The Great Wall of China is a symbol of strength and perseverance, standing tall against the test of time. 中国长城是力量和毅力的象征,经受住时间的考验,屹立不倒。
Stretching over 13,000 miles across mountains, valleys, deserts, and grasslands, the Great Wall is an architectural marvel that showcases the ingenuity of ancient Chinese civilization. 长城横跨山脉、峡谷、沙漠和草原,全长13000英里,是古代中国文明智慧的杰作。
As a first grader, I marveled at the thought of soldiers defending their homeland from invaders while standing guard on the towering walls. 作为一个一年级学生,我对士兵们在高耸的城墙上守卫家园,抵御入侵者的想法感到惊叹。
The sheer size and scale of the Great Wall left me in awe, as I tried to conceptualize the amount of labor and resources required to build such a massive structure. 长城的规模和大小让我感到敬畏,我努力想象建造这样一座庞大建筑所需的劳动力和资源。
Each brick and stone of the Great Wall tells a tale of ancient times, carrying with it the history and struggles of the Chinese people who built and defended it. 长城的每一块砖石都讲述着古老的故事,承载着建造和守卫它的中国人民的历史和斗争。
Visiting the Great Wall was a humbling experience, as I walked along its path and imagined the countless generations who had traveled the same route before me. 参观长城是一次令人谦卑的体验,我沿着长城的道路行走,想象着在我之前无数代人走过相同的路。