Mini Graphics Manual
Document Version 1.2, NCL Version 5.0.0
June 22, 2008
The NCAR Command Language (NCL) is an open source, free, interpreted programming language, specifically designed for the access, analysis, and visualization of data.
NCL has many features common to modern programming languages, including types, variables, operators, expressions, conditional statements, loops, and functions and procedures. An NCL Mini Reference Manual describing basic language features may be downloaded at:
This Mini Graphics Manual includes topics on setting up your NCL environment, high level
graphical interfaces, color, vectors, contours, workstations, page maximization, maps and more. Contributors: Sylvia Murphy, Mary Haley, and Dennis Shea. Send comments about this manual to ncl-talk@ucar.edu.
For actual script examples and sample plots, please visit one of the following sites:
http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/ http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Manuals/Getting_Started/
keyword built-in functions contributed functions shea_util functions symbols operators plot templates plot resources user variables WWW links courier-bold courier-bold blue courier-bold green courier-bold purple bold bold courier-bold green courier-bold italics underline
© Copyright, 2008, National Center for Atmospheric Research,1850 Table Mesa Drive, Boulder CO 80305. The use of NCL is governed by separate Binary and Source Code License Agreements
Section 1: Overview...............................................................................................................................4 Section 1.1 Sample script..................................................................................................................4 Section 2: High-Level Graphical Interfaces..........................................................................................4 Section 2.1 gsn generic interfaces....................................................................................................5 Section 2.2 gsn_csm interfaces........................................................................................................5 Section 2.3 Which should I use?.......................................................................................................5 Section 2.4 gsn special interfaces.....................................................................................................6 Section 2.5 Loading the interfaces....................................................................................................6 Section 2.6 gsn_csm expectations....................................................................................................6 Section 3: Getting Started.....................................................................................................................7 Section 3.1 $NCARG_ROOT............................................................................................................7 Section 3.2 .hluresfile.........................................................................................................................7 Section 3.3 Running NCL..................................................................................................................8 Section 4: Workstations.........................................................................................................................8 Section 5: Plot Mods via Resources.....................................................................................................8 Section 5.1 Resource types...............................................................................................................8 Section 5.2 Setting resources............................................................................................................9 Section 5.3 Some common resources..............................................................................................9 Section 5.4 Drawing a plot and gsnDraw........................................................................................9 Section 5.5 Advancing the frame and gsnFrame............................................................................9 Section 5.6 Special string resources, gsnLeftString, gsnCenterString, gsnRightString................9 Section 6: Color....................................................................................................................................10 Section 6.1 Turning on color............................................................................................................10 Section 6.2 The default colormap...................................................................................................10 Section 6.3 Built-in colormaps.........................................................................................................11 Section 6.4 Using RBG triplets........................................................................................................11 Section 6.5 Named colors................................................................................................................12 Section 6.6 gsnSpreadColors..........................................................................................................12 Section 6.7 CMYK............................................................................................................................12 Section 7: Vectors................................................................................................................................13 Section 7.1 Types of vectors...........................................................................................................13 Section 7.2 Controlling vectors........................................................................................................13 Section 7.3 Vectors colored by a scalar field or on a scalar field.................................................14 Section 8: Map Tickmarks...................................................................................................................15 Section 9: Page Maximization.............................................................................................................16 Section 10: Contours...........................................................................................................................16 Section 10.1 Manually setting contour levels.................................................................................16 Section 10.2 Contour effects...........................................................................................................16 Section 10.3 Explicitly setting contour levels..................................................................................17 Section 10.4 Contour labels............................................................................................................17 Section 11: Two-Dimensional Lat/Lon Arrays....................................................................................18 Section 11.1 Native grid projections...............................................................................................18 Section 12: Aspect Ratio Changes.....................................................................................................19 Section 13: Paneling............................................................................................................................19 Section 13.1 Sample script..............................................................................................................19 Section 13.2 Orienting plots on a page...........................................................................................20 Section 13.3 Important panel resources.........................................................................................21 Section 13.4 Paneling plots of different sizes................................................................................21 Section 14: Font Heights.....................................................................................................................22 Section 15: Titles..................................................................................................................................22 Section 16: Legends............................................................................................................................22 Section 17: Label Bars.........................................................................................................................22 Section 18: Function Codes................................................................................................................23 Section 18.1 Superscripting/subscripting.......................................................................................23 Section 18.2 Carriage return...........................................................................................................23 Section 18.3 Greek or mathematical characters............................................................................23
Section 19: Primitives..........................................................................................................................23 Section 19.1 Polygons.....................................................................................................................23 Section 19.2 Polylines......................................................................................................................24 Section 19.3 Polymarkers................................................................................................................25 Section 20: Adding Text.......................................................................................................................25 Section 21: X-Y Plots...........................................................................................................................25 Section 22: Explicit Tickmark Labeling...............................................................................................27 Appendix A: Common Resources.......................................................................................................28 Axis - http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/tr.shtml......................................28 Contour - http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/cn.shtml..............................28 Labelbars - http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/lb.shtml............................29 GSN - http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/gsn.shtml.................................30 Legends - http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/lg.shtml..............................31 XY curves - http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/xy.shtml..........................31 Maps - http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/mp.shtml.................................31 Polygons, polylines, polymarkers -
http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/gs.shtml...............................................33 Appendix B: High-level Graphical Interfaces......................................................................................34 gsn generic interfaces......................................................................................................................34 gsn_csm interfaces..........................................................................................................................34 gsn special interfaces.......................................................................................................................35 Appendix C: List of Named Colors......................................................................................................36 Appendix D: Common Error Messages..............................................................................................38 Appendix E: Glossary..........................................................................................................................40
Section 1: Overview
This document describes how to use high-level graphical interfaces to generate plots. The following section contains a script example that illustrates the framework used to create a plot.
This manual assumes the reader is familiar with the data model used by NCL (a netCDF data model). Please refer to the Mini-Reference Manual if necessary.
Section 1.1 Sample script
In general, a script has the following characteristics: (1) load the libraries containing the high-level graphical interfaces with the load command. By convention, this occurs before the begin
statement. (2) Read in the data. (3) Conduct data processing (optional). (4) Open a workstation. (5) Choose a color table (optional). (6) Create a resource variable to which various graphical options (resources) may be assigned as attributes (if plot modifications are desired). (7) Invoke the appropriate graphical interface passing in the workstation, data, and resources.
load \"$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl\" load \"$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl\" ;******************************************* begin
;******************************************* in = addfile(“myfile.nc”,“r”); pointer to file t = in->T ; read in data ;******************************************* ; create plot
;******************************************* wks = gsn_open_wks(“ps”,”ce”) ; open ps file ; choose colormap gsn_define_colormap(wks,\"BlAqGrYeOrRe\") res = True ; resource varb res@cnFillOn = True ; turn on color res@cnLinesOn = False ; no cn lines res@cnLevelSpacingF = 0.5 ; cn spacing res@gsnSpreadColors = True ; full colors res@lbAutoLabelStride = True ; nice lb labels plot = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,t,res end
The default behavior of the graphical interfaces is to draw the plot and advance the frame. These terms will be described in greater detail in sections 5.4 and 5.4. This default can be changed.
An entire library of example scripts exists on the web at: http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/
Section 2: High-Level Graphical Interfaces
NCL's graphics are based upon object-oriented (OO) methods. This approach provides considerable flexibility and power but can be tedious. To aid users, two suites of high-level graphical interfaces have been developed. These interfaces facilitate the visualization process while retaining the benefits of the OO approach. For historical reasons, all plot interfaces begin
with gsn_ which stands for \"Getting Started with NCL\".
The graphical interfaces may be a function, which will return a graphical object, or a procedure, which will modify or perform a specific task on a graphical object.
Section 2.1 gsn generic interfaces
The generic interfaces are functions and procedures that create basic x-y, contour, streamline, and vector plots. Generally, default settings are used, but the user may readily change these settings. A list of these interfaces is listed in Appendix B. Example plots and a tutorial on how to use these interfaces is at:
The examples on this site contain a line-by-line description of various graphical options.
Section 2.2 gsn_csm interfaces
These high-level interfaces emulate the graphical style of figures appearing in the J. of Climate (June, 1998) special issue focusing on the Climate System Model (CSM). While the gsn_csm interfaces were designed for a specific purpose, many users prefer them over the generic interfaces. The reason is that they
automatically perform tasks like adding color label bars, which must be explicitly added when using the generic gsn
interfaces. They also will use a variable's long_name and units attributes (if
available) to label a plot (figure 1a). The long_name will be placed in the upper left corner and the units in the upper right corner. Other features include the addition of lat/lon labels of the form
“30N/120E” on cylindrical equidistant and
polar projection plots, and special labels on pressure height plots. Appendix B contains a list of these interfaces.
You can view many examples produced by these interfaces at: http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/
Section 2.3 Which should I use?
Most frequently, users prefer the gsn_csm interfaces over the generic gsn interfaces. Here are some specific reasons to do so:
• Your data has attributes and you want your plot automatically labeled. • You want as much done for you as possible. • You like the general style.
• You want to put your data on a map, and your data has geophysical coordinates.
Section 2.4 gsn special interfaces
These interfaces perform special tasks, like drawing markers and text. They should not be confused with the gsn generic interfaces which are limited to those in part one of Appendix B.
Section 2.5 Loading the interfaces
The gsn generic and gsn_csm plot interfaces and routines are located in two NCL scripts that are distributed with the NCL software. Though the functions and procedures included in the libraries can be loaded at any time prior to use, they are most frequently loaded at the top of the script before the begin statement.
load \"$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl\" load \"$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl\"
Section 2.6 gsn_csm expectations
The gsn_csm plot interfaces may access information required by the CCSM netCDF convention. For example, if the data has a “units” or “long_name” attribute, it will be used to automatically label the plot. (figure 1a).
Units attribute of coordinate variable:
The latitude and longitude coordinate variables should have (but not limited to) attributes in one of the following forms: \"degrees_north\" \"degrees_east\" \"degrees-north\" \"degrees-east\" \"degree_north\" \"degree_east\" \"degrees north\" \"degrees east\" \"degrees_N\" \"degrees_E\" \"Degrees_north\" \"Degrees_east\"
If the coordinate variable does not conform to one of the above names, you will receive an annoying error message in the form of:
(0) is_valid_lat_ycoord: Warning: The units attribute of the Y coordinate array is not set to one of the allowable units values (i.e. 'degrees_north'). Your latitude labels may not be correct.
As with non-conforming named dimensions, it is simple to add the appropriate attribute to the coordinate variable: x&lat@units = \"degrees_north\"
The & symbol is used to access the coordinate variable, and the @ symbol is used to access the attribute. These symbols are described in greater detail in the Mini-Reference Manual (see front cover for download location).
Section 3: Getting Started
Section 3.1 $NCARG_ROOT
To execute NCL, you need to set this environment variable. The specific UNIX file which contains the NCARG_ROOT specification is system dependent. For csh or tcsh, it can be set in your \".cshrc\" file or your \".login\" file. Do it in the file which initializes your $path variable. If you are running ksh, bsh, or bash, it will be placed in your \".profile\". The following example is for tcsh, and assumes that NCL is located in \"/contrib\": setenv NCARG_ROOT /contrib path = ($NCARG_ROOT/bin $path)
NCARG_ROOT should be set to the parent directory of the “bin” directory that contains the ncl executable. This will vary from system to system. If you are unsure, ask your local system administrator where it is installed.
Section 3.2 .hluresfile
NCL has a default graphical environment that most users prefer to alter. This is accomplished through the .hluresfile. Upon execution, NCL looks for this file in the user's home directory. The following lists the most common usage of the this file: ! White background/black foreground *wkForegroundColor : (/0.,0.,0./) *wkBackgroundColor : (/1.,1.,1./) ! Color map *wkColorMap : rainbow+gray ! Font stuff *Font : helvetica ! Function Codes [Default is a colon] *TextFuncCode : ~ ! X11 window size *wkWidth : 800 *wkHeight: 800
Placing this file in your home directory would result in a large X11 window size, a common font, and plots that have white as the background color and black as the foreground color.
You can download a sample .hluresfile at:
http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/ 7
Section 3.3 Running NCL
NCL can be run in two modes, script mode and interactive mode. To initiate the latter, simply type \"ncl\" at the prompt. In interactive mode you are required to type each command separately. In script mode, you create a separate NCL script which you send to the interpreter via the following commands: prompt> ncl < script prompt> ncl [space] script
There is no required extension for an ncl script, but by convention the suffix \"*.ncl\" is used. NCL scripts must have a begin and end statement, with a carriage return after the end statement. You can optionally include options and command line arguments when you run NCL. See the Mini-Reference Manual, whose location is mentioned on the first page of this document.
Section 4: Workstations
Opening a workstation is required prior to the creation of one or more plots. The workstation is simply the location where the graphical instructions are sent (e.g. to a window or postscript file). The workstation is given a name. This name becomes part of the output filename or title of X11 window. Users may have many workstations opened at the same time, although most only open one. Only one colormap can be associated with each workstation.
There are six types of workstations: ncgm (NCAR computer graphics metafile), ps (postscript), eps (encapsulated postscript, contains a bounding box), epsi (encapsulated postscript with a bitmap preview), pdf, and X11 window. Examples: wks = gsn_open_wks(“pdf”,”34_x_45”) wks_2 = gsn_open_wks(“ps”,”myfile”)
The text to the left of the equal sign is a variable and can therefore be arbitrarily named.
Section 5: Plot Mods via Resources
Resources are the means by which we modify the default NCL plot. They may be strings, floats, integers, doubles, etc. depending on the type of resource. The first two (or three) letters are lower case, and the remaining letters are words of which the first letter is capitalized (e.g. cnFillOn). If the resource is expecting a float value, a F is appended to the resource name (e.g. txFontHeightF, mpMinLatF etc).
Section 5.1 Resource types
The first two letters of a resource identify what type of resource it is:
am annotation manager pm plot manager vf cn contour pr primitive vc ca coordinate arrays sf scalar field vp gs graphical style ti title wk lb labelbar tm tickmarks ws lg legend tx text xy mp maps tr transform
vector field
vectors viewport workstation workspace xy plot
The complete list of resources under these categories may be accessed at:
http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/ Additionally, there is a unique set of gsn resources that were created specifically for the gsn interfaces, and these resources can be found at the above URL as well.
Section 5.2 Setting resources
Resources are passed to the high-level graphpical interfaces as attributes to a logical variable. Attributes are assigned using the @ symbol. Note that res is a user-defined variable. It is wise to create separate variables for resources to be passed to different types of interfaces (e.g. con_res, vec_res, xy_res). Vector resources sent to a contour routine will cause warning messages. The following code snippet creates the variable res which is of type logical. Attributes associated with res are then assigned.
res res@tiMainString res@cnFillOn
= True
= “my title” = True
The resource variable is always the last argument in the graphical interface calling sequence.
plot = gsn_csm_contour(wks,data,res) plot2 = gsn_xy(wks,data,res)
The variable to the left of the equal sign is of type graphic. The name is arbitrary.
Section 5.3 Some common resources
It is impossible in the space provided here to give a complete description of each resource and its options. Appendix A contains a list of some of the most commonly used resources.
Section 5.4 Drawing a plot and gsnDraw
By default, the high-level graphical interfaces create and draw graphical objects. This behavior can be changed by setting the resource gsnDraw = False.
Section 5.5 Advancing the frame and gsnFrame
By default, the high-level graphical interfaces advance the frame after the graphical object has been drawn. One analogy for the frame is that of a page in a book. The workstation is the book, and advancing the frame is equivalent of turning the page in the book. A book or workstation can have one or multiple frames (pages). The default behavior (turning to a new page) can be changed by setting gsnFrame = False.
Section 5.6 Special string resources, gsnLeftString, gsnCenterString, gsnRightString
The default behavior of the gsn_csm graphical interfaces is to place the long_name of the data (if available) on the upper left corner of the plot, and the units of the data (if available) in the upper right corner of the plot (figure 1a). This behavior can be changed through the use of the
gsnLeftString and gsnRightString resources. The following would remove the string: res = True res@gsnLeftString = \"\"
The following would set the right string to a user specified value, and also set the center string which is not set by default: res = True res@gsnRightString = \"my string\" res@gsnCenterString = \"center\"
Section 6: Color
Section 6.1 Turning on color
The resource cnFillOn = True will turn on the color fill of existing contours. Additionally, cnFillMode = “RasterFill” will turn on raster mode.
Only one colormap is associated with a workstation (think page or group of pages) and not an individual plot. This means that you cannot put plots with different colormaps onto the same workstation, unless you merge the colormaps. The following URL contains an example of this procedure: http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/color.shtml
Section 6.2 The default colormap
NCL's default colormap (figure 5a) consists of a series of very distinct colors. Most users find that it is not well suited to scientific applications. There are three ways to change the colormap: selecting a built-in colormap (section 6.3), specifying an array of RBG triplets (section 6.4), or specifying an array of named colors (section 6.5).
Section 6.3 Built-in colormaps
There are numerous pre-defined colormaps. A list of available maps can be found at:
The user can select a particular colormap via the following procedure:
Section 6.4 Using RBG triplets
The user can define a custom colormap by using RGB (red, green, blue) triplets. This is illustrated via the following code snippet.
;divide by 225.0 (type float) to ;normalize and convert colors to a ;float variable. colors = (/ (/255,255,255/),\\ (/0,0,0/),\\ (/255,255,255/),\\ (/244,255,244/), \\ (/217,255,217/), \\ (/163,255,163/),\\ (/106,255,106/), (/43,255,106/),\\ (/255,127,0/) /) /255.0
; generate new color map gsn_define_colormap(wks,colors)
The first two triplets (colors) are black and white. These are used for the foreground and
background. If you are creating your own colormap, you must make sure these colors are present in the first two triplets.
Section 6.5 Named colors
There is a large list of named colors that all correspond to specific RBG values. See Appendix C for a text list, or the following URL for a visual list:
The following code snippet would create a color map using an array of named colors:
colors = (/ \"white\
\"PaleGreen\ gsn_define_colormap(wks,colors)
Section 6.6 gsnSpreadColors
When creating a color contour or vector plot, the default behavior of NCL is to select the first N sequential colors from a colormap, where N is the number of contour or vector levels. Consider a colormap that contains 200 colors and spans the colors dark blue to dark red. The default behavior is use the first N colors (all dark blue). This behavior can be overridden by setting
gsnSpreadColors = True. This gsn resource forces the use of all the colors in a colormap by subsampling across it. For example, if there were 10 contour levels and 200 colors, then every 20th color would be used. The user may also force the use of only a portion of a colormap with the resources gsnSpreadColorStart and gsnSpreadColorEnd. The values given to these resources are the numerical indices of the current colormap. All the images of the built-in colormap contain indices (figure 5b).
Section 6.7 CMYK
Some scientific journals require that submitted figures be in CMYK format. CMYK is an alternative color model preferred by commercial printers. The following NCL code snippet creates a CMYK plot.
; create variable to hold info type = \"ps\" type@wkColorModel = \"cmyk\" ; pass this to the workstation wks = gsn_open_wks(type,\"color\") ; select a colormap gsn_define_colormap(wks,\"BlWhRe\")
Note that the colormap is not being changed to CMYK; the postscript file is being converted on output.
Section 7: Vectors
Section 7.1 Types of vectors
There are four types of vectors in NCL. The types may be changed by setting the resource vcGlyphStyle = \"type\":
• “LineArrow”: a polyline and arrowhead. This is the default • “FillArrow”: is a filled polygon and arrowhead.
• “WindBarb”: uses the standard wind barb glyph seen on weather maps. • “CurlyVector”: a curved polyline tangent to the instantaneous flow in the
neighborhood of the grid point.
Section 7.2 Controlling vectors
There are three resources that most vector plots will require. These control the size of the vectors through a reference vector, and thin the vectors for presentation (figure 5c).
The following code snippet demonstrates the use of these resources.
res = True
; set the reference vector mag and size
res@vcRefMagnitudeF = 10.0 res@vcRefLengthF = 0.045
; thin the vectors res@vcMinDistanceF = 0.017
plot = gsn_csm_vector(wks,u,v,res)
Section 7.3 Vectors colored by a scalar field or on a scalar field
There are four interfaces that draw vectors and a scalar field (contours) on the same plot:
• gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce • gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_polar • gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map • gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector
The default behavior of these interfaces is to color the vectors by the magnitude of the scalar field (Fig 5d). In order to change this default behavior, it is necessary to pass the resource gsnScalarContour = True to the interface via a resource variable.
If a different type of plot is desired, it may be necessary to create separate contour and vector plots and use the overlay procedure to combine them.
Below is part of a script that creates two graphical objects (plots). overlay is used to combine them into one object. Note that the gsnDraw and gsnFrame resources are set to False. The order in which the two plots is created does not matter. overlay has two arguments, each is a graphical object. The overlay procedure adds (superimposes) the second object onto the first object. After the overlay is complete, it is necessary to manually draw the combined object and advance the frame.
In the resource list of one of the plots, the gsnLeftString and gsnRightString should be turned off. Otherwise you will have two label strings from the two plots overlapping each other.
; create vector plot res res@vcRefMagnitudeF res@vcRefLengthF res@vcMinDistanceF res@vcGlyphStyle
= True = 30.0 = 0.045 = .019
= \"CurlyVector\"
res@gsnDraw = False res@gsnFrame = False res@gsnLeftString = \"\" res@gsnRightString = \"\" plot = gsn_csm_vector(wks,u,v,res)
; create contour plot resCN = True resCN@cnFillOn = True resCN@cnLinesOn = False resCN@gsnSpreadColors = True resCN@gsnDraw = False base = gsn_csm_contour(wks,data,resCN)
;overlay vector plot onto contour plot overlay(base,plot) draw(base) ; draw the combined obj frame(wks) ; advance the frame
The most important aspect of successfully creating an overlay is to ensure that the coordinates variables for the data in the two plots are the same. If they are not, the overlay may produce incorrect results.
Section 8: Map Tickmarks
There are two type of map tickmarks in NCL. The first type (figure 5e) is the default appearance for the *_ce and *_polar plot interfaces. The second type (figure 5f) were added to NCL in version 4.2.0.a023. You can turn on the latter by setting the resource pmTickMarkDisplayMode = \"Always\".
Figure 5e: The default tickmarks in the *_ce and *_polar gsn_csm plot interfaces.
Figure 5f: Map tickmarks built into NCL in version 4.2.0.a023. You turn on these tick-marks by setting pmTickMarkDisplayMode = \"Always\" 15
Section 9: Page Maximization
The resource gsnMaximize will automatically resize a plot and rotate it as necessary to fill the page. Note that if you are creating a panel plot (see section 13), this should be associated with the variable being sent to gsn_panel and not in the resource variable for the individual plots.
There is another resource gsnPaperOrientation that can be set to \"automatic\" (default), \"landscape\
Section 10: Contours
Section 10.1 Manually setting contour levels
Requires the use of four resources:
res@cnLevelSelectionMode res@cnMinLevelValF res@cnMaxLevelValF res@cnLevelSpacingF
= \"ManualLevels” = -30 = 30 = 5
Section 10.2 Contour effects
Numerous functions and gsn resources have been developed to create special contour effects (figure 5g).
Figure 5g: Example of a special contour ef-fect. This plot uses the resource gsnZeroLineContourThicknessF to make the zero line thicker, and then uses various contour fill patterns to shade different areas.
For example, there is a resource that allows you to specify the zero line thickness
(gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF) and to set the dash pattern of the negative contours
(gsnContourNegLineDashPattern). There are functions for shading different parts of a contour plot (e.g. ShadeLtContour). All of these functions are located in the special library script
shea_util.ncl, which comes bundled with NCL. This library script must be loaded before the begin statement just like the plot interface library scripts:
load \"$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl\"
For a listing of shea_util.ncl functions, see:
http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/list_shea_util.shtml res res@gsnDraw res@gsnFrame
= True = False = False
The following code snippet calls one of these functions:
res@cnFillOn = True res@gsnSpreadColors = True plot = gsn_csm_hov(wks,chi,res) plot = ShadeLtContour(plot,0.,3)
ShadeLtContour requires plot as an argument. This is why gsnDraw and gsnFrame are set to False. After the call, it is necessary to manually draw and advance the frame.
Section 10.3 Explicitly setting contour levels
Requires only two resources:
res@cnLevelSelectionMode= \"Explicit\" res@cnLevels = (/.01,4,7.2/)
Section 10.4 Contour labels
There are three contour label placement modes, randomized (default), computed, and constant. Only the constant method makes the label part of the line (figure 5h.b). The other two draw the line through the label (figure 5h.a). To avoid this, it is necessary to turn on the label masking with cnLabelMasking = True. Then a background color or a transparent background can be chosen with cnLineLabelBackgroundColor (figure 5h.c).
a) b) c) Figure 5h: Different types of contour labels effects. a) the randomized and computed method draws the label on the line b) the constant makes the label part of the line, naturally creating a space between them c) You can mask out the labels in the ran-domized and computed method with a color or transparent background.
The density of the labels is controlled by cnLineDashSegLenF if the constant method is in effect and by cnLineLabelDensityF when the randomized or computed methods are in effect.
Section 11: Two-Dimensional Lat/Lon Arrays
Data that has two-dimensional lat/lon information associated with it comes in two types.
The first type is data that has already been projected onto the sphere of the earth. We call this a native grid projection. A common example is a native Lambert Conformal projection.
The second type is data from an irregular grid in which each grid point must be expressed via a unique location, but it is not already pre-projected. There are many grids that fall into this category including curvilinear and finite element grids.
Each of these cases requires its own special technique. If you have data with two-dimensional lat/lon information, you MUST know in advance if it is on a native grid projection or not.
Section 11.1 Native grid projections
How do you know if you have a native grid projection? Some GRIB and netCDF files will contain attributes such as “grid type” in which they indicate a specific projection. For those files with no information, the user may have to ask the data source for more information.
The first technique required for a native grid projection is to turn off the transformation of the data onto the map projection by setting: res@tfDoNDCOverlay = True
The second technique is to correctly limit the map using the corners method. This method requires that the user know the lower left and upper right corner of their grid. res@mpLimitMode = \"Corners\" res@mpLeftCornerLatF = 16 res@mpLeftCornerLonF = 135 res@mpRightCornerLatF = 54 res@mpRightCornerLonF = 79
Some netCDF and GRIB files will contain an array \"corners\" that contains this information.
The final technique is grid specific. The grid itself must be specified and several resources that define the grid must be set. For instance, a Lambert Conformal projection requires the setting of two latitude values and one longitude value: res@mpProjection=\"LambertConformal\" res@mpLambertParallel1F = 30. res@mpLambertParallel2F = 55. res@mpLambertMeridianF = 45.
Again, some files contain this information. http://wwww.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/native.shtml http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/lcnative.shtml
Section 11.2 Irregular grids
The special attributes lon2d and lat2d are used to correctly plot this type of data on a map.
Consider a data file with the following characteristics: time = 1 nlat = 345 nlon = 567 float TLONG (nlat,nlon) float TLAT (nlat,nlon) float ROFF (time,nlat,nlon)
The following code snippet demonstrates the required technique: tlat = f->TLAT tlong = f->TLONG roff = f->ROFF roff@lon2d = tlat roff@lat2d = tlon
While tlat and tlong are variable names and can therefore be called anything, the attributes lon2d and lat2d are reserved and cannot be changed.
The explicit setting of these two attributes is the only action required to plot data with two-dimensional lat/lon information (that is not on a native grid) on a map using the high-level
graphical interfaces. For a contour plot, you may also want to consider changing the fill mode with the cnFillMode resource.
Plot creation is slower than the plotting of data with one-dimensional coordinates.
Section 12: Aspect Ratio Changes
Two resources, vpWidthF and vpHeightF allow the user to change the aspect ratio of a plot. Note that if the plot is a map, the resource mpShapeMode = \"FreeAspect\" must also be added.
Section 13: Paneling
A panel plot contains two or more graphical objects (plots) rendered on the same page. The most common approach to paneling is through the special gsn interface gsn_panel. This interface assumes that all plots are the same size. It uses the size and shape of the first plot to determine the orientation on the page of the panel.
Section 13.1 Sample script
The following code snippet demonstrates a basic paneling technique:
plot = new(2,graphic) res = True res@cnFillOn = True res@gsnSpreadColors = True res@gsnDraw = False res@gsnFrame = False plot(0) = gsn_csm_contour(wks,u,res) plot(1) = gsn_csm_contour(wks,v,res) ;************************************* ; create panel plot
;************************************** resP = True resP@txString = \"common title\" gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/3,1/),resP)
In this script, (1) A graphical array is created. plot is a variable which is created to contain multiple graphical objects. (2) The resource gsnDraw is set to False so that the individual plots are not drawn as they are created. (3) The resource gsnFrame is set to False to suppress the automatic frame/page advance. (4) The individual graphical objects are created. (5) A separate panel
resource variable is created. (6) gsn_panel is invoked. The arguments are the workstation, the plot array, the plot orientation on the page (section 13.2), and the panel resource variable.
Section 13.2 Orienting plots on a page
The third argument to gsn_panel is an array indicating how plots should be oriented on the page. The simplest manifestation of this array is an indication of the number of rows and columns desired (figure 13a).
(/3,1/)(/3,2/)Figure 13a: Example plot orientations created by gsn_panel. The (/3,1/) orientation used on an array containing three graphical objects re-sults in a panel plot that is three rows by one column. The (/3,2/) orientation used on an ar-ray of five graphical objects results in a plot that is three rows by two columns with the last object being centered below the others. Figure 13b: The result plot a plot orientation of (/1,3,2/). This type of orientation can only be used if gsnPanelRowSpec = True.
A greater degree of control can be attained, however, through the setting of the special panel resource gsnPanelRowSpec = True. If this resource is used, the plot orientation refers to the
number of plots per row.
Section 13.3 Important panel resources
The following resources are commonly used in the creation of a panel plot. They are to be passed to gsn_panel, and not the individual plots in the graphical array.
• txString: common title • gsnPanelLabelBar: common label bar • gsnPanelBottom: space at bottom • gsnPanelTop: space at top • gsnPanelFigureStrings: puts strings of your choice in the upper left
corners of each plot in the panel. Which corner to place the strings can be controlled.
For examples on the use and effect of these resources, go to the web site: http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/panel.shtml
Section 13.4 Paneling plots of different sizes
gsn_panel expects plots to be of the same size. Sending plots of different sizes to the procedure can produce unexpected results.
The user can manually create a frame containing plots of different sizes by specifying where on the page they should be located, and what size they should be. The following code snippet demonstrates this technique (Fig 13a):
; create first plot res res@gsnFrame res@vpXF res@vpYF res@vpWidthF res@vpHeightF
plot1 = gsn_csm_contour_map_polar(wks,d,res)
= True = False = 0.2 = 0.83 = 0.6 = 0.465 ; plot mods
; don’t advance ; x location ; y location ; width ; height
; create second plot = True sres@gsnFrame = False sres@vpXF = 0.15 sres@vpYF = 0.3 sres@vpWidthF = 0.7 sres@vpHeightF = 0.18 plot2 = gsn_csm_xy(wks,x,y,sres) frame(wks)
Figure 13a: Demonstrates the paneling of different sized plots.
Section 14: Font Heights
There are numerous labels and titles in NCL. Each of these are controlled by their own resources. For instance, the font height for the tickmark labels of the bottom x-axis is controlled by tmXBFontHeightF while the font height for label bar labels is controlled by
lbLabelFontHeightF, etc. Appendix A contains a list of some of the more common font height resources.
Section 15: Titles
There are three primary plots titles and three additional titles created exclusively in the gsn_csm high-level graphical interfaces. The main title is controlled through the tiMainString resource, and the x and y axis titles are controlled through the tiXAxisString and tiYAxisString respectively. Section 5.6 discusses the additional title resources gsnLeftString, gsnRightString, and gsnCenterString.
Section 16: Legends
By default, an x-y plot contains no legend. To turn a legend on, it is necessary to set
pmLegendDisplayMode = \"Always\". See Appendix A for a list of other legend resources.
Section 17: Label Bars
In the gsn_csm high-level graphical interfaces, a label is automatically created when the user turns on color by setting cnFillOn = True. The default orientation and location for this label bar is horizontal, below the plot, with the labels being set to the edge of each color. Appendix A contains a list of resources that can be used to modify this default behavior. A label bar can also
be created from scratch for those using the gsn generic interfaces. The following web site contains an example of this technique: http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/labelbar.shtml
Section 18: Function Codes
NCL uses a function code to force font changes, superscripting, subscripting etc in the middle of a text string. The default function code in NCL is a colon (:). Many users prefer to reserve the colon for possible use in a string. You can change the default function code to another character in your \".hluresfile\". In our example (section 3.2), the default function code has been changed to a tilde (~). All the examples in this section will use this function code.
Section 18.1 Superscripting/subscripting
\"10~S~2~N~x\" \"T~B~K\"
10 x TK
Section 18.2 Carriage return
\"carriage return~C~here\" carriage return
Section 18.3 Greek or mathematical characters
\"~F33~helas~F21~Chars\" ηελασChars
Section 19: Primitives
Section 19.1 Polygons
A polygon is an enclosed region with a minimum of three points. The last point should be a duplicate of the first point in order to close the polygon.
A polygon can be added to a plot in either plot coordinates (gsn_polygon), or page/NDC coordinates (gsn_polygon_ndc). Neither of these procedures makes the polygon part of the plot. This means that if the plot is paneled, the polygon will not stay with the plot. If paneling is desired, then gsn_add_polygon should be used.
The following code snippet demonstrates how to draw or add a polygon on or to a plot:
; plot created above with gsnFrame and gsnDraw set to false. ; add polygon to plot
y = (/30.,30.,0.0,0.,30./)
x = (/-90.,-45.,-45.,-90.,-90./)
resp resp@gsFillColor = = \"red\" ; color
True ; mods yes
; this technique can not be used with ; paneling
; this method CAN be used with paneling. Must be set to dummy variable d = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,x,y,resp) draw(plot) frame(wks)
Observe the difference between gsn_polygon and gsn_add_polygon. The latter is a function which is set to a unique dummy variable. This variable should not be deleted. If multiple polygons are being added in a loop, then an array of dummy variables needs to be created (see section 19.2 for example).
There are numerous resources that control the color and style of polygons (see Appendix A for the most common).
Section 19.2 Polylines
There are three interfaces that will add/draw polylines to/on a plot: gsn_polyline (plot coordinates), gsn_polyline_ndc (page/NDC coordinates), and gsn_add_polyline.
The following is a code snippet demonstrating how to draw a box on a plot using polylines:
; plot created above with gsnFrame and gsnDraw set to false. ; add polylines to plot y = (/30.,30.,0.0,0.,30./)
x = (/-90.,-45.,-45.,-90.,-90./) resp resp@gsFillColor resp@gsLineThicknessF
= = =
\"red\" ; color 2.0
; create array of dummy graphic ; variables. This is required, b/c
; each line must be associated with a ; unique dummy variable. d = new(4,graphic)
; draw each line separately. Each line must contain two points. do i=0,3
d(i)= gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot,x(i:i+1),y(i:i+1),resp) end do draw(plot) frame(wks)
There are numerous resources that control the style of polylines (Appendix A).
Section 19.3 Polymarkers
There are sixteen marker styles that can be used (figure 19a) when adding polymarkers to a plot. The three interfaces available are gsn_polymarker (plot coordinates),
gsn_polymarker_ndc (page coordinates), and gsn_add_polymarker. You can create your own markers using the NhlNewMarker function:
Section 20: Adding Text
There are three high-level interfaces that will additional text to a plot, gsn_text (plot
coordinates), gsn_text_ndc (page coordinates), and gsn_add_text. Only the latter function makes the text part of the plot so that it can be paneled together with other plots. The following code snippet demonstrates how to add additional text to a plot:
; plot created above with gsnDraw and gsnFrame set to false add_T x y
= \"text here\" = 0.5 ; middle of x = 0.85 ; towards top of page
txres = True
txres@txFontHeightF = 0.03 gsn_text_ndc(wks,plot,add_T,x,y,txres) draw(plot)
Section 21: X-Y Plots
The following code snippet demonstrates the creation of an X-Y (line) plot using the high-level graphical interface gsn_csm_xy:
; read in data f = addfile(\"./uv300.nc\ u = f->U x = u&lat y = u
; open workstation
wks = gsn_open_wks(\"ps\ ; create plot res = True
= \"Basic XY plot\"
plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,x,y,res)
In order to place more than one line on the page, it is necessary to create a new array that is large enough to hold all the lines:
; read in data f = addfile(\"./uv300.nc\ u = f->U x = u&lat y = u
; create array to hold multiple lines data = new((/2,dimsizes(x)/),float)
; use coordinate subscripting to select ; two lines from u data(0,:) = u(0,:,{82}) data(1,:) = u(0,:,{-69})
; open workstation wks = gsn_open_wks(\"ps\
; create plot res = True res@xyLineThicknesses = (/1.0,2.0/) res@xyLineColors = (/\"blue\"/) plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,y,data,res)
There are many resources that can be used to modify the style of x-y plots (Appendix A), including gsnXYBarChart which will turn an x-y plot into a bar chart (figure 21a).
Figure 21a: Example of a bar chart. gsnXYBarChart = True Other x-y plot examples are available at: http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/xy.shtml
It is easy to change a line plot to a scatter plot by setting xyMarkLineMode to \"Marker\". Available marker styles are listed in figure 21a. Other resources that effect scatter plots are located in Appendix A.
Section 22: Explicit Tickmark Labeling
It is possible for the user to replace the default tickmark labels provided by the high-level
graphical interface with custom labels. The following code snippet demonstrates this technique:
custom_labs = (/\"Jan\x_values = x&time res res@tmXBMode res@tmXBValues res@tmXBLabels res@tmLabelAutoStride
= True
= \"Explicit\" = x_values = custom_labs = True
plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,x,y,res)
The values assigned to the tmXBValues attribute must equal in part to the values determined by the graphical interface. For instance, if the x-axis was time, in increments of seconds, then the user could not assign tmXBValues numbers that were unrelated integers such as the number of tickmarks desired.
Appendix A: Common Resources
These are a list of some common resources by topic. They are by no means exhaustive. The term dynamic means that the value is determined by NCL. For an exhaustive list of resources, see:
http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/ Axis - http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/tr.shtml
trYReverse trXReverse trYMinF trXMinF trYMaxF trXMaxF trYLog trXLog
reverse x or y axis
Default False
Example True 3 900 True
set minimum of x or y 0.0 axis
set maximum of x or 1.0 y axis
turn on/off log axis False
Contour - http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/cn.shtml
turn on/off color filled contours
cnLinesOn turn on/off contour
cnFillMode set type of contour fill cnLevelSelectionMode control contour levels cnMinLevelValF cnMaxLevelValF cnLevelSpacingF cnLevels
set minimum or maximum contour level
set contour spacing set contour elvels when
cnLevelSelectionMode is “ExplicitLevels” set thickness of contour lines set pattern fills turn on/off the contour info label
Default False True
“AutomaticLevels” dynamic
Example True False
“RasterFill” “ExplicitLevels” “ManualLevels” 5 35
2 (/3,5,7,9,10,45/)
dynamic dynamic
cnLineThicknessF cnFillPatterns cnInfoLabelOn
1.0 “SolidFill” True
(-1 is transparent False
Labelbars - http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/lb.shtml
cnFillOn Function
turn contour fill on/off
cnFillMode set contour fill
cnLabelBarEndStyle set style for end
gsnSpreadColors span full range of
gsnSpreadColorStart begin colormap at
particular index
gsnSpreadColorEnd end colormap at
particular index
lbLabelBarOn turn on/off the
lbOrientation set orientation of
lbLabelAutoStride automatically pick
nice labelbar label stride
lbTitleOn turn on/off a
labelbar title
lbTitleString set labelbar title lbLabelAlignment st where the
labelbar label is oriented wrt to the color boxes
pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF moves the
orthogonally to its position. For a horizontal
labelbar, this is up and down.
pmLabelBarParallalPosF moves the
perpendicularly to its position. For a vertical labelbar, this is left and right.
pmLabelBarWidthF set the width of
the labelbar pmLabelBarHeightF set the height of the labelbar
Default False “AreaFill”
False 2 ncolors-1
True for gsn_csm interfaces horizontal for
gsn_csm interfaces False False
Null “ExternalEdges”
Example True “RasterFill” “ExcludeOuterBoxes” True 46 89 False “vertical” True True “m/s” “BoxCenters”
N/A -0.03
N/A -0.01
set for the user in the gsn_csm interfaces
set for the user in the gsn_csm interfaces
GSN - http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/gsn.shtml
turn on/off the
addition of a cyclic point to the
longitude coordinate values
see figure 1a draw the plot
advanced the frame (page)
see figure 1a
True for data that has 1D coordinate variables
Example False
gsnCenterString gsnDraw gsnFrame gsnLeftString gsnMaximize N/A True True
long_name (if
exists) in gsn_csm interfaces False N/A
“string here” False False “Salinity” True (/”a”,”b”,”c”/)
maximizes plot and rotates to landscape if necessary
gsnPanelFigureStrings add a series of
strings to the upper left corner of each plot in a panel
gsnPanelLabelBar turn on/off a
common labelbar in a panel plot
gsnRightString see figure 1a gsnScalarContour force vector/scalar
gsn_csm interfaces to draw vectors over the scalar field span full range of colormap
begin colormap at particular index end colormap at particular index changes an x-y line into a bar chart add a vertical
reference line to a plot
change color of X reference line add a horizontal reference line to a plot
change color of Y reference line
False True “ppm” True
units (if exists) in gsn_csm interfaces False
gsnSpreadColors gsnSpreadColorStart gsnSpreadColorEnd gsnXYBarChart gsnXRefLine gsnXRefLineColor gsnYRefLine gsnYRefLineColor False 2 ncolors-1 False None
foreground color None
foreground color
True 46 89 True 1.0 “green” 0.0 “blue”
Legends - http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/lg.shtml
pmLegendWidthF pmLegendHeightF lgTitleOn lgTitleString lgOrientation lgPerimOn
xyExplicitLegendLabels pmLegendOrthgonalPosF pmLegendParallelPosF
Function set width of a legend
set height of a legend
turn on legend title set title string set orientation of the legend
turn the legend perimeter on/off change default legend labels adjust the legend orthogonally
adjust the legend perpendicularly
Default dynamic dynamic False N/A
“horizontal” True N/A N/A N/A
Example 0.6 0.3 True “Profiles” “vertical” False (/”a”,”b”/) -0.03 0.2
XY curves - http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/xy.shtml
xyDashPatterns set line pattern solid 1.0
foreground color “Lines”
xyLineThicknesses set line
xyLineColors set line colors xyMarkLineModes set whether lines
contain markers, lines, or both
markers and lines
xyMarkers set marker styles xyMarkerColor set marker colors xyMarkerSizeF set marker size
(/”solid”,”dash”/) (/2.0,3.0,4.0/) (/”red”,”blue”/) “Lines” “Markers” “MarkLines” 5
“green” 0.03
foreground color 0.01
Maps - http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/Resources/mp.shtml
The second through fifth resources are to be used when zooming in on a cylindrical equidistant or polar stereographic projection. They are the limits set when using mpLimitMode = “LatLon”. This resource is set for the user by the high-level plot interfaces. Other projections, such as lambert conformal, require a different limit mode (mpLimitMode = “Corners”).
Function Default Example mpLimitMode determine depends on “LatLon” how a map is projection “Corners” zoomed in mpMinLatF set minimum dynamic 30. latitude for map zoom mpMaxLafF set maximum dynamic 60. latitude for map zoom mpMinLonF set minimum dynamic -70. longitude for map zoom mpMaxLonF set maximum dynamic 89. longitude for map zoom mpFillOn turn on/off True for False map fill gsn_csm interfaces mpCenterLonF set center 0 180.
longitude of projection mpDataBaseVersion
set map “LowRes”
“MediumRes” database “HighRes” resolution (must be downloaded) mpLandFillColor set color of “gray” for “brown” land areas gsn_csm interfaces mpOceanFillColor set color of “transparent” “SkyBlue” ocean areas mpInlandWaterFillColor set color of “transparent” “blue” inland water areas
turn on/off True
False the map outlines mpOutlineBoundarySets set various “Geophysical”
“Geosphysicacontinental lAndUSStateoutlines on s”
and off “National” mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF set line
1.0 2.0 thickness of map outlines mpGeophysicalLinColor set color of foreground “red” map outlines mpUSStateLineColor set color of foreground
US state boundaries
Polygons, polylines, polymarkers -
gsFillColor gsEdgeColor gsEdgesOn gsLineColor
gsLineThicknessF gsMarkerIndex gsMarkerColor gsMarkerSizeF
set fill color for inside of polygon
set color of the outline of a polygon
turn on/off polygon edge
set polyline color
set polyline thickness set marker style set marker color set marker size
Default transparent none False
foreground color 1.0
asterisk (0)
foreground color 0.007
Example “red” “black” True “orange” 2.5 5
“purple” 0.014
Appendix B: High-level Graphical Interfaces
gsn generic interfaces
gsn_xy gsn_vector_map gsn_y gsn_vector_scalar_map gsn_contour gsn_streamline gsn_contour_map gsn_streamline_map gsn_vector gsn_map gsn_vector_scalar
As an example, the following line of code will contour the two-dimensional array data: plot = gsn_contour(wks,data,res)
gsn_csm interfaces
In the list below, an _ce stands for cylindrical equidistant projection. An _hov stands for hovmuller diagram. All other interface names are self-explanatory. As with the gsn generic interfaces, the gsn_csm interfaces are functions and return a graphical object. Note: many of the interfaces listed below could be placed into more than one category.
gsn_contour_shade (nice customization of contour filling) gsn_csm_contour
gsn_csm_contour_map (choose your projection) gsn_csm_contour_map_ce gsn_csm_contour_map_polar
gsn_csm_contour_map_overlay (overlay additional contours) plot = gsn_csm_contour(wks,data,res)
gsn_csm_streamline_map (choose your projection) gsn_csm_streamline_map_ce gsn_csm_streamline_map_polar gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_ce gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_polar plot = gsn_csm_streamline(wks,u,v,res)
gsn_csm_vector_map gsn_csm_vector_map_ce
gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_polar plot = gsn_csm_vector(wks,u,v,res)
Pressure/Height: gsn_csm_pres_hgt
gsn_csm_pres_hgt_streamline gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector
gsn_csm_lat_time gsn_csm_time_lat gsn_csm_hov gsn_csm_xy gsn_csm_y
gsn special interfaces
Polylines: These interfaces add a polyline to an existing plot:
gsn_polyline (plot coordinates) gsn_polyline_ndc (page coordinates) gsn_add_polyline (can be paneled, plot coords)
Polymarkers: These interfaces add polymarkers to an existing plot:
gsn_polymarker (plot coordinates) gsn_polymarker_ndc (page coordinates)
gsn_add_polymarker (can be paneled, plot coords)
Polygons: These interfaces add a polygon to an existing plot:
gsn_polygon gsn_polygon_ndc gsn_add_polygon
(plot coordinates) (page coordinates)
(can be paneled, plot coords)
Text: These interfaces add text to an existing plot:
gsn_text (plot coordinates) gsn_text_ndc (page coordinates) gsn_add_text (can be paneled, plot coords) gsn_create_text (no coords, use in conjunction with gsn_add_annotation)
Colormaps: These interfaces are used for manipulating color maps. You can view the built-in color maps at: http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/color_table_gallery.shtml
gsn_define_colormap gsn_merge_colormaps gsn_draw_colormap gsn_retrieve_colormap gsn_draw_named_colors gsn_reverse_colormap hlsrgb hsvrgb rgbhls rgbhsv rgbyiq yiqrgb
Miscellaneous: These interfaces perform a variety of functions:
gsn_add_annotation gsn_panel gsn_attach_plots gsn_table gsn_create_labelbar gsn_create_legend gsn_histogram gsn_labelbar_ndc gsn_legend_ndc gsn_open_wks
Appendix C: List of Named Colors
The full list of colors and their RGB triplets are available at:
http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/Scripts/rgb.txt http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Graphics/named_colors.shtml
All of these colors have multiple spelling with the non-capitalized versions having a space between the words and the capitalized versions containing no space (e.g. ghost white,
GhostWhite). For the sake of brevity only one version per RGB triplet is listed here. There are also numerous variations on each named color (e.g. snow, snow1, snow2, snow3 etc.). These variations are also not listed.
255 250 250 248 248 255 245 245 245 220 220 220 255 250 240 253 245 230 250 240 230 250 235 215 255 239 213 255 235 205 255 228 196 255 218 185 255 222 173 255 228 181 255 248 220 255 255 240 255 250 205 255 245 238 240 255 240 245 255 250 240 255 255 240 248 255 230 230 250 255 240 245 255 228 225 255 255 255 0 0 0 47 79 79 105 105 105 112 128 144 119 136 153 190 190 190 211 211 211 25 25 112 0 0 128 100 149 237 72 61 139 106 90 205 123 104 238 132 112 255 0 0 205 65 105 225 0 0 255
ghost white white smoke gainsboro floral white old lace linen
antique white papaya whip
blanched almond bisque peach puff navajo white moccasin cornsilk ivory
lemon chiffon seashell honeydew mint cream azure alice blue lavender
lavender blush misty rose white black
dark slate gray dim gray slate gray
light slate gray gray
light grey midnight blue navy blue
cornflower blue dark slate blue slate blue
medium slate blue light slate blue medium blue royal blue blue
30 144 255 0 191 255 135 206 235 135 206 250 70 130 180 176 196 222 173 216 230 176 224 230 175 238 238 0 206 209 72 209 204 64 224 208 0 255 255 224 255 255 95 158 160 102 205 170 127 255 212 0 100 0 85 107 47 143 188 143 46 139 87 60 179 113 32 178 170 152 251 152 0 255 127 124 252 0 0 255 0 127 255 0 0 250 154 173 255 47 50 205 50 154 205 50 34 139 34 107 142 35 189 183 107 240 230 140 238 232 170 250 250 210 255 255 224 255 255 0 255 215 0 238 221 130 218 165 32
dodger blue deep sky blue sky blue
light sky blue steel blue
light steel blue light blue powder blue pale turquoise dark turquoise medium turquoise turquoise cyan
light cyan cadet blue
medium aquamarine aquamarine dark green
dark olive green dark sea green sea green
medium sea green light sea green pale green spring green lawn green green
medium spring green green yellow lime green yellow green forest green olive drab dark khaki khaki
pale goldenrod
light goldenrod yellow light yellow yellow gold
light goldenrod goldenrod 1
84 134 11 188 143 143 205 92 92 139 69 19 160 82 45 205 133 63 222 184 135 245 245 220 245 222 179 244 164 96 210 180 140 210 105 30 178 34 34 165 42 42 233 150 122 250 128 114 255 160 122 255 165 0 255 140 0 255 127 80 240 128 128 255 99 71
dark goldenrod rosy brown indian red saddle brown sienna peru
burlywood beige wheat
sandy brown tan
chocolate firebrick brown
dark salmon salmon
light salmon orange
dark orange coral
light coral tomato
255 69 0 255 0 0 255 105 180 255 20 147 255 192 203 255 182 193 219 112 147 176 48 96 199 21 133 208 32 144 255 0 255 238 130 238 221 160 221 218 112 214 186 85 211 153 50 204 148 0 211 138 43 226 160 32 240 147 112 219 216 191 216 orange red red
hot pink deep pink pink
light pink
pale violet red maroon
medium violet red violet red magenta violet plum orchid
medium orchid dark orchid dark violet blue violet purple
medium purple thistle
You can use the following code to draw a test set of named colors for debugging purposes:
load \"$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl\" begin wks = gsn_open_wks(\"x11\ end
colors = (/\"white\ \"Khaki\ \"HotPink\ \"MediumTurquoise\ \"Orchid\rows = 4 cols = 5
; Draw these
; named colors.
Appendix D: Common Error Messages
(0) check_for_y_lat_coord: Warning: Data either does not contain a valid latitude coordinate array or doesn't contain one at all
(0) check_for_lon_coord: Warning: Data either does not contain a valid longitude coordinate array or doesn't contain one at all
Need to rename x and y dimensions to one of those listed in section 2.6.
(0) is_valid_lat_ycoord: Warning: The units attribute of the Y
coordinate array is not set to one of the allowable units values (i.e. 'degrees_north'). Your latitude labels may not be correct. (0) is_valid_lat_xcoord: Warning: The units attribute of the X
coordinate array is not set to one of the allowable units values (i.e. 'degrees_east'). Your longitude labels may not be correct.
Need to add or change the units attributes for the latitude/longitude coordinate arrays (see section 2.6)
(0) gsn_add_cyclic: Warning: The range of your longitude data is not 360. You may want to set gsnAddCyclic to False to avoid a warning message from the Spline function.
A cyclic point is added to the data in all gsn_csm high-level map interfaces. If this is inappropriate (e.g. a regional plot), then it is necessary to set gsnAddCyclic = False
(0) warning:_NhlCreateSplineCoordApprox: Attempt to create spline
approximation for Y axis failed: consider adjusting trYTensionF value warning:IrTransInitialize: error creating spline approximation for trYCoordPoints; defaulting to linear
Chances are this has occurred because of an error in the longitude coordinate variable. It is either incorrect or there is a gap in the data.
fatal:ContourPlotDraw: Workspace reallocation would exceed maximum size 16777216 fatal:ContourPlotDraw: draw error fatal:PlotManagerDraw: error in plot draw fatal:_NhlPlotManagerDraw: Draw error
The plot of your data is too large for NCL’s default 16MB size. You must increase the size by setting: setvalues NhlGetWorkspaceObjectId() \"wsMaximumSize\": 33554432 end setvalues
Appendix E: Glossary
attribute: datum of any type that is assigned to an NCL variable using the '@' operator. An attribute of a variable can contain descriptive information about the variable. Attributes are used to set plot options for the gsn and gsn_csm suite of plotting functions.
color index: An integer value that represents an index into the current color table. Index 0 is the background color and 1 is the foreground color. Color index values can be used with any
graphical resource that defines the color of a plot attribute (like a line color or a polygon fill color). See also “named color”.
coordinate variable: value associated with a named dimension of a variable or file variable that contains numerical coordinate information for each index of the dimension. Coordinate variables must be singly-dimensioned values. They are recognized and used by the gsn_csm suite of plotting scripts to define the X and Y axes values.
named color: a string representing a predefined color. Named colors can be used with just about any graphical resource that defines the color of a plot attribute (like a line color or a polygon fill color). In order to use a named color, that color must be part of your current color table. See also “color index”.
named dimension: a dimension of a variable or file variable that has been assigned a name using the '!' operator.
NDC coordinates: (normalized page coordinates) the lower left corner of a page is (0,0), the lower right corner is (0,1), the upper left corner is (1,0), and the upper right corner is (1,1). There are several special interfaces that function in NDC space (e.g. gsn_text_ndc, gsn_polyline_ndc).
panel/paneling: putting more than one plot onto a page. Note that gsn_panel expects plots of the same size. Plots of different sizes can be paneled using the viewport resources vpXF and vpYF to manually place the plots on a page. See section 13 for details.
plot coordinates: unlike NDC coordinates which refer to the page and never change, the plot coordinates are plot dependent. A map plot would have plot coordinates in latitude and longitude. A time series plot would have plot coordinates in time and whatever the other coordinate is. There are many interfaces that work in plot coordinate space (e.g. gsn_polyline, gsn_add_text).
resources: values that will modify the default behavior of a plot. The first two (or three) letters of a resource are lower case and tell the user what type of resource it is (section 4.1). The remaining part of the resource describes what it does (e.g. cnFillOn turns on color fill for contour plots, txFontHeightF sets the font height for a text string).
viewport: the viewport is a rectangular subregion of NDC space that specifies where plot objects will be drawn. The precise meaning of the viewport depends on the plot object. For example, for XyPlot objects, the viewport specifies where the grid containing the curves will be placed, and the labeling (if any) will be drawn outside of the viewport. On the other hand, for TextItem objects, the viewport will be a rectangle surrounding the text string.
workstation: a valid output device such as an X Window System display, a PostScript file, a PDF files, or an NCGM.