

2022-10-22 来源:好走旅游网
剑桥雅思6第二套听力Section3真题+解析: SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 Complete the tables below.


Dissertation Tutorial Record (Education) Name: Sandy Gibbons Targets previously agreed Investigate suitable data analysis software Work completed -Read IT 21.................... Further action suggested Signup for some -Spoken to Jane Prince, Head software practice of the 22.................... sessions Add questions in section three on 24.................... -Read Banerjee Prepare a 23.................... -Completed and sent for for survey review Further reading about discipline New Targets Obtain from library -N. B. Couldn’t find through special loans Ericsson’s essays on managing the 25.................... service Specific suggestions -Add statistics on the Timing 27.................... .in various Do further work on Chapter 1(Give the title: zones Context 26....................) -Include more references to works dated after 28.................... Prepare list of main -Use index cards to help in sections for Chapter 2 organisation By the 29.................... Before starting the 30.................... 场景背景介绍


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dissertation n.论文 discipline n.知识领域;(尤指大学的)学科、科目 tutorial n.导师辅导

target n.目标 loan n.借出,贷款 analysis n.分析 statistics n.数据 catalogue n.目录 draft v.打草稿 survey n.调查 embark v.着手 词汇拓展

abbreviation n.缩写 drawback n.缺点 handwriting n.书写 paperclips n.纸夹子 historian n.历史学家 paperwork n.报告

manilla folder 牛皮纸文件夹 plagiarism n.抄袭 margin n.书页边的空白处;利润 pledge v.保证 marketplace n.市场 practical adj.现实的 memo n.便笺,备忘录 precision n.精确度 methodology n.方法(学) pressure n.压力 observation n.观察 professor n.教授 opportunity n.机遇 proficiency n.熟练 overflow n.溢满 protection n.保护

critical adj.批判式的 reflective adj.熟虑的;反光的 criticize v.批评 representative adj.具代表性的 deadline n.最后期限 reproduce v.再生 decoration n.装饰 respondent n.受访者

demanding adj.有难度的 responsibility n.责任 domesticate v.使本土化 roundabout adj.曲折的 文本及疑难解析

1. How have you been getting on with you dissertation?你的论文写得怎么样了?How have you been…是口语中经常使用的问别人某事最近进展如何的说法。

2. Do you want to talk me through what you've done?你是否想跟我说说你都做了些什么? talk sb. through指“把……给……人说一遍”;talk sth. through,指“把……给串一遍”。

3. But I also thought it'd be worthwhile talking to a lecture.我也觉得和导师谈一下是非常值得的。be worthwhile doing sth.意为“值得做……”。 4. She's the new Head.她是新的主管。

5. I'd say your first two sections are spot on.我觉得你的前两个部分非常切题。spot on可以用来形容人的想法非常好,说到了重点上。 6. Well,short and to the point.简洁并且切题。

7. I would aim for the end of term.我的目标是在期末时完成。aim for sth./aim to do sth.目标是…… 题目解析


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剑桥雅思6第二套听力Section 4真题+解析: SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 Questions 31-37

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

The history of moving pictures

31 Some photographs of a horse running showed A all feet off the ground.

B at least one foot on the ground. C two feet off the ground.

32 The Scotsman employed by Edison

A designed a system to use the technology Edison had invented. B used available technology to make a new system. C was already an expert in motion picture technology. 33 One major problem with the first system was that A only one person could be filmed.

B people could only see very short films. C the camera was very heavy.

34 Rival systems started to appear in Europe after people had A been told about the American system. B seen the American system. C used the American system.

35 In 1895, a famous new system was developed by A a French team working alone.

B a French and German team working together. C a German team who invented the word ‘cinema’.

36 Longer films were not made at the time because of problems involving A the subject matter. B the camera.

C the film projector.

37 The ‘Lantham Loop’ invention relied on A removing tension between the film reels. B adding three more film reels to the system. C making one of the film reels more effective. Questions 38-40

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. 38 The first motion picture was called The ...................

39 ....................... were used for the first time on film in 1926.

40 Subtitles were added to The Lights of New York because of its.................... .

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题 型:选择题,完成句子 考查技能:听出具体信息

场 景:关于电影发展史的讲座 场景背景介绍

本节开头部分并没有直接提到电影,而是提出一个问题:马在奔跑的时候四蹄是否有同时离地的时刻。后来一个摄影师把全过程用照相机拍下,然后又把所有的照片整理成连续的影像,终于揭开了谜团。从此,人们开始考虑是否能以此为基础做出动态影像的影片。爱迪生成了这一想法的最终实施者。这种技术传到欧洲之后又得到了改进,例如设备变轻,加入声效等,这使得当时的电影整理难度大大增加。 本节必备词汇、词组

hoof(pl. hooves) n.蹄 tendency n.趋势 gallop v.奔跑 tension n.紧张 succession n.连续 loop n.圈

fellow n.伙计,同伴 sensation n.感觉能力,感觉 primitive adj.原始的;简单的 faint v.晕

motion n.动作,动态 craze n.一时兴起的强烈兴趣 projection device 投影设备 sound effect 声效 lineup 排队 subtitle n.字幕,副标题 rival n.对手 compensate v.补偿 词汇拓展

admittance n.准许进入 chilled adj.冰镇的 architect n.建筑师 coach n.长途汽车 baggage n.行李 collection n.收藏

bushwalking n.郊游 consignment n.交付 cabin n.小木屋 cycling n.骑车游览

cancellation n.取消 demonstration n.表演

challenging adj.有挑战性的 desirable adj.令人喜爱的 cheque n.支票 discontinue v.终止

discover v.发现 itinerary n.行程,路线 distraction n.脱离 package tour 跟团游 entertainment n.娱乐 painting n.绘画 exhibition n.展览 reproduction n.临摹 explorer n.探险者 roan v.闲逛 glimpse n.瞥一眼 round trip 往返 guidebook n.旅行指南 rust v.生锈 interruption n.打扰 文本及疑难解析

1. To set the bet, a photographer was asked to photograph a horse galloping and the bet was settled because you could see that all the hooves were off the ground in some of the photos.为了解决这个赌注问题,一个摄影师被要求拍摄马奔跑时的照片。最终打赌的结果被弄清楚了,因为可以看到在某些照片上马蹄是完全离开地面的。

2. Actually, he didn't do the work himself but rather asked a young

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Scotsman in his employ to design a system, which he did.事实上,他并没有自己去做,而是让他雇用的一个年轻的苏格兰人设计了这个系统。employ在本句中为名词。 3. Now this young fellow was clever because the first thing he did was study other systems—primitive as they were—of moving pictures and then put all the existing technologies together to make the first entire motion picture system.这个年轻人非常聪明,因为他做的第一件事情就是学习其他的动态影像系统。从他们最原始的状态学起,然后融合现有的技术,整理出来第一个动态影像系统。

4. A continuing problem at the time was that the films had a tendency to break when they were being played... 那时一个始终未能解决的问题是,在放映的过程中,胶片非常容易断裂。film在本句中为“胶片”。

5. I guess the next big step in terms of development of technology was to have people actually talking on the film, and the first step towards this was in 1926 when sound effects were first used on a film.我认为,接下来在技术上的重大发展是让人们在电影中能说话,而这在1926年声效在电影中被运用之后得以实现。 6. It wasn't until the following year however that the first ‘ talkie', as they were called then, was made.然而直到第二年电影才有了声音。 题目解析

31~37题为选择题。选择题最大的难点在于读题时信息量比较大,因此读题时应只读题干,标出核心词。本部分题目必须建立在听懂原文的基础上。34题为难题,原文中提到了heard about,但考生做题时容易紧张,导致凭主观判断认为欧洲人借用了美国人的技术。35题容易误判断C为正确答案,但要注意这一部分原文中提到的始终是French。 38~40题为完成句子。38题不难得到答案,但很容易出现拼写错误。39和40题没有难度,可以直接用核心词定位得到答案。


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