongation of growth period[ ̄,which are also important factors influencing the promoting of rice transplanting ma- chine.Seedling claws of transplanter. 基金项目 国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目 (20l1BADl6B04);农业部超级稻专项;江西省 “555”领军人才项目 作者简介李木英(1953一),女,江西九江人. 研究员,从事作物栽培与生理生态研充 . 通 讯作者、E.mail:l5907097622@l63.com 收稿日期修回日期2Ol6一O9—12 2016一lO~15 have great impact on seedling roots, so that mechanically-transplanted planting mode,the row and plant additiona』fertilizers.Base fertilizer was spacing was(30 cm+23.8 cm)/2×1 3 applied during the tillage of field;tiller- cm,and the area of each plot was 54 ing fertilizer was applied 1 0 d after the seedlings have longer slow growth pe- riod and shorter effective tillering peri. m .The planting densi ̄was equiva— transplanting;and panicle fertilizer was Ient to 2.84 xl 0 plants/hm .Each Field management od,leading to jnsufficient effective applied in phase II of panicle differen. tiation.Thin water was maintained in panicle number and reduced yield『81. treatmerit was repeated twice. Due lo effects of mechanicaI injury and seedling density,low—position tillers of mechanically-transplanted rice seed paddy field during transplanting;shal— low water was maintained in paddy Nursery Early rice was sowed on March 24.Arched shed was employed for in. sulation,and plastic hard trays were employed for nursery.For equal row transplanting,the specifications of the field during tillering;after the trans. planting,the field was exposed to sun— light;inch of water was maintained in 1ings are prone to missing[9l_Existing research shows that influence of vari. ous unqualified technologies on oc. currence of tillers is an important rea. paddy field during heading and flow- enng;wetting and drying cycle was son for reduced yield of mechanically. transplanted rice.Different rice vari. eties have different tillering character. istics[1 DI.Panicle number is closely re. 1ated to the number of tillers.and pani. cle number is the most important com ponent of rice yield.Effective panicle number has an important influence on yield.Discussion on whether there are diferences in tillering ability among dif— ferent rice varieties under the condition of mechanical transplanting has im— portant application value for the dou— ble.-cropping rice with shorter vegeta—- tive growth period.The aim of this study was to provide reference for the selection and matching of high—yielding varieties of double-Cropping rice. Materials and Methods Test materials The experiment was carried out in Guangfu Village, Guangfu Town, Nanchang County in 201 2.The tested early rice varieties included Zhongji— azao 1 7,Zhuliangyou 81 9,03 You 66, Zhuliangyou 09,Lingliangyou 268,Xi— annong 25,Jinyou 458 and Xinfengy ou 22.and the tested late rice varieties included Wuyou 308,Rongyou 225, Wufengyou T025,Fengyuanyou 299, TaifengyOugan 3, TianyOuhuazhan, Tianyou 998 and Shanyou 1 0.The employed transplanters included equal row transplanter(Toyo PF455S)and wide-narrow row transplanter fGranville 2Z.455). Mechanical transplanting specifi- cations Total 8 rows in length of 25 m, were arranged for each treatment.In the equaI row transplanting mode,the row and plant spacing was 30 cm x 11.7cm.andthe area ofeach plotwas 60 m :i13 the wide-narrow row trans- nursery trays were 58 cm x28 cm x2.5 carried out in paddy field during grain cm,and the seeding rate of conven— filling;and water supply was cut off tional rice was 1 0O g ̄ray.and that of one week before harvest. hybrid rice was 67 g/tray;for wide.-nar.- Sampling method and data analysis row row transplanting,the specifica. After the transplanting,totaI 80 tions of the nursery lrays were 58 cmx rice plants were sampled for each 22 cmx2.5 cm,and the seeding rate of treatment.and their tiller numbers conventionaI rice was 78 g/tray。and were investigated once every 5 days. that of hybrid rice was 52 g/tray.AlI the 1n the maturity period.total 80 rice rice seedlings were transplanted on plants were sampled for each treat- April 1 9.Late rice was sowed on June ment.and their effective panicle num- 28,and the seedlings were nursed jn hers were investigated;according to plastic hard trays filled with paddy sol1. lhe average effective panicle number, For equal row transplanting,the seed- 5 rice plants were sampledfrom each ing rate was 67 g/tray;for wide-narrow replicate for seed test.A total of 1 00 row transplanting,the seeding rate rice plants were harvested for each was 52 g/tray.Al lthe seedlings were replicate of each treatment,and they transplanted on July 1 7. were threshed;the collected grains Field management were dried and weighed.Data pro— For early rice,the application cess ̄ng and mapplng were performed amounts of nitrogen(pure nitrogen), using ExceI 2003;analysis of variance phosphorus (phosphorus pentoxide) was carried out using DPS 7.05;and and potassium (potassium chloride) multiple comparisons were performed fertilizers were 180,80 and 1 8O kg/hm2, by Duncan s multiple range test. respectively.Nitrogen fertilizer was applied as base(50%),tillering(20%) Results and Analysis and panicle(3O%)fertilizers;alI the Growth periods and yield composi- phosphorus fertilizer was applied as tion of different varieties of double- basal fertilizer;and potassium fertilizer season rice under the condition of was applied as base(70%)and pani- mechanicaI transplanting cle(30%1 fertilizers.For Iate rice,the Yield composition and growth peri。 application amount of nitrogen(pure ods of different early rice varieties nitrogen),phosphorus(phosphorus As shown in Table 1.diferent pentoxide)and potassium(potassium transplanters showed no impact on chloride)fertilizers were 1 95,80 and growth period of early rice varieties; 1 95 kg/hm .respectively.Nitrogen under the same transplanting density, fertilizer was applied as base(40%), the average yield of rice under wide- tillering(20%)and panicle(40%)fertil narrow row mechanical transplanting jzers;all the phosphorus fertilizer was was higher than that under equal row applied as base fertilizer;and potassi・ mechanicaI transplanting by 2.90%; um fertilizer was applied as base for the same rice variety,the appear- (70%)and panicle(3O%)fertilizers. ance of Vield cOmpOnents under wide- N PK compound fertilizer and cal- narrOw rOw mechanical transpIantjng cium magnesium phosphate fertilizer was better than that under equal rOw were used as base fertilizers,and urea mechaniCaI tranSplantjng;廿1ere were and potassium chloride were used as 2604 2016 Diferent lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences at the 0 05 leve significant differences in yield among the tested rice varieties;Xinfengyou 22 showed the highest yield,followed by You 66 showed high effective panicle number,low grain number per panicle and Iow fruiting rate:Zhuliangyou 09 than that under equa row mechanicaI transplanting mode TianyOuhuazhan showed the highest yield,followed by Lingliangyou 268,and Zhuliangyou 09 and Xiannong 1 5 had low grain num・ ber per panicle and high fruiting rate; Xinfengyou 22 had more effective Tianyou 998 and Fengyuanyou 299, and no significant differences were found in their yield under the same me. and Zhongjiazao 1 7 showed the low— est yield;Zhongjiazao 1 7 and Zhu— Iiangyou 81 9 had the same growth pe— panicles and larger grain weight;the yield components of Lingliangyou 268 were relatively balanced. chanicaI transplanting mode:the yields Of TaifengyOugan 3, Wuyou 308, Rongyou 225 and Wufengyou T025 were second to those of Tiany— riod.and the yield of Zhongliazao 1 7 was significantly Iower than that of Zhuliangyou 81 9,which was mainly due to fewer effective spikelets of Yield composition and growth peri- ods of di什erent Iate rice varieties As shown in Table 2,different ouhuazhan,Tianyou 998 and Zhongiiazao 1 7:no significant differ— ences were found in yield of rice vari- eties with the same growth period. transplanters showed no obvious ef- fect on the growth period of Iate rice varieties;the effect of mechanicaI transplanting specifications on Iate rice was consistent with that on early rice, Fengyuanyou 299,and the yield was Shanyou 1 0 was significantly Iower Correlation analysis showed that there was a significant correlation be— tween yield and effective panicle num— various rice varieties under wide..nar-- than those of the other varieties. Correlation analysis showed that the yield of jate rice was related to ber of rice(r=0.461 1 ).The yields of and the yield of Jate rice under wide— narrow row mechanicaI transpIantinq mode was higher than that under eq— uaI row mechanicaI transplanting mode by 2.73%:the yield of late rice panicle number(r=0.367 9,P<O.05) and grain number(r=405 9,P<0.05). Table 2 showed that the rice varieties with high yields had more effective row row mechanical transplanting mode were higher than those under equaI row mechanicaI transDIantInq mode.The differences in yields of vari— panicles,more grains per panicle and more grains per unit of area.Although Fengyuanyou 299 had fewer effective ous rice varieties between the two me- chanical transplanting modes were consistent.The yield composition of different rice varieties had different was mainly affected by effective pani. cle number and grain number per pani— cle;the effective panicle number under wide-narrow row mechanicaI trans— planting mode was lncreased by 2.52%compared with that under equaI row mechanicaI transplanting mode, and the grain number per panicle un— der wide.narrow row mechanicaI transplanlina mode was 2.95 ,o higher panicles.its grain number and 1 000一 grain weight were significantly higher than those of the other varieties.Thus. characte ristics.Zhongjiazao 1 7 was characte rized by fewer effective pani— the yield of Fengyuanyou 299 showed no significan{differences compared with those of丁ianvOuhuazhan and Tianyou 998 that had the most effec— tive panicles. cles and more grains per panicle;the effective panicle number and grain number per panicle of Zhuliangyou 81 9 and Jinyou 458 were close;03 Diferent lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant diferences at the O.05 level Tillering characteristics and ear- mode was earlier than that under wide. 31 days after the transplanting,which bearing tiller percentages of difer- narrow row mechanicaI transplanting show no obvious correlation with the ent early rice varieties under dif- mode. length of growth period. ferent mechanicaI transplanting The tiller number of Zhongiiazao Tillering rates of diferent early rice modes 1 7 was significantly lower than those varieties Stem-tiller dynamics of diferent of hybrid rice varieties.There were As shown in Table 3。under dif- early rice varieties smalI diferences in tiller number am- ferent mechanicaI transplanting As shown in Fig.1.the tillering pe- ong the hybrid rice varieties,and the modes,the tillering peak of diferent riod of early rice ended around 31 peak tiller number of Zhuliangyou 09 varieties occurred 1 6-21 days after days after the transplanting.Different was highest.The peak range of tiller the transplanting.Before the tillering mechanical transplanting modes had number under equaI row mechanicaI peak。the daily tillering rate under e- influence on tillering of early rice.The transplanting mode was wider than qual row mechanical transplanting tiller number under equaI row mechan- that under wide-narrow rOw mechani- mode was higher than that under icaI transplanting mode was higher cal transplanting mode.The tillering wide-narrow r0w mechanical trans- than that under wide-narrow r0w me- process of diferent rice varieties was planting mode bV 81.14%,1 1.60%and chanicaI transplanting mode 1 1 and 1 6 basically the same,and they entered 8.54%.respectively.The daily tillering days after the transplanting,indicating the tillering peak around 31 days after rates of various varieties declined 21 that the occurrence of tillers under eq- the transplanting.The ineffective tillers days after the transplanting,especially uaI row mechanicaI transplanting of diferent varieties died continuously those of Zhongjiazao 1 7 and 03 YOU 7hongjiazao17 Zhuliangyou 819^葺 03 You 66 吾 Zhuliangyou 09 = Lingliangyou 268喜 Xiarax ̄ng 25 0 Jinyou 458 三 Xinfengyou 22 Days after transplanting d ys after transplantingⅣd (a)Eqtk ̄1 r0 Wide-narrow删 Fig.1 Tillering dynamics of diferent early rice varieties under diferent mechanical transplanting modes 66.In the duration of 21 d-31 d.the riod and length of growth period of me- age.The earbearing tiller percentage daily tillering rate under wide-narrow chanically.transplanted rice. under equal row mechanical trans- row mechanicaI transplanting mode Tillering ability per plant and ear- planting mode was 0.65%higher than was higher than that under equaI row bearing tiller percentage per plant that under wide-narrow row mechani- mechanical transplanting mode,sug- of di竹erent early rice variety cal transplanting mode.but lhe tiller gesting that the decrease of daily tiller- The total number of tillers pro. number per plant,earbearing tiller ing rate under wide。。narrow row me。_ duced by per plant can reflect the percentage per plant and effective chanicaI transplanting mode was slow- tillering ability of the variety.As shown panicle number under wide—narrow er than that under equal row mechani- in Table 4.the tillering ability of differ— row mechanicaI transplanting mode caI transplanting mode.The ineffective ent early rice varieties showed difer. were higher than those under equaI panicles began to die 31 days after the ent characte riStics. Zhuliangyou 09 row mechanicaI transplanting mode transplanting.The peak dying of inef- and 03 You 66 showed the strongest (Table 1).Analysis showed that the fective panicles occurred 36-47 days tillering ability.while Zhongjiazao 1 7 earbearing tiller percentage was nega- after the transplanting.and in some showed the weakest tillering ability. tively related to the size of peak varieties(eg.Zhuiiangyou 09),this There were small differences in tiller— seedling number(r-=一0.61 8 6“1. was brought forward.ft{ndicated that ing ability of the rest varieties.The av- Tillering characteristics of diferent there were significant diferences am— erage basic seedling number under e— late rice varieties under di什erent ong the varieties. qual row mechanical transplanting mechanical tranSplanting modes The results of this study showed mode was higher than that Under Stem—tiller dynamics of diferent that the quality of transplanter hada wide—narrow row mechanicaI trans. late r!ce varieties significant effect on the initiation of planting mode.The tillering ability per As shown in Fig.2.the stem.tiller tillering of eady rice after transplanting. plant under wide--narrow row mechani-- peak of Iate rice appeared around 24 The population construction of me- cal transplanting mode was stronger. days after the transplanting,and the chanically—transplanted early rice was Thus,the stem-tiller peak under wide. tillering also ended around 24 days af. not only related to the tillering ability of narrow row mechanicaI transplanting ter the transplanting.Since then.the variety but also related to the degree mode was Iarger than that under equal tiller number declined.Different me— of mechanicalinjury to the seedlings. row mechanical transplanting mode. chanica!transplanting modes had a Compared with equal row mechanicaI There were significant diferences in significant effect on the tiller emer- transplanting,wide-narrow row me- earbearing tiller percentage of diferent gence of different late rice varieties. chanicaI transplanting was more con- varieties. Zhongjiazao 1 7 showed The tiller number of Fengyuanyou 299 ducive to the occurrence and growth of weak tillering ability and high earbear- and Taifengyougan 3 was Iower under tillers.There was no obvious correla- ing tiller percentage.Zhuliangyou 09 both the mechanical transplanting tion between the length of tillering pe- showed Iow earbearing tiller percent. modes.while that of the other rice va- ZUIO 2607 I{\10 0n 鲁 p_l _! 善 { 耋 墨 =E- Days after transplanting d (a)EquaI TOW(b)Wide-natr rov Fig・2 Tillering dynamics of diferent late rice varieties under diferent mechanical transplanting modes Diferent lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant diferences at the 0.05 level rieties difered greatly between the lWO transplanting mode.but its tiller num- varieties was basically the same.The mechanicaI transplanting modes.Un- ber decreased slowly after the peak.1n tillering peaks of various treatments der the equaJ row mechanicaI trans- conclusion,the tillering dynamics of dif- appeared 1 3-1 9 days after the trans- planting mode,Tianyou 998 and Wuy- ferent Iate rice varieties under diferent planting.Within the first 1 3 days,the OU 308 showed more tillers and higher mechanicaI transplanting modes were tillering rates of most rice varieties un- peak,but their tiller number declined not exactly the same,and there were der wide.narrow row mechanicaI rapidly after the peak with larger drop; significant diferences among some transplanting were lower than those under the wide-narrow row mechanical varieties.Under diferent mechanical under equal row mechanical trans— transplanting mode,Shanyou 1 0 and transplanting mode,there was a turn- planting mode;in the duration of DaV TianvOuhUazhan showed the highest ing point in the dynamic of tiller num- 1 3一Day 1 6.the daily tillering rates un- peak,but their tiller number declined ber of diferent rice variety,and it ap- der wide.narrow r0w mechanicaI trans- asynchronously,i.e.,the tiller number peared around 43 days after the trans- planting increased rapidly;after Day of Tianyouhuazhandecreased rapidly planting,suggesting that the period 1 6.the daily tiUering rates under wide- 24 days after the transplanting,while around Dav 43 was fl sensitive period narrow row mechanical transplanting that of Shanyou 1 0 decreased rapidly of tillering. mode were higher than those under 43 days after the transplanting。The Tillering rates of difIerent late rice equaI row mechanicaI transplanting tiller number of Wuyou 308 under varieties mode;after Day 24,the population wide-narrow row mechanical trans- As shown in Table 5,under both tiller number decreased continuously. planting mode was significantly Iower the two mechanicaI transplanting The rice varieties with higher tiller num— than that under equal row mechanical modes,the tillering process of late rice berin the duration of Day 9一DaV 13 had sho ̄er slow growth phase and faster initiation of tillering after trans— mode were higher than those under ages of Taifengy0ugan 3 and Fengyuanyou 299 were highest,and that of Shanyou 1 0 was Iowest.The earbearing tiller percentage under wide.narrow r0w mechanical trans. planting mode was 2%higher than that wide—narrow r0w mechanicaI trans— planting.Table 5 showed that for most of the rice varieties,there were two peaks in the dynamic of tillering rate, planting mode. The tiller abiliy pert plant of Wuy— ou 308 and Tianyou 998 was strongerunder equaI row mechanical transplanting mode,and that of Tiany- one in the duration of Day 29一Day 39. andoneinthedurationofDay44一Day under equaI rOW mechanical trans- planting mode.The results of this study 49;while Shanyou 1 0 and Wuyou 308 had only one peak in the duration of Day 44一Day 49.There was also one ouhuazhan and Shanyou 1 0 was stronger under wide—-narrow row me・・ showed that the tillering abiliy taffected chanical transplanting mode.The dif- the population construction of Iate rice. varieties between mechanicaI trans- planting modes were not exactly the same,and their diferences of tiller number between mechanical trans- concentrated dying period 20 days af- ferences in tillering ability of the four varieties,and the length of tillering pe- ter the ending of tillering,and in the period,pollen mother cells diferentiat- ed to the meiosis stage.The results riod had no obvious correlation with the growth period。 suggest that strengthening the man。 agement of water and fertilizer to de- velop more tillers into ears is important DlSCUSS10n Tillering is the basis of rice panicle formation.1n addition to more tillers, high_。yield and high-・efficiency rice pop・・ ulation requires higher earbearing tiller percentaae.Li ef …】found that the tiller occurrence and panicle formation of rice were diferent among diferent cultivation methods;the first tiller number of artificially-transplanted rice was 1.2 Iess than the theoreticaI num- ber of Ieaf positions,and those of me- chanicaiIIy-transpIanted and directly— seeded rice were 4。6 and 4.1 Iess than the theoretical ones,respectively,indi— cating that mechanically—transplanted planting modes were all greater than 1. Compared with other tested varieties, for high yield of mechanically..trans.- planted rice. the tillering abiliy per pltant of these four varieties was relatively strong, Tillering ability per plant and ear- bearing tiller percentage per plant of diferent late rice variety As shown in Table 6,there were and their tiller number per plant was all greater than 5.The tillering ability of the rest four rice varieties was rela- tively weak,and the diferences in their smalI diferences in average basic seedling number.peak seedling num- ber,tillering ability and earbearing tiller percentage of Iate rice varieties be- tillering ability per plant between dif- ferent mechanical transplanting modes were relatively smal1.Among them,the tillering ability of Fengyuanyou 299 and Taifengy0ugan 3 was weakest. Analysis showed that theearbea rina tiller pementage was negatively relat— ed to the size of peak seedling number tween equal row mechanical trans— planting mode and wide-narrow row mechanical transplanting mode.and the average basic seedling number and directly・seeded rice had more ab.. were consistent with those of previous and peak seedling number under eq- ual row mechanicaI transplanting (仁一0.836 8…).Among the tested va- sent tillers.The results of this study rieties,the earbearing tiller percent- ZUIO Diferent lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant diferences at the O.05 level studies. MechanicaI transplanting seedlings with tillers,and the dynamic study also considered that rice tillers showed obvious effect on tillering of tiller number was characterized by appeared fr0m bottom to top.and the characteristics of rice;there were sig. early occurrence,stable increase and length of slow growth phase actually re- niifcant d|竹erence in slow growth slow decrease,and the earbearing flected the development situation of phase of rice between diferent me— tiller percentage of artificially-trans- Iower-position tillers; mechanicaI chanicaI transplanting modes;the ef- planted rice was highest;there was transplanting mainly influenced the fect ot mechanicaI transplanting mode serious mechanical injury to mechani— lower-position tillers.The diference in on slow growth phase difered be- cally-transplanted rice,and the dy- effect of mechanicaI transplanting on wteen early and late rice,and the slow namic of tiller number was character- slow growth phase of rice was caused growth phase of rice under equal row lzed by late occurrence.rapid increase by seedling quality,as well as mechani- mechanical transplanting mode was and rapid decrease;transplanting cal injury and planting depth.A study[ shorter than that under wide-narrow process was omitted in directly-seed— showed that seedlings with mild me- row mechanicaJ transplanting mode; ed rice.and the dynamic of tiller num- chanical injury had fast retuming green the slow growth phase of mechanical- ber was characterized by rapid Occur- and early tillering.In addition,deep Iy-transplanted rice was different be— rence,rapid increase and rapid de- planting had inhibitory effect on dce tween diferent seasons,Le.,early rice crease.The results of Li eta1. s study tillering【15】.This study considered that had Ionger slow growth phase and also showed that in the growth pro- the slow growth problem in mechani- longer tilledng pedod,and late dce had cess。the Iow axillary buds of artificial- cally-transplanted rice can be soIved shorter slow’growth phase,shorter Iy-transplanted rice were not injured or by improving the performance of rice tillering pedod and larger tillering co—stressed,so its tillering occurred transplanter.The results of this study amount,which was related to the light early:the Ionger the slow growth also showed that diferent mechanicaI and temperature conditions during phase of mechanically-transplanted transplanting specifications had signif— growth pedod(good light and temper- rice was,the more the base nodes icant effect on the tillering characteris- ature conditions endowed plants damaged by stress were.Ling et aL旧 tics of double-season rice;under the strong stress resistance and good re- pointed out that the middle 3-4 tiller condition of same planting density,the covery ability);early rice showed great positions of mechanically-transplanted tillers of rice in the wide-narrow r0w diferences between the two mechani- rice had characteristics of higher tiller- mechanical transplanting mode e- caI transplanting modes.while Iate rice ing rate and high earbearing tiller per- merged rapidly and died slowly,jn- showed small diferences between centage.Yuan et aL【1 proved that the creasing the effective panicle number diferent mechanicaI transplanting mechanicaI iniury to seedlings during (compared with those under equal row modes.as welI as shorter slow growth the transplanting process mainly af mechanicaI transplanting mode。the phase.Li et a1.[11]considered仇at artifi- fected low.position diferentiated tillers, effective panicle number of early rice ciaI transplanting adopted robust instead of middle-position tillers.This was improved by 1.69%.and that of 2610 ZU16 Iate rice was improved bv 2.52%under wide-narrow r0w mechanicaI trans- References 34-35 【1】ZHANG WY(张文毅),YUAN ZH(袁钊 planting mode1.1t indicates that under 和),WU CY(吴崇友),et a1.Research the same planting density,the ventila- tion in rice population under wide-nar- row row mechanical transplanting mode is better than that under equal row mechanicaI transplanting mode. on the process of rice planting mecha— of rice planting mechanization developing fastly to [9】LEI XL(雷小龙),LIU L(刘利),LIU B(刘 波1.et a1.Tillering characteristics of in- dica hybrid rice under mechanized planting(杂交籼稻机械化种植的分蘖特 性)【J1.Acta Agronomica Sinica(作物学 报),201 4,4O(6):1 O44—1 056. rapidly(水稻种植机械化进程分析研 究——水稻种植机械化由快速向高速发 【10】Ll MY(李木英),CHEN G(陈关),SHl QH(石庆华),et a1.Study on the growth characteristics of early rice dif— ferent variety as the direct-seeded There are significant diferences in adaptability of rice varieties to me- chanicaI transplanting.The varieties with short growth period,strong tiller- 展的进程)fJ】.Chinese Agricultural Mechanization(中国农机化),2011,(1): 19-22. 【2】SUN YD(孙益东).Restrictive factors and countermeasures of slow promo‘ planlf不同早稻品种直播栽培的生育特 性研究)『J1.Acta Agricultural Universi・ tatis Jiangxiensis f江西农业大学学报), tion of rice transplanter f水稻机插秧推 ing ability per plant and more effective panicles per plant are more suitable for 广缓慢的制约因素及对策)【J].Modern Agricultural Science and Technology mechanicaI transplanting,such as (现代农业科技),2013,(19):73—74. 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