

2022-10-21 来源:好走旅游网


1. education (教育)2. individual (个⼈)3. responsible (有责任的)4. specific (具体的)5. discover (发现)6. 期望(expect)7. 允许(allow)

8. 充分利⽤(make good use of)

9. 迄今为⽌(so far) 10. 解释(explain) 1. festive (节⽇的,喜庆的)2. hospitality (款待,殷勤)3. decorate (装饰)4. represent (代表)5. chimney (烟囱)6. 基督徒(Christian)7. 传统的(traditional)8. 葡萄⼲(raisin)

9. 起源(v.) (originate) 10. 快活的(jolly) 1. forms of address (称呼形式)2. close informal relationship (亲密不拘礼节的关系)3. a weak handshake (轻轻握⼿)4. social situation (社交场合)5. 表⽰礼貌(show politeness)6. 不同的⽂化(different cultures)

7. 在世界许多地⽅(in many parts of the world)

8. 握⼿(shake hands) 1. savings account (储蓄账户) 2. checking account (⽀票账户) 3. banking service (银⾏服务) 4. safedeposit box (贵重物品保险箱)5. marriage certificate (结婚证书)6. automatic teller machine (⾃动取款机)

7. 收取利息(charge interest) 8. 从银⾏贷款(loan from the bank)

9. 个⼈贷款(individual loans) 10. 取钱(withdraw money) 11. 存钱(deposit money) 12. 出⽣证明(birth certificate) 1. shares ofstock (股票) 2. fill the order (填单)3. issue a dividend (发放红利(股息))4. business world (商业世界)5. 确认(make sure)

6. 股票经纪⼈(stockbroker)7. 拥有股份(own shares)

8. 专门的法律(special law) 1. important function (重要作⽤) 2. lower the cost (降低成本) 3. pay attention to (注意) 4. supply sb.with sth. (为某⼈提供某物) 5. 打开电视(turn on the TV)6. ⼀段时间(a period of time)7. 必不可少的部分(essential part)

8. 不再(no longer) 1. medal (奖牌) 2. final (决赛) 3. attract (吸引) 4. atmosphere (⽓氛)5. false (不真实的)6. nerve (神经)7. substitute (替补)8. disaster (灾难)

9. 戏剧性的(dramatic) 10. 逃避(elude) 11. 挥动(wave) 12. 攻击(attack)13. 伤害(injure) 14. 勇敢地(bravely) 15. ⿎舞(inspire) 1. walk through (⾛过)2. international airport (国际机场)3. eat with pleasure (愉快地进餐)

4. the French women's diet (法国⼥⼈的饮⾷)5. cell phone (⼿机)

6. 为…⽽烦⼼(obsess about)7. 从容不迫地(take one's time)

8. 融化, 慢慢消失(melt away) 9. ⽅便⾷品(convenience food)10. 最后(at the end of the day) 10. 认真对待(to be taken seriously)11. 在线联络(online communication) 12. 主要产品(staple product)四。翻译

1. John feels that he must tell his parents the truth.约翰认为他必须对⽗母说实话。

2. There is a list of things that she must do to meet the requirements.她必须做⼀系列的事情来满⾜这些要求。

3. We have to follow the rule even if we see no reason for it.即使我们认为毫⽆道理,我们也必须遵守这条规则。4. Don't expect others to do what they can't.别指望别⼈去做他们⽆法做到的事情。

5. 我认为⽤名字称呼⽼师并不是粗鲁的。(don't think)I don't think it's rude to call teachers by their first names.6. 来⾃不同⽂化的⼈应当学会如何相处。(interact with)

People from different cultures should learn how to interact with each other.7.当你同来⾃不同⽂化的⼈谈话时,你应当知道他们的习惯。(habit)

When you are talking with people from a different culture you should know something about their habit.

8. 在你的⽂化中两⼈谈话时应保持什么样的距离才是最佳的距离?(stand apart from each other, comfortable distance)What is a comfortable distance in your culture for two persons to stand apart from each other when they are having aconversation?

9. It is very difficult to get into the vault of a bank.要进⼊银⾏的保险库是很难的。

10. It's important for us to have a good grasp of English.对我们来说,掌握好英语很重要。

11. It's a great pleasure for us to be here this evening.今天晚上在这⾥我们感到很⾼兴。

12. I took no notice of him, so that he was very angry.我没注意到他,这使得他很⽣⽓。

13. I believe that what he said is true, but you'd better make sure.我相信他所说的是真的,但你最好确认⼀下。14. A stock holder is different from a stock broker.持股者与股票经纪⼈不同。

15. He made a profit of ten dollars on the book he sold.他售书赚了10元钱。

16. Prices sometimes go up and sometimes go down.价格有时上扬有时下降。17. 请通知他们开会的地点。

Please inform them about the location of the meeting.18. ⼚家不断向市场提供新产品。(supply)

Factories always supply the market with new products.19. 不好的⼴告会对孩⼦们产⽣不良影响。(effect)Bad ads will have harmful effects on children.20. 主要的困难在于缺乏资⾦。(lie in)The problem lies in the lack of funds.

21. He was attracted by the beauty of the lake.他被湖的美丽所吸引。

22. His settling in England was a decisive event in the life of Marx.在英国定居是马克思⼀⽣中的⼀件重要⼤事。

23. The new computers are much better in performance than the previous generation.这种新计算机的性能⽐前⼀代的计算机要好得多。

24. I bought the coat as it was greatly reduced from its original price.这件上⾐⼤减价,因此,我就把它买下来了。

25. John has been used to the eating habits of the local people.约翰已习惯了当地⼈的饮⾷习惯。26. He appeared not to observe her entry.他似乎没有注意到她进来了。

27. The little boy is fed up with playing the violin for hours.⼩男孩厌倦了⼀连⼏个钟头地练⼩提琴。

28. Since there was no need to hurry, we took our time to walk home.由于不必焦急,我们不慌不忙地步⾏回家。

29. We've just received a congratulatory message from them.我们刚刚收到他们的贺电。

30. I am afraid the idea would never work in practice.恐怕这个想法实际上根本⾏不通。31. The man with a beard looks familiar.长⼤胡⼦的那个⼈看上去很⾯熟。

32. You have taken my little joke too much to heart.你把我的⼩玩笑过于当真了。⼆.选择

A 16. It's not___________ to judge a person only by the appearance.A. reliable

D 17. The university granted a scholarship_______ the top qualified students.D. to

B 18. The researchers are more and more _______ the environmental pollution.B. concerned about

A 19. The consequence was not ______ for a long period until recently..A. noticeable

B 20. Most teachers _______ bright students.B. favored

B 17. _________ troubled me most was that I forgot my ID card and my passport.B. What

B 18. _________ had he got off the train _________ his daughter ran towards him.B. No sooner ... than

A 19. He is _________ to be the best surgeon doctor in this town.A. reputed known

D 20. __________, have you received that letter?D. By the way

B 21. The country has become _________ in food production since the 1980s.B. self-sufficient

B 22. The winter vacation is _________.B.at hand


People in the United States like to entertain people at home. They invite friends for a meal, a party or even a cup of tea.Sometimes, however, people use expressions that sound like an invitation, but actually are not. For example,

When you accept or reject an invitation, it is polite to show pleasure at receiving the invitation. When you cannot accept theinvitation, it is better to offer a vague excuse, such as an appointment with a certain friend, some other work to do or a priorengagement.

B 26. People in the U.S. love to entertain people ________.B. at home

C 27. A real invitation must include ________.C. a specific time or and date

D 28. It's polite for you to give ________ when you decline an invitation.D. vague excuse

A 29. It's normal to show_______ when you decline an invitation.A. disappointment

A 30. An expression sounding like an invitation is often used because it's a good way of ________.A. ending a conversationTask 2

Ma Li will have an interview for the office manager job tomorrow. She is now worried about what she should say during theinterview, so she asks her neighbor Liu Lu, an experienced secretary, for help.\"Just be your self,\" says Liu Lu.\"But that's hard,\" says Ma Li.

\"Well, if you follow my advice, you'll probably get the job,\" Liu Lu says, \"Set out to do your homework. Find out about thecompany and gain some insight into what the requirements of the position are. Do an excellent job of selling yourself and,without seeming to brag (吹嘘) or being dishonest, convince the employer you have the skills and qualities that match therequirements. On top of that, make them believe you'll fit in and be part of the team. You have to know what their companyculture is like, what kind of people they are, and what kind of team you'll be joining.\"

\"I see your point. That sounds like a lot of work. Maybe more than I can do.\" Ma Li still worries.At last, Liu Lu says to her, \"There's an alternative — be yourself and hope it fits what they want.\"C 31. Why does Ma Li ask her neighbor Liu Lu for help?C. Because Liu Lu has a lot of experience as a secretary.

D 32. Ma Li is sure to probably get the job, if ________.D. she does what Liu Lu tells her A 33. What should Ma Li convincethe employer to believe of?A. She is fully qualified for the job.

B 34. What is the most important thing Ma Li must do?

B. She must let them know that she is suitable to work as a member of the team.

D 35. What does the word \"alternative\" mean in the last paragraph? D. Choice.Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or un finished statements marked 26 to 30. For eachquestion or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

When I think of the post office, I'm reminded of that awful little man who is in charge of the parking lot. He won't let me leavemy car there even for a moment,

A 26. What is that awful little man? A. He is the person who minds the cars in the car parking lot.D 27. What kind of new program of service will the local post office offer?D. To send letters to homes through letter box.

B 28. The little man does not let the author park his car unless ________.B. the author parks his car exactly as he the man wishes.

A 29. Why does the author no longer need to deal with the little parking lot officer?A. He needn't buy stamps at all.

B 30. From the passage, we can conclude that the parking lot officer is ________.B. very attractiveTask 2

Why do Westerners love their pets so much, almost as if they were their children? I suppose one reason is that for more thanone hundred years many children's books in England and in America were animal stories.

But some families do not want a house dog or a house cat. They want an outside dog or cat. So the animal stays outsides thehouse most of the time. Special dog houses are made for such dogs to use, especially at night in the colder parts of NorthAmerica.

C 31. Why do Western people love their pets so much?C. Because they are very much influenced by animal stories.

A 32. Since they have heard a lot of animal stories, American children tend are brought up to ________.A. love animals when they grow up

C 33. A purebred dog refers to a dog ________.C. whose parents belong to the single kind of dog

D 34. How do most many Americans American families often get their first pet?. D.They get it from their friends

C 35. Not all pets stay with their masters in the house all the time for ________.C. some people don't want to keep a house dog or a house cat五。写作

1. Directions: Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a prospectus (图书内容简介) according to the information given below. Remember to do the task on the Composition/Translation Sheet .《习语》⼀书的⽬标




该书前半部可保证你能辨认2 000左右的单词,理解⼀般会话的语法并能正确使⽤简单时态。因此,⽆论⾼等或中等⽔平的学习者都将得益于使⽤本书。The Goal of the Book IdiomsThe approachThe level of usersAnswer:

The Goal of the Book Idioms

The approach Idioms deals with 150 of the most frequent idioms in English. It provides practice in speaking and writing theseidioms—practice which is repeated extensively andcarefully planned.

The level of users The first half of this book will assume you can recognize about 2 000 words, understand the syntax of plainconversation and use the simple tenses. Therefore, either advanced or intermediate learners can use this book.2.Prospectus(图书内容简介)

Short Stories is going to be published very soon. This book is designed to help beginners with their English. The book willcontain 50 stories, each between 100 and 200 words long and all written within the 1 000-word vocabulary given in theAppendix. The grammatical patterns will be limited to those in Hornby's A Guide to Pattern and Usage in English.The book will consist of 3 parts: \"Listening and Speaking\and illustrations. The book will undoubtedly be suitable for those beginners who are interested in learning English.

《短篇故事》即将出版,本书旨在帮助初学者学习英语。书中收集了50个⼩故事,每篇故事在100~200词左右,词汇量限于1 000单词之内,附词汇表于书后,语法句型也不超出Hornby的《词语句型与⽤法指南》⼀书的范围。本书包括三个部分:“听与说”、“听与写”和“读与写”。配有图画与说明。毫⽆疑问,本书⾮常适合英语初学者。3. Sign and Poster(标识语和海报)1. Admission By Ticket Only 凭票⼊场2. Cameras Forbidden 严禁拍照3. Children Not Admitted ⼉童谢绝⼊场4. Keep Right 请靠右

5. Keep Off The Grass 勿踏草地6. Information Desk 问讯台

7. Night-Service Window 夜间服务窗8. Parking Place 停车场

INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL MATCHChina Vs GermanyPlace: Capital GymnasiumTime: 3.30 p.m., April 28

Please apply at Reception Office for tickets.Come and Cheer for them.


请到服务处领票,欢迎前往助兴!5. Visiting Card, Christmas Cardand New Year's Card

1. Translate the following card into Chinese.Television Broadcasts Ltd.Xu WenProducer

Enrichment DepartmentTV City, Clear Water Bay Road,Kowloon, Hong Kong

Telephone: 2719-4828 Ext: 8574Direct Line: 2719-7383 Fax: 2358-2590Visiting Card, Christmas Cardand New Year's Card

2. Translate the following card into English.亲爱的詹妮弗,祝您



6. Classified Ads(分类⼴告)

Translate the following ads into Chinese.For Sale

Sheepskin Jacket: man's size 40, 1 year old, $87. After 6 p.m.;Call 600-2114Answer :售物⼴告


Classified Ads(分类⼴告)

Write an ad using the information given below.

I am moving before August 31, and I want to sell a used tape recorder for $20 and 2 TV sets. One is black and white, 14inches, which I want to sell for $16, the other is a color TV, 18 inches, which I want to sell for $120. I also want to sell a usedrefrigerator for $100. Please call 500-7521 before 10 in the evening, ask for Jane.For SaleAnswer :For sale

A used tape recorder $20, 2 TV sets (b/w TV14 inches $16/color TV 18 inches $120), a used frig. $100. Call Jane 500-7521before 10 every evening.
