Unit 1
1.大学新生将会发现大学是一个鼓励他们研究,学习,成长的地方。 --Freshmen will discover that college is an inspiring place to study , and grow in.
--For a great scientist , it was simple his desire to explore everything , to explain everything , and to put to use everything he learned that guided his varied interests.
--The college students are fascinated by Da Vinci’s three qualities/facets to his characters , namely his multidisciplinary curiosity , his admiration for nature’s economy of design , and his enthusiastic passion for solving problems.
--As long as you are determined in your studies and curious about the would around you , you will use your time at college to its fullest potential.
--We have (It has long since been) long observed that people of accomplishment rarely sit back and let things happen to them , but instead take their own initiative to happen to things.
Unit 2
--To make it clear how important electricity in to daily life, you may try living for just one day without it .
--Advanced technology cannot find a solution to every problem , but it does play a very important role in many aspects of economic development.
--All of these items on the checklist can be considered important characteristics of science , but none of them should be interpreted as all-or-nothing.
--The problem is that some perfectly scientific investigation may run into a dead end and not lead to ongoing research.
--Scientific forecasting of natural disasters can ensure that there is enough time for the government to prepare for emergencies and that citizens are given enough time to get to safety.
Unit 3
--Also controversial is the fact that the results of his experiments failed to support his argument.
--Mahatma Gandhi would seem to be the person most deserving the Nobel Peace Prize. Despite being nominated for the prize five times , he missed out on it forever , being assassinated just two days before the closing date for the prize nominations.
--He did not attend the awarding ceremony , which has led to considerable speculation about his involvement in the scandal.
--Not wanting to miss out on(lose) such a good job , he decided to accept the company’s terms.
--It took many years before people recognized the key contributions of this lady to the discovery of the structure of DNA.
Unit 4
--By the time Pill Gates was 15 years old , he had already established a great reputation for his talent with computers.
--An astronaut is who travels and works in a spacecraft.
--For colleage students, the ability to cooperate with their peers can be just as important as their academic performance.
--You should face challenges bravely rather than brush difficulties aside lightly.
--There is little point in arguing about this with me . I take this seriously because it is a matter of principle.
Unit 5
--Where people once tried to influence natural events with magic and supernatural forces , they now have science to guide them .
--The academic performance of the college students has more to do with learning strategies rather than spending hours working hard on course books.
--Superstitions have gone out of style . This is because man has achieved a remarkable understanding of a wide variety of natural phenomena.
--Sooner or later , mistakes and lies are bound to be found out , wishful thinking is bound to be exposed.
--What’s worse is that people have traditionally tended to adopt general rules, beliefs , and theories , without thoroughly questioning their validity.