Take time to think -
It is the source of power take time to read -
it is the foundation of wisdom take time to play -
it is the secret of staying young take time to laugh -
it is the music of the soul take time to be friendly - it is the road to happiness
take time to love and be loved - it is the God's greatest gift take time to be quite -
it is the opporturuty to seak God take time to dream -
it is what the futre is made of
When I was just a little girl,I asked my mother ,\"What will I be ?Will I be Petty?Will I be rich?\"Here's what sge said to me\"Que,Sera,Sera,whatever will be,will
be,the future's not ours to
see,Que,Sera,Sera,what will be ,will be.\" when I grew up and fell in love,I asked my sweetheart ,\"What likes ahead?Will we have rainbows,day afterday?\"Here's what my aweetheart said:\"Que,Sera,Sera,whatever will be,will be.The future's not ours to see.Que,Sera,Sera,what will be,will be.\"Now I have children of my own.They ask their mother ,\"What will I be?Will I be handsome,will I be rich?\"I tell them
tenderly:\"Que,Sera,Sera.What ever will be, will be.The future's not ours to see.Que,Sera,Sera.What will be,will be,Que,Sera,Sera.\"