

2023-05-01 来源:好走旅游网


一、专业名称: 生物制药 专业代码:081107S 二、培养目标



本专业毕业生应掌握和具备以下几方面的知识和能力: (一)知识结构要求


2.自然科学知识:具有较强的数学、物理、化学、生物学、计算机科学等方面的知识; 3.经济管理知识:有初步的经济学、管理学等方面的知识;

4.工具性知识:能较熟练地运用外语阅读专业期刊和进行文献检索,有初步的外语交流和科技写作能力, 具有较强的计算机操作技术;





3.创新能力:具有较强的创造性思维能力、开展创新研究能力。 (三) 素质结构要求




4.具备良好的身心素质:具有健康的体魄、良好的心理素质和生活习惯。 四、主干学科:生物学、药学 五、核心课程





研究型课程:生物制药工艺学实验、天然药物化学实验 全英文教学课程:微生物学实验、生物化学实验、基因工程实验 七、学习年限:3-6年 授予学位:理学学士

最低毕业学分:174学分 课内总学时:2133 独立实践教学: 36周+384学时 八、培养方案的学分分配比例 类 别 通 识 课 学科基础课 专 业 课 第二课堂 合 计 必修学分 52+5 25+5 9+31 127 选修学分 16 24 4 3 47 合计 73 54 44 3 174 实践教学 比 例 73% 27% 比例 注:各课程类别中均包含实践教学。






32. 2% 比例 42% 31% 25.3% 1.7% 100% 56学分 1186

Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

2012 Program Outline of Biopharmaceutics

ⅠMajor Name: Biopharmaceutics Major Code:081107S Ⅱ Objectives

The biopharmceutics program trains students to achieve healthy personality, and master basic theories and skills on biopharmaceutical sciences and technology, as well as basic knowledge of humanities and social sciences. The teaching program is designed to provide students with a solid professional training to meet requirements on a variety of fields of modern biopharmaceutical industries, including research and development, production, quality control and manufacturing management,and also makes students possess a good specialty background for further education and research work.

Ⅲ Basic Requirements on Knowledge and Abilities

The graduates of this major should possess the knowledge and abilities in the following areas: i Requirements on knowledge

Humanities and social sciences: literature, history, philosophy, morality, political science, art, law, psychology, etc.

Natural sciences: mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science. Economics and management: basic theory on economics and management.

Professional knowledge: Biopharmaceutical Technology, Genetic Engineering, Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Natural Medicinal Chemistry, and practical capability on biopharmaceutical production process and technique, quality control and GMP.

ii Requirements on abilities

Acquisition of knowledge: self-learning skills, skills on communication and expression, and computer and information technology.

Application of knowledge: the integrated use of theoretical knowledge and skills in the field of biopharmaceutical industries with manufacturing and R&D capacity.

Innovation: creative thinking and ability to carry out innovative experiments and technology development.

iii Requirements on personal qualities

Moral quality: a firm and right belief, human integrity, team spirit and healthy individuality, observing laws and rules.

Cultural quality: necessary knowledge of humanities, self-cultivation, awareness of modernity and healthy interpersonal communication.


Professional quality: to master the basic theories and skills in the field of biopharmaceutics, to possess basic capability to research and develop the new resources, new products and new production techniques.

Physical and mental health: sound in body and mind; regular living habits. Ⅳ Main Disciplines : Biology, Pharmaceutics Ⅴ Core Courses:

Mao Zedong Thoughts and Introduction to the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, English, Advanced Mathematics D, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Fermentation Engineering, Biopharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Natural Medicinal Chemistry.

Ⅵ Special Courses

Research-based curriculum: Biopharmaceutical Technology Experiments and Natural Medicinal Chemistry Experiments.

English teaching courses: Microbiology Experiments, Biochemistry Experiments, and Genetic Engineering Experiments.

Ⅶ Length of Courses: 3-6 years Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science Minimum Credits Required for Graduation: 174 In-Class Hours: 2133

Separate Practice Teaching: 36 weeks + 384 hours Ⅷ Proportion of Course Credits

Course Classification General Studies Basic Discipline-related Courses Major-related Courses Extracurricular Activities Total Credits 9+30 4 43 25.3% 25+6 24 55 31% Compulsory Credits 52+5 Optional Credits 16 Total credits 73 Percentage 42% 127 3 47 3 174 Practice 1.7% 100% 56 32.2% Percentage 73% 27% Teaching Percentage PS: Each kind of courses includes practice teaching.


Ⅸ Characteristics of the Major

The biopharmaceutics program is supported by teaching staffs, research, and facilities of priority discipline Biomedical engineering and key laboratory of Silkworm Bioreactor and Biomedical Science in Zhejiang Province. We will keep the advantages in research and development of medicines in the fields of genetic engineering, gene therapy and natural medicines. Research and teaching are organically combined to promote the quality of teaching. Students are organized to form learning groups, which have become a platform for professional training. Our goal is to provide qualified technicians for the society.

Ⅹ Notes

Students need to get at least 16 credits on general education courses, at least 4 credits on humanities and combined courses, 4 credits on management, and 4 credits on computational information, respectively.

The biopharmaceutics program is divided into two major orientations: biopharmaceutics and natural pharmaceutics. Students can choose either one of the two as their focus and then need to finish the required courses accordingly.

