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维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica,33(2):272—274(apr.,2008) IsSN 1000.0739 动物分类学报 A NEW GENUS AND NEW SPECmS oF GRASSI )P嗽 0M JE MONGOLIA AUTONOMOUS REGION OF CttlNA(0lR OPn A, PAMPHAGIDAE,PAMPHAGINAE) CAO Cheng-Quan .YIN Xiang-Chu ’ ,。 1.Co//ege 忍耐Protea ̄m,蕊妣4 ,7 271018, 2. In ̄'ute foB/o ̄,ChmeseAcademy of , 810008, 3.Co//ege SaC,nee,/-kbe/ , 幽 071002,∞ Al ̄tract This paper rcpoltS a new genus and species ofPamphaginae,i.e.岛 蛔嘧gen.nov.and岛 啦 sp.nov.from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China.The new genus is silnilar to Ara#otrop ̄Saussure,1888,but difers from the| ̄tter_in the subgenital plate ofmale trianglar with apex bifurcate in dorsal view.Type specimen is deposited in the College of Plant Protection,Shandong Agricultur ̄University,Taian,China. Key words Orthoptera,Pampbagi ̄e,Pamphaginae,new genus,new species,China. The family Pamphagidae Burmeister,1840 contains apical spine present.Tympanum organ distinct,big and 8 subfamilies, i.e. Akicerinae Bolivar, 1916: rotundity.KIIIUSS’OI ̄I1 washboard-like.EpipI10ct with Echinotropinae Dirsh,1961;Nocarodesinae BoSvar, longitudinal groove in the middle.Cercus conical,not 1916; Orchaminae Zhang, Yin &Yin, 2003; reaching the ap of epiproct,sK#dy curved inwards to Pampb ̄nae Burrneister,1840;Porthednae Bolivar, inner side at the dp.s taJ plate e,apex 1916;Tropidaucheni ̄e Zhang,Yin&Yin,2003 and bifurcate in d0rsal view. Prionotropisinae Zhang.Yin&Yin.2003. Type-species: 咖 sp.nov. The subfamily Pamphaginae distributed in Eurasia Etymology.The new genus is derived from the contains 11 genera among them,o由强灿 幽 genus Haplotrol ̄s Saussure,1888 and S/no-(China)in .S Iz .1888,is found in China. Latin. Whorl。【a]miI1iI specimens of grasshoppers Diagnosis.The new genus is similar to 枷 preserved in the College of Plant Protection,Shandong Saussure,1888,but difers from the latter in the Ag al】tIlral University,we discovered a new genus and a subgenital plate of male tri ̄r,with apex bifurcate in Sp。des of Pamphaginae from daqi,Elunchun, dorsal view. Hulunbeier I ea∞】e, Inner Mongolia Autonoinous Region.The descripdons of this new genus and spedes 虮 口lI sp.nov.(Figs.1-4) are eI1 below.Type spedmens are deposited in the Holotype male, 出qi(50 ̄42 N,124。13 E;alt. College of Plant Protection,Shandong ialltural 800 m,),Elunchun,Hulunbeier League,Inner University,Taian,China. Mongolia Autonomolls Region,China,collected by gen.nov.(Figs.1-4) CAO Cheng-l ̄uan and GE Yan-Zhen,28 J y 2007. Paratype 1 male,same data aS holotype. Antennae filiform.Pronotum raised along median Descripdon.Male(Figs.1.4).Body medium in keel,anterior II1argin in the middle not reaching the size.Head shorter than l∞蛐ofpronomm.Face shghdy tangent at hind m of two eyes;hind m in the oblique in profile,frontal ridge with longitudinal sulcus. middle extendin ̄over the midlxfint of metatergum; Antennae filiform.22 segments,not reaching the median keel not cut by hind transverse sulcus. posterior呻of pronomm. ^es globose,longitudinal Prosternum collar.1ike with a thin ed ,without tubercles diaineter 1.3 times horizontal diameter and suboa ̄ or lobes.Te =1il1a and hind wings distinctly shortened, furrow.Pronotum raised along median keel,anterior oval,lateral,extendir ̄over midpoint of second II1argin in the middle not reacl ̄the tangent at hind abdominal tergum.Middle tibia without teeth or II1argiI1 oftwo eyes;hind m in the middle e)c|]e她 tubercles.Hind femur robust,kn蛐aS l0ng aS 3.5 times over the midpoint ofmetatergum;median keel not cut by of ma 删lm width.1ower basal lobe longer than the hind trafisverse sulcus:lateral keels short,in the upper one.upper keel smooth.Hind曲ia with 8 spines metazona undeveloped.Prosternum collar.1ike with a thin on the inner and 10 spines on the outer side,external edge,without tubercles or lobes.The na.rrowe. ̄t of "INs smd),is supported b,r a grantfromChin{ ̄eAcademy ofSdences(I ̄SCx2一Yw-z) *G。I1髑pc她author,E-mail:yx ̄34@yahoo.conl,yxch@sdau.edu.m Received 2JaI1.2008,accepted10Mar.2008. 272 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 曹成伞等:中国内蒙古蜱虫iniS12ti.󰀀新属一新种(直翅目hmbifu,蝴蜕科tiv,糊蝗业科)lSubgenitaplatrina273terspaceomeslobespmwf,metasternumsresenthortened,LateralimesosterumitslengthninaandhindwingsTegnfseparatedoverextendingovallateral..ersideniraatthers.p.tegle,apexnsrcatedoitylaiew.,,ColoAnbranoneBodys—yellowin.shbro—wn.Eyeswnbrow.idpoinithongnutofseconordabdoes.minaltergxtmur,.Middlebuwtibiatelmaeown.llowihbrowan.Hindyelyefeiwiwssmuriyellow,h.tteethtuberdoHindfemumu.roster,10looaS35.thnestheeeufnmxim,idthwlolengthasbasallobe,Hindstibiaedtarsusmoohbro——upperdinneridebluAbdos.en.lhbrown.vvith.agerf10wethailernerpperssoileknslobena.roundedesumtpperkeelsmoohHindth8ibiawitoutertheesaenddarkbandoneashtehbotideIm.shtsinenided10’npionpinmroTympanpresentorgandⅣKFaHssl.wasm,picaldistinctbigandorganEpiproctwithhboard1ikeside,exnpiternals,on力Murementsn一nitalplatebrowSubge~f~daofbody336342..111111.,lengthofpr89931TUTI—onottun,112143.millur....Femhtale.lengthofhindfemnUnknow..length169189,—ofte.gmen..innllongitudinalgrooreaching山edpvenitheiddlse.Cercusconicalra,notofepiproctlighflyCtlrvedinwdtOeEtymologytypelocalityThe.speciesisnamedafterEltmchun,FigsEnd.14.蛐en幻蛔俯也舭.sp.nov.矛1.Sideview.2.Dorsalview.3.Pronotum,tegmenandKrams’organ󰀀4ofabdom维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 274 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica动物分类学报 V01.33 No.2 Natural Sciences ofPhiladelphia,PennsylvaniaPlP.142-206. .Bd-Bienko,G.J.(Ya.)andMistshenko,L.L.1951.Acridoidea ofthe fauna oftheUSSR and ndP d)oIl ng countries.Pts.1【InRussian.j Opred.Faune SSSR,Moscow.38:328. 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