

2023-03-04 来源:好走旅游网

Unit 8 How was your school trip? 授课人:曹彩凤 教学步骤 Step 1 Revision 教学设计 T: What did you eat for breakfast? S: I had bread for breakfast. 设计意图 1.复习unit7所学的内容,如何制作一种东西。 T: Do you know how to make a 2.为本节课创造一种写作气氛。 turkey sandwich? S: yes.(2ms) Step 2 Lead-in Ask one student to say the steps of 结合平时讲过的,一篇文章应该making a turkey sandwich.(3ms) 注意的事项,学生可以酝酿写作激情。 Step 3 Presen- tation Pairwork 1.复习前面所学的课程,为下面得1.The teacher asks students to make a 写作做铺垫。 list of phrases and important 2.俩人一组,分工合作,体现了学sentences they learned in unit 8 in 生合作探究的精神。 pairs .(10ms) 2.Two students are one group .One says , the other writes. Groupwork 1.Four students are one group. One isa leader ,the othersa are a speaker ,a 3.这是本节课的重点内容,也是体writer, a reporter. 现学生在写作中的优点和缺点错2.The teacher gives a topic\"How was 误的重要环节。 your school trip?\" 4.小组合作给了学生充分的讨论3.They start to finish their task 环境和探究空间。 regularly. 5.教师的指导给予学生充分的信4.The teacher gives their help around 心。 the classroom.(20ms)

Correct and choose The leader exchange 1.别人改自己的作文,让别人发现every 自己的所发现不了的问题。 2.让别人对自己的作文给一个评students`writing. Writing others` advantage and 价。 3.向全班展示几篇好的文章,意在disadvantage, then give a score .Finally,choose the 请大家下作文的时候,可以向这one you think better. The teacher read them in front of class.(3ms) Step4 Summary 1.The teacher gives the following 1.教师有目的的问学生关于写作words: 书面: 内容: 结构: 审题: 2.The teacher summaries the writing with students together. 3.Writing the results of summary. 书面:整洁,美观。 内容:语句通顺,语法正确,标点 准确,根据不同的问题决定不同的格式,格式要规范。 结构:完整,要有相关的开头和结尾。可以仿照语文中的“总---分---总”的结构。 审题:字数,提示词,内容要求。(5ms) Step5 Homework 1.Learn those points about writing 1.意在学生掌握写作的基本要求after class. 和写作方法。 文,你应该注意些什么。否则学生会无目的的总结。 2.通过师生和生生探讨,共同得出结论。 些学生学习。 2.Writing a passage with \"How was 2.巩固所学习的关于写作的方法。 your last letter\" (2ms)
