
Control apparatus

2022-10-27 来源:好走旅游网

专利名称:Control apparatus

发明人:Terence K. Gibbs,Graham Luck,David Wares申请号:US07/778036申请日:19911017公开号:US05347386A公开日:19940913

摘要:Solid state optoelectronic control apparatus responsive to manual stimulus ispresented. The control apparatus comprises: a transmitter (20) having a light source (38)for projecting a beam of light along a path normally directed away from a photo sensitivedetector (24); characterised in that the control apparatus further comprises: a receiver(21) for generating an enable pulse having a duration determined by a length of time forwhich the beam is reflected towards the detector by a digit or similarly reflective article;and conversion means (31) for varying an output signal level (44) as a function of theduration of the enable pulse. The conversion means increases the signal level (44) inresponse to and during a first enable pulse, and decreases the signal level in response toand during a second enable pulse occurring next to the first enable pulse. In a preferredexample of the present invention, the conversion means (31) further decreases the signallevel during the first enable pulse when the signal level (44) reaches a maximum value,and increases the signal level (44) during the second enable pulse when the signal level(44) reaches a minimum value.

In a display device (10) having a display screen (12) mounted in a bezel (11) and furthercomprising control apparatus of the present invention, the light source (38), the detector(24 ) and a visible light emitting power on indicator (113) are directed towards an

aperture (112) in the bezel (11) by a translucent light guide (100).


代理人:David Aker

