
unit 2

2023-04-25 来源:好走旅游网

第 3、4次课 授课时间 3 教案完成时间 06/08 授课题目(章、节) Unit 2 level of management 主要内容目的与要求1、review 2、content: First-line managers Middle managers Top managers Small-business managers 1、understand the definition of first-line managers 2、understand the definition of middle managers 3、understand the definition of top managers 4、understand the definition of small-business managers 5、master the characteristic of each managers 重点:First-line managers Middle managers Top managers Small-business managers 难点:First-line managers Middle managers Top managers Small-business managers 重点与难点 教学方法与手段 把管理知识和英语结合起来课堂讲授,引导学生进行听说读写的练习。


Unit 2 Levels of management


Supervise Dealership Subordinate Traumatic Criterion Directive Adept Morale Turnover Hierarchy Froud Revelation Debacle Differentiate Entrepreneur On-site Lay out On the run Vie for

First-line managers:

First-line managers are directly responsible for the production of goods or services. Employees who report to them do the organization’s basic production work.

This level of management is the link between the operations of each department and the rest the organization. First-line managers in most companies spend little time with higher management or with people from other organizations.

First-line managers spend relatively little time planning and organizing. They


usually need strong technical expertise to teach subordinates and supervise their day-to-day tasks. Workers usually develop technical expertise before becoming manager.

Middle managers:

As an organization grows, however, so do its problems. Some managers at larger organizations must focus on coordinating employee activities, determining which products or services to customers.

Middle managers typically have titles such as department head, plant manager, and director of finance. They are responsible for directing and coordinating the activities of first-line managers and, at times, such nonmanagerial personnel as clerks, receptionalists, and staff assistance.

Many middle managers began their careers and spent several years as first-line managers. Even so, promotion from first-level to middle management is often difficult and sometimes traumatic.

Middle managers must be adept at developing their subordinates, opening lines of communication for them, and making them visible to other middle managers and to top managers. In many organizations today, developing subordinates and helping them move up in the organization is essential to being viewed as a successful manager.

Top managers:

The overall direction of an organization is the responsibility of top managers. Top managers spend most of their days planning and leading. They spend most of their leading time with key people and organizations outside their own organizations.

Pressures and demands on top managers can be intense. Tightly scheduled workdays, heavy travel requirements, and workweeks of sixty or more hours are common.

Top managers also face expanding public relations duties. They must be able to


respond quickly to crises that may create image problems for their organizations.

Small-business managers:

In large organizations with several levels of management, manager at each level are responsible for different types of tasks. But in small companies, one person—usually the founder or current owner---often carries the whole load.

Owners of small businesses don’t differentiate among levels of management.

What it takes to be a great manager? Teamwork competency


Transcend Give-and-take Subtle Posture Ethnic Gender Spontaneous Leave room for Web Consensus Divergent Draw on Fiscal Designate Formulate Elicit Abrupt Resentful

Communication competency


·Information communication ·Formal communication, and ·Negotiation

Communication competency transcends the use of a particular communication medium. That is, good communication may involve having a face-to-face conversation, preparing a formal written document, participating in a global meeting via teleconferencing, giving a speech to an audience of 400 people, or using e-mail to coordinate a project team whose members work in different regions of the country.

Planning and administration competency

·Information gathering, analysis, and problem solving ·Planning and organizing projects ·Time management and

·Budgeting and financial management

Planning and organizing projects usually means working with employees to clarify broad objectives, discuss resource allocations, and agree to completion dates. Managers are accountable for budgeting and managing financial resources.

Strategic action competency ·Understanding the industry

·Understanding the organization, and ·Taking strategic actions

This competency also involves understanding the organization-not just the particular unit in which a manager works, but also understanding the organization as a system of interrelated parts.

Global awareness competency

·Cultural knowledge and understanding, and ·Cultural openness and sensitivity


In the course to growing up and being educated in a particular country or region, people naturally develop cultural knowledge and understanding of forces that shape their lives and the conduct of business.

Simply knowing about other cultures isn’t sufficient, appropriate attitudes and skills are needed to translate this knowledge into effective performance.

Self-management competency ·Integrity and ethical conduct ·Personal drive and resilience ·Balancing work, and

·Self-awareness and development

Personal drive and resilience are especially important when someone sets out to do something no one else has done and when that person faces setbacks and failures.

The dynamic work environment calls for self-awareness and development. That includes both task-related learning and learning about yourself. On the other hand, task-related learning can directly improve your performance in your current job and prepare you to take on new job.



本单元知识点归纳 First-line managers Middle managers Top managers Small-business managers the characteristic of each managers 思考题或作业题 注:教案首页和末页中间为授课内容


What are first-line managers in charge of ? could you give us some examples to show this? 本单元教学情况小结 审阅意见 审阅人:
