

2020-01-29 来源:好走旅游网

1. Microorganism

The word microbe (microorganism) is used to describe an organism that is so small that, normally, it cannot be seen without the use of a microscope. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and some algae are all included in this category. 2. Coliform group

The Coliforms are defined as facultatively anaerobic, gram-negative, nonspore-forming, rod-shaped Bacteria that ferment lactose with gas formation within 24 hours at 37℃. The Coliform group includes the organism Escherichia coli, Citrobacter, Klebsialla pneumoniae, Enterobacter aerogenes. 3. Activated sludge

Activated sludge: it is consisted of many kinds of aerobic microbe, facultative microbe and other inorganic matter. It is also known as the bacteria rich floc. 4. Biodegradability

Biodegradability refers to the transformation performance from macromolecular organisms to small molecule compounds with the help of microorganisms. 5. Bioremediation

Bioremediation is a treatment process that uses naturally occurring microorganisms to degrade hazardous substances into less toxic or nontoxic substances.

6. Eutrophication

Eutrophication is a process whereby water bodies, such as lakes, estuaries, or slow-moving streams receive excess nutrients that stimulate excessive plant growth (algae, plankton). 7. Spore

Certain species of bacteria produce special structure called endospores(内生孢子). They are very resistant to heat and can not be destroyed easily, even by harsh chemicals. Endospores are also resistant to other harmful agents such as drying, radiation, acids and chemical disinfectants(化学消毒剂). 8. Climax

Succession ends when a relatively stable assemblage of populations, called climax community.

9. Growth curve of bacteria

If the liquid medium supplies all nutrients required for growth and environmental parameters are optimal, the increase in numbers of bacterial mass can be measured as a function of time to obtain a growth curve. Several distinct growth phases can be observed within a growth curve. These include the lag phase, the log phase, the stationary phase and the death phase. 10. Continuous culture

Continuous culture is a system that is designed for long term operation because it is an open system with a continuous feed of influent that contains nutrients solution and substrate, as well as a continuous drain of effluent solution that contain cells, metabolites, waste products and any unused nutrients and substrate.

11. Genetic recombination

Genetic recombination is the process by which genetic elements contained in two separate genomes are brought together in one unit.

This mechanism may enable the organism to carry out some new functions and result in adaptation to changing environments.

Genetic recombination usually involves much larger changes. Entire genes, sets of genes, or even whole chromosomes, are transferred between organisms. 12. Transformation

Transformation is the uptake by a cell of a naked DNA molecule or fragment from the medium and the incorporation of this molecule into the recipient chromosome in a heritable form. 13. Nutrient

Substances used in biosynthesis and energy production and therefore are required for microbial growth. 14. Culture media

Culture media are needed to grow microorganisms in the laboratory and to carry out specialized procedures like microbial identification(微生物鉴定), water and food analysis, and the isolation of particular microorganisms(特定微生物的分离). A wide variety of media is available for these and other purposes. 15. Respiration

Respiration is an energy-yielding process in which the acceptor is an inorganic molecule, either oxygen. 16. Fermentation

Fermentation may be defined as an energy-yielding process in which organic molecules serve as both electron donors and acceptors. 17. Anaerobic respiration

Anaerobic respiration is the process of ATP production by electron transport in which the terminal electron acceptor is an exogenous, oxidized inorganic molecule other than O2. The most common acceptors are nitrate, sulfate, and CO2. 18. Feedback inhibition

The end product of the pathway often inhibits this regulatory enzyme(调节酶), a process known as feedback inhibition(反馈抑制). Feedback inhibition ensures balanced production of a pathway end product. If the end product becomes too concentrated, it inhibits the regulatory enzyme and slows its own synthesis. As the end product concentration decreases, pathway feedback inhibition automatically matches end product supply with the demand. 19. Viruses

Viruses are defined as small, Obligate(专性自养), intracellular parasites(胞内寄生), meaning that they require a host cell for their growth and replication(复制). Although viruses can survive outside a host(宿主), their numbers cannot increase without a host. 20. Lysogeny

Some phages can incorporate(结合) their DNA into the host cell’s DNA. The phage remains latent(潜在的) and does not cause lysis of the host cell. Such a state is

called lysogeny. 21. Colony

A cluster or assemblage of microorganisms growing on a solid surface such as the surface of an agar culture medium, the assemblage often is directly visible, but also may be seen only microscopically. 22. Capsule

Many prokaryotic organisms secrete on their surfaces slimy or gummy materials. A variety of these structures consist of polysaccharide, and a few consist of protein. The terms capsule(荚膜) and slime layer are frequently used to describe polysaccharide layers. 23. Sterilization

Sterilization is the process by which all living cells, viable spores, Viruses, and viroids are either destroyed or removed from an object or habitat.


球菌 cocci 菌落 colony

有性繁殖 sexual reproduction 微量元素 trace element

氧化磷酸化 oxidative phosphorylation 操作基因 operator gene 调节酶 regulatory enzyme 自发突变 spontaneous mutation 细菌毒素 bacteriotoxin

营养性缺陷型突变 auxotrophic mutation 杆菌 bacillus 质粒 plasmid 转化 transformation 接合 conjugation 噬菌体 phages

水体自净 self-purification of water body 厌氧呼吸 anaerobic respiration 富营养化 eutrophication 竞争 competition 消毒 disinfection

大肠杆菌 coliform 真菌 fungi 鞭毛 flagella

分批培养 batch culture 微生物学 microbiology 菌株 strain 厌氧菌 anaerobes

次级演替 secondary succession

持久性有机污染物 persistent organic pollutant 微生物监测 microbial monitoring 螺旋菌 spirilla

降解性质粒 degradative plasmid 转导 transduction 溶原性 lysogeny 生物修复 bioremediation 发酵 fermentation 氨化作用 ammonification 可生物降解性 biodegradability 主动运输 active transport 古菌 archaea
