

2024-05-19 来源:好走旅游网
 HC0650B03Hybrid Coupler3 dB, 90oRev A0DescriptionThe HC0650B03 is a low profile, high performance 3dB hybrid coupler in a new easy to use, manufacturing friendly surface mount package. It is designed for CMMB band applications. The HC0650B03 is designed particularly for balanced power and low noise amplifiers, plus signal distribution and other applications where low insertion loss and tight amplitude and phase balance is required. It can be used in high power applications up to 300 Watts.

Parts have been subjected to rigorous qualification testing and they are manufactured using materials with coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) compatible with common substrates such as FR4, G-10, RF-35, RO4350 and polyimide.

Orientation MarkerPart No.Signal PadGNDFeatures:

–860 MHz

Powery Low Loss Amplitude Balance Isolation

Electrical Specifications Frequency MHz Isolation dB Min InsertionLossdB Max VSWRMax : 1 AmplitudeBalancedB Max 470- 860 200.301.30± 0.95PhaseBalanceDegreesPower Avg. CW Watts OperatingTemp.ºC RF-35, RO4350B and polyimide oxidation & scratch

90 ± 2.0300-55 to +95 Notes:

1. All the above data are based on specified demo board.2. Insertion loss:Thru board loss has been removed.

Mechanical Outline

TOP VIEWPin 1Pin 2SIDE VIEWPin 2BOTTOM VIEWPin 1YANTELHC0650B03XXXXPin 4Pin 3Pin 3Pin 4Yantel Corporation

AddFloor 2, Building 2, Gaofa Technology Park, Longjing, Nanshan, Shenzhen, ChinaTel86-755-8355-1886 Fax86-755-8355-2533

For detailed performance specs & shopping online see Yantel web site : www.yantel-corp.com


Hybrid Coupler3 dB, 90o

Rev A0

Hybrid Coupler Pin Configuration

The HC0650B03 has an orientation marker to denote Pin 1. Once port one has been identified the other ports are known automatically. Please see the chart below for clarification:



Pin 1 Input Isolated -3dB Ð-90 -3dB Ð

AÐ-90 AÐ Isolated Output

Pin 2 Isolated Input -3dB Ð -3dB Ð-90

AÐ AÐ-90 Output Isolated

Pin 3

-3dB Ð-90 -3dB Ð Input Isolated

Isolated Output AÐ-90 AÐ

Pin 4 -3dB Ð -3dB Ð-90

Isolated Input Output Isolated



*Note: “A” is the amplitude of the applied signals. When two quadrature signals with equal amplitudes are applied to the coupler as described in the table, they will combine at the output port. If the amplitudes are not equal, some of the applied energy will be directed to the isolated port. Typical Performance Data (@25)

Frequency(MHz)465485505525545565585605625645665685705725745765785805825845865Coupling(dB)-3.27-3.17-3.08-3.02-2.94-2.89-2.85-2.82-2.83-2.79-2.78-2.78-2.80-2.83-2.86-2.85-2.92-3.01-3.09-3.20-3.29Transmission(dB)-2.90-2.99-3.10-3.20-3.25-3.30-3.36-3.41-3.46-3.59-3.49-3.46-3.48-3.50-3.44-3.36-3.32-3.30-3.24-3.17-3.06InsertionLoss(dB)-0.07-0.07-0.08-0.09-0.08-0.08-0.09-0.09-0.12-0.16-0.11-0.10-0.11-0.14-0.13-0.09-0.11-0.14-0.16-0.18-0.16Isolation(dB)-30.68-30.28-29.90-29.51-29.19-28.83-28.46-28.12-27.76-27.45-27.28-26.87-26.56-26.25-25.97-25.68-25.43-25.21-24.90-24.62-24.36AmplitudeBalance(dB)-0.37- Loss(dB)S11-27.15-27.16-26.76-26.23-26.07-26.07-26.42-26.27-25.95-25.84-25.73-25.74-25.65-25.36-25.14-24.98-24.75-24.29-23.71-23.18-22.81S22-31.25-30.05-29.36-29.04-28.52-27.82-26.91-26.10-25.71-25.59-25.33-24.53-23.66-23.14-22.99-22.99-22.64-22.00-21.41-21.14-21.04S33-29.48-29.28-29.11-28.69-28.18-27.69-27.15-26.57-26.08-25.03-25.05-24.55-24.07-23.78-23.54-22.99-22.55-21.92-21.48-21.05-20.67S44-26.37-26.14-26.04-25.92-25.64-25.28-25.11-25.18-25.13-25.25-24.93-24.57-24.47-24.55-24.52-24.21-23.79-23.47-23.31-23.13-22.68Yantel Corporation

AddFloor 2, Building 2, Gaofa Technology Park, Longjing, Nanshan, Shenzhen, ChinaTel86-755-8355-1886 Fax86-755-8355-2533

For detailed performance specs & shopping online see Yantel web site : www.yantel-corp.com

HC0650B03Hybrid Coupler3 dB, 90oRev A0Typical Performance (-55°C, 25°C, 95°C: 470-860 MHz)

Return Loss (Port 1)









Return Loss (Port 2)



Frequency (MHz)Frequency (MHz)

Return Loss (Port 3)









Return Loss (Port 4)



Frequency (MHz)Frequency (MHz)

Yantel Corporation

AddFloor 2, Building 2, Gaofa Technology Park, Longjing, Nanshan, Shenzhen, ChinaTel86-755-8355-1886 Fax86-755-8355-2533

For detailed performance specs & shopping online see Yantel web site : www.yantel-corp.com


Hybrid Coupler3 dB, 90o

Rev A0

Typical Performance (-55°C, 25°C, 95°C: 470-860 MHz)

Coupling & Transmission (Port 1 feeding)0-0.5-1-1.5-2-2.5-3-3.5-4-4.5465565665765865-552595-5525950.00-0.05-0.10-0.15-0.20-0.25-0.30-0.35-0.40465Insertion Loss(Port 1 feeding)-552595565665765865Frequency (MHz)Frequency (MHz)Phase (Port 1 feeding)99.0097.0095.0093.0091.0089.0087.00465565665765865-5525950.00-5.00-10.00-15.00-20.00-25.00-30.00-35.00-40.00465Isolation (Port 1 feeding)-552595565665765865Frequency (MHz)Frequency (MHz)Yantel Corporation

AddFloor 2, Building 2, Gaofa Technology Park, Longjing, Nanshan, Shenzhen, ChinaTel86-755-8355-1886 Fax86-755-8355-2533

For detailed performance specs & shopping online see Yantel web site : www.yantel-corp.com


Hybrid Coupler3 dB, 90o

Rev A0

eDscription of Measured Specifications

Parameter VSWR Return Loss


Voltage standing wave rao, the impedance match to 50, the ideal value is 1:1.

Loss of signal power resulng from the reecon caused by disconnuity of transmission line.

Insertion Loss The input power divided by sum of power at the coupling port & transmission port.

The input power divided by the power at coupling port. Coupling Transmission The input power divided by the power at transmission port.

The power at the coupling port divided by the power at the isolated. Directivity

Test Method

1. Calibrating your vector network analyzer.2. Connect the VNA 4 Port to DUT respectively.

3. Measure the data of coupling through port 1 to port 4(S41).4. Measure the data of transmission through port 1 to port 2(S21).5. Measure the data of isolation through port 1 to port 3(S31).6. Measure the data of return loss port 1, port 2, port 3 & port 4.7. According to the above data to calculate insertion loss, directivity.


Network Analyzer

Port 1Port 2Port 3Port 4


1. When calculating insertion loss at room temperature,

demo board loss should be removed from both coupling & transmission data.Please refer to the below table for demo board loss :

Frequency Range(MHz)

470-860 800-1000 1200-1700 1700-2000 2000-2300 2300-2700

Demo Board Loss (dB) @25



Yantel Corporation

AddFloor 2, Building 2, Gaofa Technology Park, Longjing, Nanshan, Shenzhen, ChinaTel86-755-8355-1886 Fax86-755-8355-2533

For detailed performance specs & shopping online see Yantel web site : www.yantel-corp.com


Hybrid Coupler3 dB, 90o

Rev A0

Recommended PCB Layout


line width is shown above designing from RO4350B dieletric thcikness 0.762mm; copper 1 OZ

2. Bottom side of the PCB is continuous ground plane.3. All dimensions shown in mm.

Reflow Profile

Peak temperature 235-255melting point alloy217-219Reflow Zone50-90secSoaking Zone60-90seccooldownPreheat/soak60-80secTime(s)

Yantel Corporation

AddFloor 2, Building 2, Gaofa Technology Park, Longjing, Nanshan, Shenzhen, ChinaTel86-755-8355-1886 Fax86-755-8355-2533

For detailed performance specs & shopping online see Yantel web site : www.yantel-corp.com


Hybrid Coupler3 dB, 90o

Rev A0

Reliability Test Flow

Hybrid Coupler QualificationMechanical/Visual Inspection n=50Electrical Testing at room temperature S-parameter n=50Mount parts to test boards n=25Visual Inspection n=25Control Units n=5Visual Inspection n=25Resistance to Solder per Mil202F.210E.Condition K heat n=20Mount boards to Al blocks n=25Visual Inspection n=25Electrical Testing at room temperature and over temperature S-parameter(-55Electrical Testing at room temperature S-parameter n=25Control Units n=5Visual Inspection n=25 Mechanical/visual Inspection n=25 Control Units n=5Voltage Breakdown Test per Mil202F-301 25n=40Visual Inspection n=50 Electrical Testing at room temperature S-parameter n=50Control Units n=10Thermal Cycle 75 cycles,--5515 min dwell n=40Visual Inspection n=50 Yantel Corporation

AddFloor 2, Building 2, Gaofa Technology Park, Longjing, Nanshan, Shenzhen, ChinaTel86-755-8355-1886 Fax86-755-8355-2533

For detailed performance specs & shopping online see Yantel web site : www.yantel-corp.com


Hybrid Coupler3 dB, 90o

Rev A0

Reliability Test Flow

Visual Inspection n=50 Electrical Testing at room temperature S-parametern=50Control Units n=10Moisture Resistance Testing -25to 65for 2hrs.@90% humidity.Increase to 95% humidity and soak for 4hrs.ramp temp to 25 in 2hrs,repeat for 10 cycles and then soak -10for 3hrs n=40Electrical Testing at room temperature S-parametern=50Visual Inspection n=50Control Units n=10Bake parts for 1 hr at 100Electrical Testing at room temperature S-parameter n=50Life Testing 150watts input 100High Power Test n=2base plate temperature 96 hrs 3 in series n=6 Visual Inspection n=25Visual Inspection n=50Mechanical Inspection n=25Electrical Testing at room temperature S-parameter n=6Microsection 3 Test units and 1 controlMicrosection 2 life,1 high power and 1 controlYantel Corporation

AddFloor 2, Building 2, Gaofa Technology Park, Longjing, Nanshan, Shenzhen, ChinaTel86-755-8355-1886 Fax86-755-8355-2533

For detailed performance specs & shopping online see Yantel web site : www.yantel-corp.com
