

2023-08-04 来源:好走旅游网
海运提单(BILL OF LADING--B/L)是承运人或其代理人应托运人要求所签发的货物收据(RECEIPT OF GOODS),在将货物收归其照管后签发,证明已收到提单上所列明的货物;也是承运人所签署的运输契约的证明,提单还代表所载货物的所有权,是一种货物所有权凭证(DOCUMENT OF TITLE)。提单持有人可据以提取货物,也可凭此向银行押汇,还可在载货船舶到达目的港交货之前进行转让;是承运人与托运人之间运输合同的证明。

某公司海运提单样本 Shipper YUANYUAN TRADE CORPORATION 222 ZHONGSHAN ROAD SHANGHAI CHINA B/L NO. HJSHBI 142939 ORIGINAL 中 国 对 外 贸 易 运 输 总 公 司 CHINA NATIONAL FOREIGN TRADE TRANSPORT CORPORATION 直 运 或 转 船 提 单 Consignee or order TO ORDER OF SHIPPER Notify address TKAMRA CORPORATION 6-7 KAWARA MACH OSAKA JAPAN Pre-carriage by Vessel PUDONG V.503 Port of discharge OSAKA Frail destination Port of loading SHANGHAI Port of transshipment BILL OF LADING DIRECT OR WITH TRANSHIPMENT SHIPPED on board in apparent good order and condition (unless otherwise indicated) the goods or packages specified herein and to be discharged or the mentioned port of discharge of as near there as the vessel may safely get and be always afloat. THE WEIGHT, measure, marks and numbers quality, contents and value, being particulars furnished by the Shipper, are not checked by the Carrier on loading. THE SHIPPER, Consignee and the Holder of this Bill of Lading hereby expressly accept and agree to all printed, written or stamped provisions, exceptions and conditions of this Bill of Loading, including those on the back hereof. IN WITNESS where of the number of original Bill of Loading stated below have been signed, one of which being accomplished, the other(s) to be void. Container Seal No. or marks and Nos. Number and kind of packages Designation of goods 100% COTTON COLOUR WEAVE T-SHIRT SAY THREE HUNDRED (300) CARTONS ONLY TOTAL ONE 40’ CONTAINER CY TO CY FREIGHT PREPAID Gross (kgs.) weight Measurement (m3) GATU0506118 T.C TXT264 OSAKA C/NO.1-300 3 300KGS 66CBM REGARDING TRANSHIPMENT Freight and charge INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT FREIGHT PREPAID Ex. rate Prepaid at Total Prepaid Fright payable at SHANGHAI Number Bs/L THREE of original Place and date of issue SHANGHAI JUN.18, 2006 Signed for or on behalf of the Master 丁毅 as Agent 商业发票(COMMERCIAL INVOICE)是出口方向进口方开列发货价目清单,是买卖双方记账的依据,也是进出口报关交税的总说明。商业发票是一笔业务的全面反映,内容包括商品的名称、规格、价格、数量、金额、包装等,同时也是进口商办理进口报关不可缺少的文件,因此商业发票是全套出口单据的核心,在单据制作过程中,其余单据均需参照商业发票缮制。

信用证(Letter of Credit,L/C),是指开证银行应申请人的要求并按其指示向第三方开立的载有一定金额的,在一定的期限内凭符合规定的单据付款的书面保证文件。信用证是国际贸易中最主要、最常用的支付方式。 信用证中常见的海关发票名称: (1)Customs Invoice

(2)Appropriate Certified Customs Invoice

(3)Invoice and Combined Certificate of Value and Origin

(4)Certified Invoice in accordance with **(进口国名称)Customs Regulations

(5)Signed Certificate of Value and Origin in Appropriate Form




报关单据配舱回单 投保单 (报关单、发票、装箱单) (投保单)

装货单 承保回执



6.S/O 9.签发B/L 2.托运单,商业发票,装箱单及其它单证 8.M/R 货主 1.订舱委托书船公司 货代 3.配舱回单,S/O等 7.大副签发M/R 交托运人 5.S/O盖章放行 4.S/O, 报关单,商业发票,装箱单 海关
