Unit 1
Accomplishment n. the act of finishing sth. completely and successfully; achievement
Acquire v. to gain; to get for oneself by one's own work
Arrogantly adv. behaving in a proud and self-important way
Art n. art, music, theatre, literature, etc. when you think of them as a group (统称) 艺术; fine ~ 美术
Aspirin n. 阿司匹林(解热镇痛药)
Assume v. to take as a fact; to suppose
Available adj. able to be used or easily found
Average v. to calculate the average of sth. ; ~ out 其平均数为
Beanpole n. (infml) a very tall and thin person
Bull n. a male cow
Certify v. to state that sth. is true or correct, esp. after some kind of test
Civilized adj. educated and refined; having an advanced culture
Client n. a person who pays for help or advice from a person or organization
Contain v. to have sth. Inside or as part of it
Continuity n. the state of being continuous
Cyanide n. 氰化物
Democratic adj. based on the idea that everyone should have equal rights and should be involved in making important decisions 民主的
Disaster n. a sudden event such as a flood, storm, or accident which causes great damage or suffering. Here: a complete failure
Drugstore n. (AmE) a shop which sells medicine (and a variety of other things)
Employ v. (here) to spend time doing sth.
Enroll v. to officially arrange to join a school or university
Essence n. the most important quality or feature of sth.; in ~ 本质上
Expertise n. skill in a particular field
Expose v. to enable sb. to see or experience new things or learn about new beliefs,
ideas, etc.
Faculty n. (AmE) all the teachers of a university or college
Fragment n. a small piece of sth.
Generate v. to produce
Grind v. to crush into small pieces or powder by pressing between hard surfaces
Hip n. the fleshy part of either side of the human body above the legs
Humanity n. the qualities of being human
Implicitly adv. in an implied way 含蓄地
Incompetence n. lack of the skill or ability to do your job or a task as it should be done 无能
Inevitable adj. certain to happen and impossible to avoid
Intellect n. power of thought 思维能力
Invent v. to produce or design sth. that has not existed before
Literal adj. in the basic meaning of a word
Maintain v. to continue to have as before
Neanderthal n. an early type of human being who lived in Europe during the Stone Age
Nevertheless adv. in spite of that; yet
Peculiar adj. belonging only to a particular person; special; odd
Penetrating adj. showing the ability to understand things clearly and deeply
Pest n. (infml) an annoying person
Pharmacy n. a shop where medicines are prepared and sold. Here: the study of preparing drugs or medicines
Philosophy n. the study of the nature and meaning of existence, reality, etc. 哲学
Physicist n. a scientist who studies physics 物理学家
Pill n. a small solid piece of medicine that you swallow whole; ~ grinding 药剂碾磨
Preside v. to lead; to be in charge; ~ over 主持
Professional adj. relating to the work that a person does for an occupation, esp. work that requires special training
Pursuit n. the act of trying to achieve sth. in a determined way
push-button adj. using computers or electronic equipment rather than traditional methods
qualified adj. having suitable knowledge or experience for a particular job
raise v. (AmE) to care for a child or young animal until it is able to take care of itself
rear v. to care for a person or an animal until they are fully grown
resources n. possessions in the form of wealth, property, skills, etc. that you have 资源
savage n. an uncivilized human being
scroll n. Here: a certificate of an academic degree
semester n. one of the two periods into which the year is divided in American high schools and universities (=term in BrE)
sensitive adj. able to understand or appreciate art, music or literature
shudder v. to shake uncontrollably for a moment
skill n. particular ability or type of ability
specialize v. to limit all or most of one's study to particular subjects specialist 专家
species n. (infml) a type; a sort
specimen n. (here) a person who is unusual in some way and has a quality of a particular kind
spiritual store stuck 措
suffice unaided Unit 5
Advocate Amusement Antique Automatic
adj. related to your spirit rather than to your body or mind
v. to keep
adj. not knowing what to do in a particular situation; be ~ for 因为……而不知所 v. to be enough
adj. without help from anyone or anything 独立的
v. to support an idea or a plan publicly
n. enjoyment
adj. being old and therefore valuable
adj. Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) 自动取款机
Battlefield n. a place where a battle is being fought or has been fought 战场
Bicentennial n. the day or year exactly 200 years after a particular event
Briefing n. a meeting or document in which people receive information or instructions; news ~ 新闻发布会
Burst n. a short period of a particular activity or strong emotion that often starts suddenly
Cabinet n. a piece of furniture with doors, shelves or drawers for storing things; medicine ~ 药橱
Carriage n. a wheeled vehicle, especially a private horse-drawn vehicle
CD n. abbr. for “compact disk,” a small disk on which sound or information is recorded
Checkerboard n. a board on which chess and checkers are played, divided into 64 squares of two alternating colors 棋盘,方格图案
Classic adj. accepted or deserving to be accepted as one of the best or most important of its kind 经典的
Compress v. to force into less space 压缩
Condense v. to put into a smaller or shortened form 紧缩; 缩小
Confederate adj. belonging to a political union of states; the Confederate army 美国内战时期的南方军队
Consist v. ~ of : to be formed from the things or people mentioned 由……组成
Constantly adv. (AmE) all the time; repeatedly 始终; 一直地
Convenience n. the condition of being suitable to one's needs and easy to reach
Credit n. ~ card : a small plastic card that you can use to buy goods or services and pay for them later 信用卡
Current adj. (AmE) of the present time; ~ events 时事
Defer v. to delay until a later date
Diet n. a limited range and amount of food you eat when you want to get thinner
Digest n. a short piece of writing that gives the most important facts from a book, report, etc. 文摘
Dots n. (pl.) small round marks 小点
Excerpt n. a short piece of writing, music, film, etc. taken from a longer whole
Exit n. a way out of a public building or vehicle
Explore v. to travel to or around an area in order to learn about it
Eyewitness n. a person who has seen a crime, accident, etc. and can describe it afterwards 目击证人
Fax v. to transmit (printed matter or an image) by electronic means 发传真
Featureless adj. uninteresting, without noticeable features
Fix n. (imfml) a solution to a problem esp. an easy or temporary one; quick ~ 即时解决方案
Flash v. to pass very quickly
Gorgeous adj. (infml) very beautiful or attravtive
Gratification n. satisfaction
Gratify v. to please or satisfy
Guaranteed adj. be ~ to: to be certain to
Herd n. a group of animals of one kind which lives and feeds together
Iceberg n. a large piece of ice floating in the sea, most of which is below the surface
Ignore v. not to take notice of
Infect v. to pass on a disease to sb.; to corrupt
Interstate n. a very wide road for long distance between US states
Lakeside n. the area around the edge of a lake
Lane n. the two or three parallel areas on a main road which are divided by painted lines to keep fast and slow traffic apart; the fast ~ 快车道
Latest adj. the most recent or newest 最新的
Lifestyle n. the way a person or a group of people lives and works
Linger v. to stay a little longer because you do not want to leave; ~ over 徘徊于……
Liposuction n. the removal of fat from sb's body by means of suction 脂肪抽吸(术)
Microwave n. a high-frequency electromagnetic wave 微波(炉)
Miracle n. (infml) an event that cannot be explained according to the laws of nature; ~ diet 速效减肥食谱
Mph n. abbr. for miles per hour
Outlet n. a shop through which products are sold; here: (工厂附设的)门市部
Overnight adv. during the night; (here infml) suddenly
Pastoral adj. typical of the simple peaceful life in the country 田园风光的
Paycheck n. a salary check
Pennsylvania n. a state of the eastern United Statas 宾夕法尼亚州
Polaroid predigested quality rack rear 镜
reduce refresh revitalize route salad
a trademark 宝丽来(一次成像的照相机)
adj. (of information) put in a simple form 经过简化、压缩的
adj. of a high standard; ~ time (尤指和孩子一起度过的)宝贵时光; 优质时间
n. 货架; off the ~ (AmE) 现成的
n. ~-view mirror: a mirror in which a driver can see the traffic behind 后视 v. to make sth. less or smaller in size; be ~d to 缩小成……
v. to make sb. feel less tired or less hot
v. to put new strength and power into
n. the way from one place to another on a map
n. a mixture of raw vegetables or fruit
n. 实用文档
scale n. an instrument for weighting people or things 秤
scenery n. natural surroundings in beautiful and open country
screen n. the surface of a computer display 电脑屏幕
skim v. to move through (life) quickly, hardly touching the surface
slide v. to pass by quietly without being noticed; ~ by 溜过去
speed v. to make sth. move or happen faster; ~ out of control 疯狂加速到失去控制
spicy adj. (food) having a pleasantly strong taste 辛辣的
stuff v. (infml) to fill a container or space with sth.; (here) to eat a lot of food or too much food
subtle adj. hardly noticeable unless you pay careful attention微妙的
superficially adv. on the surface; not deeply or thoroughly
supermarket n. a large shop where a customer can choose from a large number of different kinds of food or other goods
symbolically adv. Relating to, or expressed by means of symbols 象征性地
symphony n. a musical work for a large group of instruments 交响乐
theme n. a short simple tune that is repeated and developed in a piece of music 乐曲主题
tour v. to visit for pleasure
turnpike n. (AmE) a large road for fast traffic, esp. one that drivers have to pay to use 收费公路
urge n. a strong wish for sth.
VCR n. abbr. for video cassette recorder 录像机
Version n. a slightly different form of sth. (book, film, story, etc.) form the original 版本
Wander v. to walk slowly without a purpose
West Virginia n. a state of the western United States 西弗吉尼亚州
Unit 6
Abandon v. to leave a person, a thing or place, esp. because it is impossible to stay with the person or stay at the place
Accumulation n. the state of getting more and more of sth. over a period of time
Attached adj. full of affection for sb./sth.
Attachment n. a strong feeling of affection for sb./sth.; form ~ 产生感情
Barbed-wire adj. of wire having a barb or barbs 带刺铁丝的
Binoculars n. an instrument, like two small telescopes fixed together, that makes objects that are far away seem nearer when you look through it 双筒望远镜
Blissful adj. extremely happy
Brim v. (of a cup, container, etc.) to be so full of a liquid that it flows over the edge; ~ over 溢出
Bug n. (esp. AmE) any small insect
Carve v. to write sth. on a surface by cutting it; ~d stone 石雕
Castle n. ancient ~ 古城堡
Cathedral n. the main church of a district of a district under the care of a Bishop (= a priest of high rank)
Clumsily adv. of lacking physical coordination, skill, or grace; awkwardly 笨拙地
Dangle v. to hang or swing freely; ~ from one’s neck 在……脖子上挂着
Definitely adv. a way of emphasizing sth. that is true and that there is no doubt about it
Dense adj. containing a lot of people, things, plants, etc. with little space between them 茂密的,浓密的
Ease n. the state of feeling relaxed or comfortable; put sb. at~ 使舒适; 使感到自在
Echo v. to repeat (a sound) by the reflection of sound waves from a surface 发出回声; 起反响,起共鸣
Familiarity n. the state of knowing sb. or sth. well
Fascinated adj. very interested
Fellow adj. used to describe sb. who is the same as you in some way; ~ students 同学
Fortress n. a building or place that has been strengthened and protected from attack
Fossil n. the remains of an animal or plant which have become hard and turned into rock
Frail adj. physically weak and thin
Front v. to serve as a front for 装饰……的正面; glass- ~ed case 以玻璃罩面的书柜
Gamekeeper n. a person whose job is to take care of the wild animals on a piece of private land 猎场看守人
Glimpse v. to see sb./sth. for a moment, but not very clearly
Glow v. to shine with a soft color; ~ pinkly 发出粉红色的光
Hike v. to go for a long walk in the country
Holy adj. important in a religious sense 神圣的
Identify v. to recognize sb./sth. and be able to say who or what they are
Illustration n. a drawing or picture in a book, magazine, etc., esp. one that explains sth.
Immense adj. extremely large or great
Insect n. any small creature with six legs and a body divided into three parts
Instinctively adv. by instinct
Invisible adj. cannot be seen
Ivory n. a hard yellowish-white substance like bone that forms the long teeth of elephants and some other animals; figures of ~ 象牙雕刻的人物
Impenetrable adj. impossible to be entered, passed through or seen through 难以渗透的
Inclined adj. tending to do sth.; less ~ to laugh 不喜欢笑; 不想笑
Laurel n. a bush with dark smooth shiny leaves that remain on the bush and stay green through the year 月桂树
Legacy n. a situation that exists now because of events, actions that took place in the past 遗留的东西,遗产
Major adj. large or important
Munch v. to eat sth. steadily and noisily, esp. sth. crispy
Network n. a complicated system of roads, lines, tubes, nerves, etc. that cross each other; a ~ of paths 交织的小路
Nickname n. an informal, often humorous, name for a person 绰号
Odds and ends n. (infml) small items that are not valuables or are not part of a largest set 零星物件
Overseas adv. to or in a foreign country; go ~ 出国
Patchwork n. a thing that is made up of many different pieces or parts 拼成的图案或其他物件
Pheasant n. a large bird with a long tail, the male of which is brightly colored 野鸡
Pillar n. a large stone, metal or wooden post that is used to support a bridge, the roof of a building
Potential n. the possibility of sth. happening 潜在性,可能性
Practically adv. almost, very nearly
Private adv. opposite of public, enjoyed only by a particular person or a group, not for everyone; ~paradise 僻静的天地
Proceed v. to move or travel in a particular direction
Property n. land and the building on it 房地产
Regarding prep. Concerning sb./sth.
Rewarding adj. worth doing; that makes you happy because you think it useful or important; ~ friendship 使人受益匪浅的友谊
Roam v. to walk or travel around an area without any definite aim or direction; ~ the woods 林间散步
Rocket v. to move very fast; ~ off 突然飞出去
Rustle v. to make sounds like leaves or paper moving or rubbing together发出树叶的沙沙声
Seemingly adv. in a way that appears to be true but may in fact not be; ~ different 貌似不同
Shortbread n. (BrE, also shortcake) a rich crispy biscuit/cookie made with flour, sugar, and a lot of butter 黄油甜酥饼干
Soccer n. (AmE) football
Soul n. a person’s inner character containing true thoughts and feelings
Sting v. (strung, strung) to hurt or make sth. hurt with a sudden sharp pain for a short time; ~ one’s eyes 刺眼
Surround v. to be around sth./sb. on every side
Suspect v. to think that sth. is probably true or likely to happen
Tart n. an open pie filled with sweet food such as fruit; jam ~ 果酱派
Tome n. (fml) a large heavy book, esp. one dealing with a serious topic
Trespass v. to enter land or a building that you do not have the permission or the right to
Trunk n. the thick main stem of a tree
Tutor v. to teach
Twitter n. a series of short high sounds that birds make
Vaulted adj. made in the shape of an arch or a series of arches; having a ceiling or roof of this shape 拱形的
Verge v. to be very close to a place
Wary adj. careful when dealing with sb./sth. because you think that there may be a danger or problem
Well n. a deep hole in the ground from which people obtain water; ~of knowledge 知识的源泉
Wistful adj. thinking sadly about sth. that you would like to have, esp. sth. in the past that you can no longer have
Woodland n. an area of land that is covered with trees
Wow n. (infml) exclamation used to express great surprise or admiration
Wrench v. to pull or twist suddenly and violently
Unit 10
Absorb v. to take in a liquid, gas or other substance from the surface or space around
AD abbr. (AmE) used in the Christian calendar to show a particular number of year since the year Christ was believed to have been born 公元
Bakery n. a place where bread is made/sold
Band n, a group of people who do sth. together
Bay n. a part of the sea, or of a large lake, enclosed by a wide curve of the shore
Beetle wings
Board Branch Clatter one on surface
Cloudburst Cluster Collapse Column Cram Crater
n. an insect, often large and black, with a hard case on its back covering its v. to get on a ship, train, plane, bus, etc.
v. ~ out: to divide into more parts
n. a series of loud short noises when a hard object hits against another n. a sudden heavy rain 倾盆大雨
v. to come together in a small group of groups
v. to fall down or fall in suddenly
n. a tall, solid, vertical post, usu. round and made of stone
v. to push sb./sth. into a small place
v. a large hole in the top of a volcano
Crouch v. to lower your body close to the ground by bending your legs under you
Descend v. to come or go down from a higher level to a lower one
Doom n. death or destruction
Drift v. to move along smoothly or slowly in water or air
Erupt v. to emerge violently from restraint or limits; to explode from the volcano
Explosion n. the sudden violent bursting and the loud noise of sth.
Flee v. (fled, fled) to leave a person or a place very quickly
Graze v. (of cow, sheep) to eat grass growing in a field, pasture, etc.
Harbor n. an area of water on the coast, protected from the open sea by strong walls, where ships can stay
Hoof n. the hard part of the foot of some animals, e.g. horses
Huddle v. (of people or animals) to gather closely together
Hurl v. to throw violently in a particular direction
Inn n. (AmE) a small hotel
Intact adj. complete and not damaged
Jar n. a round container with a lid used for storing food, etc.; wine ~ 酒缸
Loaf n. piece
Mediterranean adj. Mighty adj. Monoxide n. Nightmare n. Overwhelm v. Perish v. Poisonous adj. Priest n. Prosperous adj.
of the region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea 地中海的
very strong and powerful
an experience that is very frightening and unpleasant
to cover sb./sth. completely
to be lost or destroyed
causing death or illness if swallowed or absorbed into the body
a person who is qualified to perform religious duties or ceremonies
rich and successful
(pl. loaves) an amount of bread that has been shaped and baked in one 实用文档
Pumice n. a type of grey stone that comes from volcanoes and is very light in weight
Quick-witted adj. mentally alert and sharp 头脑敏捷的
Reverberate v. if a sound reverberates, it is repeated many times as it hits two opposite surfaces
Sack n. Savage adj. Shatter v. Shepherd n. Shimmer v. slate n. to write on
stumble v. summit n. thicken v.
a large bag with no handles made of rough strong material
fierce and violent
to suddenly break into small pieces
a person whose job is to take care of sheep
to cover or hide sth. n. sth. that hides or covers sth.
a small sheet of dark grey stone, used in the past in schools for children to hit your foot against sth. while walking or running
the highest point of sth.
to become thicker or make sth. thicker
throng n. a long piece of wood with a flame at one end that is used as a light
trample v. to step heavily on sb./sth. so that you crush or harm them
Vesuvius n. an active volcano of southern Italy on the eastern shore of the Bay of Naples; Mount ~ 维苏威山
Victim n. a person who has been attacked, injured, or killed as the result of a crime, a disease, an accident, etc. 受害者
Villa n. a house where people stay on holiday/vacation
Volcanic adj. (AmE) caused or produced by a volcano; ~ash 火山灰
Yawn v. to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply through it, usu. because you are tired or bored
Unit 12
Adroit adj. skillful and clever, esp. in dealing with people
Agony n. extreme physical or mental pain
Ambassador n. an official who lives in a foreign country as the senior
Anticipate v. to expect sth.
Apply v. to be relevant to a particular person or thing 适用于
Blow v. ~ off steam 发泄怒气
Blunder v. to make a stupid or careless mistake
Boil Bristle Broadsword Burial 许可证
Capture enclosed space
Cavalry Charity Condemn Confucius Decay
v. ~ with anger 怒火中烧; 异常气愤
v. ~ with sth.: to have a large amount of sth., or to be full of sth.
n. a large sword with a broad flat blade
n. the act or ceremony of putting a dead body into a grave; ~ permit 埋葬 v. to catch a person or an animal and keep them as a prisoner or in an n. the part of the army that fought on horses (旧时的) 骑兵
n. kindness and sympathy toward other people
v. to express very strong disapproval of sb./sth.
n. a famous Chinese philosopher 孔子
v. if a building or an area decays, its condition slowly becomes worse
Deft adj. (of a person’s movement) skillful and quick
Deluge v. to flood a place with water
Detailed adj. giving many details and a lot of information
Diplomatic adj. 灵活的; 有外交手腕的
Disappiontment n. 望
Distressed adj. Duel n. settle a quarrel 决斗
Exhaustive adj. Futile adj. Gettysburg n. Hasty adj. Heaven-sent adj.
having or showing skill in dealing with people in different situation sadness because sth. expected has not happened; bitter ~ 极大的失 upset and anxious
a formal fight with weapons between two people, used in the past to very thorough; looking at every detail
having no effort or achieving nothing
a town of southern Pennsylvania in the US 葛底斯堡
acting or deciding in a hurry, because you do not have much time
上天所赐的; ~ opportunity 天赐良机
Hereafter adv. (AmE) (in legal documents, etc.) in the rest of this document
Illinois n. a state of the north-central United States 伊利诺伊州
Impair v. to damage sb. or make sth. worse
Impassable adj. (of a road, an area etc.) impossible to travel on or through; ~ river (水流湍急) 不能通过的河流
Incompetent adj. not having the ability or skill to do sth.
Indiana n. a state of the north-central United States 印第安纳州
Indignation n. a feeling of anger and surprise caused by sth. that is unfair or unreasonable
Indulge v. to allow oneself to have or to do sth. that one like, esp. sth. that is considered bad for oneself
Insult v. to say or do sth. that offends sb.
Invaluable adj. extremely valuable or useful
Journal n. a newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or profession
Lashing n. an act of hitting sb. with a whip as a punishment 鞭打; tongur- ~ 斥责;
Leap v. to jump high or a long way; ~ on one’s horse 跳上马
Magnitude n. the great size, importance, or effort of sth.
Malice n. a feeling of hatred for sb. that causes a desire to harm sb.
Maneuver v. to control or influence a situation in a skillful but sometimes dishonest way 使用花招或谋略
Mississippi n. ~ River 密西西比河
Motivate v. to be the reason why sb. does sth. or behaves in a particular way
Mush n. a soft thick mass or mixture 糊状物
Opponent n. a person that you are playing or fighting against in a game, competition, argument, etc.
Pierce v. to make a hole; to be ~d with 突然看到刺目的强光或听到刺耳的尖叫声
Point-blank adv. in a very firm and direct way, usu. not very polite; refuse ~ 断然拒绝
Politician n. a person whose job is concerned with politics, esp. as an elected member of a parliament, etc.
Procrastinate v. to delay doing sth. you should do, usu. because you do not want to do it
Prolong v. to make sth. last longer; ~ indefinitely 无限延长
Proofreader n. sb. who reads sth. written or printed and marks any mistakes so that they can be corrected
Recede Regulate Restraint do so
Retain Retreat Ridicule Sandbar Savagely Scold Second
v. to move gradually away from a previous position
v. to control sth. by means of rules
n. the act of controlling or limiting sth. because it is necessary or sensible to v. to keep sth. or to continue to have sth.
v. to move away from a place or an enemy because of danger
v. to try to make sb./sth. look silly by making fun of them in an unkind way
n. a raised area of sand in a river that sticks out of the water slightly 沙洲
adv. severely
v. to criticize sb. severely and angrily because they have done sth. wrong
n. an official attendant of a contestant in a duel or boozing match
(拳击比赛或旧时决斗中的) 助手
Standpoint n. a point of view or a way of thinking about ideas or situation
Swollen adj. containing more water than normal
Tact n. the ability to deal with difficult or embarrassing situations carefully and without doing or saying anything that will annoy or upset other people 老练; 圆滑
Test pilot n. a pilot whose job is to fly aircraft in order to test their performance 飞行员
Tragically adv. sadly
Trap n. a piece of equipment used for catching animals; (here) an unpleasant situation from which it is hard to escape
Unleash v. to set strong feelings or forces etc. free and allow them to act with full force
Vain adj. too proud of your own appearance, abilities or achievements 爱虚荣的
Victorious adj. having won a victory 得胜的
Unit 13
Academy n. an official organization which aims at encouraging and development art,
literature, science, etc. 研究院; 学会
Account n. on sb.’s ~ 为了某人的缘故, 相当于for sb.’s sake
Allowance n. an amount of money that is given to sb. regularly or for a particular purpose
Artfully adv. Ascend v. Balloon n. you fill it with air or gas
Banister n. Blueprint n. or make a machine 蓝图
Blurt v. Breadstick n. Bushman n. Cabin n.
in a clever or designed way
to go up
a bag made of very thin rubber that becomes larger and rounder when the posts and rail at the side of a staircase 楼梯栏杆
a detailed plan for doing sth. new; a drawing that shows how to build sth. to say sth. suddenly and without thinking carefully; ~ out 脱口而出
a long, thin, often crisp piece of bread
a room in a ship; ~ boy 船舱服务员
Cable n. 电报 (注: 此词由“海底电缆”引申而来, 现在已经不再使用, 而用“telegram”代替)
Cannibal n. a person who eats human flesh 食人者; 吃人生番 (注意这种带有侮辱性的字眼)
Charred adj. burnt and black
Charter v. to rent/hire a plane, boat, etc. for your own use 包租 (飞机、船等)
Cocky adj. too confident about yourself in a way that annoys other people
Comet n. a mass of ice and dust that moves around the sun and looks like a bright star with a tail 彗星
Confirm v. to make you feel sure that your idea or belief is right or true; ~ sb.’s desire 使其更加坚信他的愿望是对的
Convertible adj. being able to be changed to a different form or use
Coral n. 珊瑚; ~ beads 珊瑚珠
Correspondent n. (AmE) a person who reports news from a particular country or on a particular subject for a newspaper, radio, or television
Cramp n. a sudden pain you get when the muscles in a particular part of your body tighten, usu. caused by cold or too much exercise 抽筋
Credit v. ~ sb. with sth.: to say that sb. is responsible for a certain achievement 将某事归功于某人
Delegate v. to choose sb. to do sth. for you or to represent you
Deprive v. ~ sb. of sth. to prevent sb. from having or doing sth. 剥夺某人的 (权力)
Double-hulled adj. 双船体的
Envision v. to imagine what a situation will be like in the future
Expedition n. an organized journey with a particular purpose, esp. to find out about a place that is not well known 探险
Fancy n. sth. that you imagine; your imagination
Fatal adj. causing or ending in death
Fidgeting adj. nervous
Hide n. an animals skin, esp. when it is bought or sold or used for leather
Hippopotamus n. a large heavy African animal with thick dark skin and short legs that lives in rivers and lakes 河马
Hitchhike v. to travel by asking for free rides in other people’s cars
Iceland n. an island country in the North Atlantic near the Arctic Circle 冰岛共和国
Indisputable adj. definitely true; impossible to question or argue with
Intellectual n. a person who is well educated and enjoys activities in which they have to think seriously about things 知识分子; ~ circles 知识分子圈; 知识界
Irresistible adj. so attractive that you find impossible to refuse
Lava n. hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano 熔岩
League n. a group of people, or nations who have combined for a particular purpose
Manufacture v. to produce a substance
Manuscript n. a copy of a book, piece of music, etc. before it has been printed
Marshall n. (AmE) (in the US) an officer whose job is to carry out court orders
Mast n. a tall pole on a boat or ship that supports the sails 桅杆
Matter-of-fact adj. said or done without showing any emotion, esp. in a situation in which you would expect sb. to express sb. to express his/her feelings 不动感情的; 据实的
Minister n. a high officer of state appointed to head an executive or
administrative department of government; prime ~ 首相; 总理
Missile n. guided ~ 导弹
Musketeer n. (AmE) a soldier who uses a musket 火枪手
Neglect n. the act of not giving enough attention or care to sb. or sth.
Neon n. a gas that shines brightly when electricity flows through it; ~ lights 氖气灯; 霓虹灯
Obtain v. to get sth. you want or need esp. with an effort; to acquire
Omelet n. a hot dish of eggs mixed together and fried, often with cheese, meat, vegetables, etc. added 煎蛋卷
Parental adj. connected with a parent or parents; ~ advice 父母的教导
Pray adv. (old use or ironic) used to mean “please” when you are asking a question or telling sb. to do sth.
Promptly adv. immediately 立即; 马上
Propel v. to move or push sth. forward
Prune n. a dried plum 李子干; 梅子干
Puritanical adj. having very strict moral attitudes 清教徒式的
Rage n. a feeling of violent anger that is different to control
Ragged adj. wearing old dirty clothes and looking very poor
Receptionist n. a person who works in reception at a hotel or office 接待员
Retort v. to reply quickly, in an angry or humorous way to what sb. has said 反驳
Reverently adv. by showing great respect and admiration
Ribbon n. a narrow strip of material, used to tie things or for decoration
Serialize v. to publish or broadcast sth. in parts as a serial 连载
Skyscraper n. very high building in a city 摩天大楼
Sneer v. to speak in an unpleasant way that shows you do not respect sb.; ~ at 嘲笑
Sniff v. to indicate contempt or doubt as if by sniffing 嗤之以鼻
Society n. an organization or club for people who have a particular interest or take part in a particular activity; learned ~ 学会 (学术团体)
Solemnly adv. (done, said, etc.) in a very serious and sincere way
Spank v. to hit sb., esp. a child, several times on their bottom as a punishment 打屁股
Spark n. a small flash of light produced by an electric current; electric ~ 电火花
Speck n. a very small spot; a small piece of dirt, etc.
Spice n. one of the various types of powder or seed that come from plants and are used as perfume 香料
Squarely adv. exactly; solidly 正好; 结结实实地
Stay-at-home n. a person who rarely goes out or does anything exciting 不爱出门的人; 恋家的人
Stimulus n. sth. that produces a reaction in a human being, an animal or a plant 刺激
Stockholder n. (AmE) a person who owns stocks or shares in a business
Stout adj. rather fat
String n. a set or a series of things that are joined together; a ~ of 一串
Submarine n. a ship that can travel under water
Supplement v. to add sth. to sth. in order to improve it or make it more complete 补充
Synthetically adv. artificially 人工地
Transatlantic adj. crossing the Atlantic Ocean 横穿大西洋的
Tuck v. to push, fold or turn the ends or edges of clothes, paper, etc. so that they are held in place or look neat 把……一头塞进; 折进
Vessel n. a large ship or boat
Virtually adv. almost, or very nearly, so that any small different is not important
Visualizer n. one who forms a picture of sb./sth. in one’s mind, usu. in advance
Warden v. a person who is responsible for taking care of a particular place and making sure that the rules are obeyed; game ~ 野生动物保护区的看守人; 保护员
Wharf n. (pl. wharves) a flat structure built beside the sea or a river where boats can be tied up and goods unloaded
Whereabouts n. the place where sb./sth. is 下落, 去向
Whizz v. to move very quickly, making a high continuous sound; ~ around the moon 飞速绕着月球行驶
Wire v. to send sb. a messages by telegram 给某人发电报