Journal of Shanxi University(Natural Science Edition) VO1.30 2007 Totai Contents 。Special write一 。 Synthesis and Structural Identification of Three Cystine—based Pseudocyclopeptides …………GUO Wei,ZHOU Guo—fu(1) An Approach for Chinese E—mail Filtering Based on SVM…………………………………wANG wen—jian,H0U Yan(303) ・News flash・ The 0bservation of”Rb Bose—Einstein Condensate in Shanxi University………………GAO Xing,SHI Feng(Book cover 3) ・Mathematics and Computer Science・ 0scillation of First Order Neutral Differential Equation with Variable Coefficients ………………………SHI Yan—xiang(5) Solution and Positive Solution for a Semilinear Third—Order Two—Point Boundary Value Problem …………………………………………………………………………………………………………S0NG Juan,LI Yu—hua(8) Modules with Invariant Factors Over Commutative Rings………………………………………WANG Ya—bin,JIN Ping(11) Extension of H—class Functions ……………………………………………………………LIAN Xiu—guo,GUO Chun—mei(13) On Nearlv Normal Subgroups…………………………………………………………………………………YANG Gao—cai(16) Exponents of A Class of Two—colored Digraphs …………………………………………BAI Zhu—xiang,SHAO Yan—ling(19) Permanence and Asymptotic Stability of a Non—-Autonomous Lotka —Volterra System with Impulse ………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Jin—xian・YAN Ju-rang(24) Existence of Periodic Solution in a Food Chain System with Time Delay…………………CHEN Yuan—yuan,YU Jiang(28) Knowledge Inclusion Degree and Information Entropy of Rough Set Data Analysis………WANG Bao—li・LIANG Ji—ye(32) A Real—Time Digital Image Processing System for CCD Based on FPGA and DSP ……………………………………………………………GAO Chun—fu,YANG QJan—jin,FENG Li—ping,HE Xin—sheng(36) Global Attractivity for Nonlinear Impulsive Delay Differential Equations…………………………………YAN Ju—rang(129) Osciliation of Second 0rder Neutral Dynamic Equations on Time Scales ………………ZHA0 Ai—min,ZHAO Jian—jun(1 3 3) Oscillation of Difference Equation with Continuous Arguments…………………………YAN Wei—ping,MENG Qiong(1 36) The Solution of an Operator Equation……………………………………………………………………ZHANG Lian—ping(139) A New Sufficient Condition for Hamiltonian Digraphs ………………………WANG Shi—ying,YUAN Jun,LIU Ai—xia(143) Reliable H。。Control for Continuous Time Systems with Actuator Failures ………………JIA Xin—chun,QIAO lun—li(149) Granulation Monotonicity of Entropy Measure in Information Systems……………………LIANG Ji—ye,QIAN Yu—hua(1 5 6) Segmentation Strategies on Ambiguity String in Chinese Word Segmentation ………………………………………………………………………ZHENG Jia—heng,ZHANG Jian—feng,TAN Hong—ye(163) Target Center Detection Algorithm for Computer Aided Shooting System Based on Symmetry Point of Curve Part ………………………………………………………………………………………LI De—yu,YANG Bo—bo,( IN Ai—hong(168) 0n Euler Function’s Nontotients…………………………………………………………………………XU Lu,CAO Dan(310) One Inequality and An Equality on the Numerical Radius of Matrix Tensor Product …………………HOU Qian—min(312) Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation of a Chaotic System …………………………………………HAO Jian—hua(315) A Class of Primitive Two—colored Directed Graphs ………YUAN Jun,LIN Shang—wei,GUO Ji一.wen,WANG Shi—ying(318) A Note on the Theorv About the Structural Bias of the Estimation of Dispersion Effects by the BM Method ………………………………………………………………………………………GA0 Cai—wen,WANG Yu,LI Ji—hong(322) Applied Simulated Annealing Algorithm to Optimize the Variogram Model of Reservoir Distribution Parameters ………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHENG Qing—sheng,MU Ping(325) Study on Improvement SMO Algorithms Based on Function Approximation ………………………………………………………………………………LU0 Yu。XU Tu,HE Da—ke,CHEN Xin—nian(329) ・V・ 维普资讯
山西大学学报(自然科学版) 30(4) 2007 Research and Applicati0n 0f 3D Model Collaborative Browsing Technology Based on Web ………………………………….…….…………………・………………WANG Qiang,ZHU Ji—qiang,ZHANG Zhen—qi(335) Mechanism of Integration Accessing for the Distributed Heterogeneous Database Based on Web Services ………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………一SUN You—cang(340) LI Yu—hua(431) Existence of Solution on a Kind of Fourth—order Differential System …………………………………………Existence of Solution For a Fractiona1 Differential Equation…………………………………SU Xin—wei,LIU Lan—dong(434) The Repr0ducing Kerne1 and Conjguate Space of Bergman Spaces on the Upper Half Plane……………CUI Xue wei(437) Linear1y Embedding Theorem of Finite Linear Groups and Symplectic Groups……………………………WANG Li—zhi(440) Average—shadowing Property,Totally Transitive and Their Applications……………………………………LI Ri—song(442) N0nconforming Finite E1ement Method For a Kind of Nonstationary Equations ……………………………WANG Jian(446) Fuzzv Output Feedback Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Systems with Multiple Time Delays ………………………………………………………………………………QU Bai—da,ZHANG Hong—kai,XU Bao—guo(450) A1gorithm Improvement of Boolean in Information Retrieval…………………………………-…………”YANG Li—ping(456) An Identit.Y Based E—Cash Scheme……………………………………MENG Chun—yu,YIN Xin—chun,SONG Chun—lai(460) Multi—leve1 GraY Evaluation Model on Enterprises’Reputation ………………………………………WANG Yue—ping(463) ・Physics・ Dynamics of Dark Solitons in One—dimensional Bose—Einstein Condensates in An Expulsive Parabolic Potential ………….……………………………………………………………………………………………一GUO Hong—mei.LI Lu(4O) Generalized Talmi—Moshinsky Coefficients for 3D……………………………………………………………ZHAO Ru—jian(45) A Novel Compact Ultra-Wideband Bandpass Filter Based on CPW…………………YAO Chun—hui,ZHANG Wen—mei(49) An Estimation Algorithm for the Arrival Direction of Wideband Signal………………I IU Jun,LIANG Min,IAU Feng(53) SimL11ation Calculation and Performance Analysis of An Antenna for the Network Card of WLAN …………………………………………………………………………………………………………XU Ling—jun,MA Jing(57) Preparati。n and XRD Analysis of Barium Titanate BaTiO3 Nano—powders …………………………QU Xiao—tian,LI Li(61) Nonclassical I ight Fields and Their Application in Quantum Information………………………………PENG Kun chi(173) Uhracold Molecules Formation Via Photoassociation and Its Spectrum Measurement …………………………………………………………………JIA Suo—tang,WANG Li rong,MA Jie,XIAO Lian tuan(181) Ph0t0n Statistics of Optica1 Source from Single Molecule in Room Temperature………XIAO Lian—tuan,JIA Suo tang(188) Low Temperature Growth and Luminescence Study of Silicon Based Compound Films with Silicon Quantum Dots Embedded ……………………………………………………………………………………………………HUANG Rao,MA Li—bo(193) Phase Transition of the Quantum Heisenberg Ferromagnetic Chain with Long—range Interactions ……………………・…………・………………………………・……………………ZHONG Chong—gui.ZHAO Yong—lin(344) ∑一N Interactions and Binging Energy of Hypernucleus IHe Based on Chiral SU(3)Quark Modal……CAO Hui ying(348) Research on Model based Network Controlling Systems with Delays .…………………………………………………………………・・HAN Guo—rui.ZHAO Yao—hong,PEI I i—li,CHEN Xia(353) A High—-frequency and Low——power ECL Logic to CMOS Logic Convert Circuit ………………・………・………………………………………・WANG Jin一]un.DAI Kun.YAN Xiao—ying.YANG Feng(357) LI I.i-LI Xue—feng(361) Study on the Multiplex Infrared I.ight Modulator Based on a Single Chip PCA84C641 MCU………Wave Function of Surface Electrons on the Close packet Faces of the Noble Metals and the Simuating Figures By Matlah ……・…・…・……・………………………………・…………………・…YANG Rong—guo.ZHANG Chao.ZHANG Li]ian(468) DU Lei,CAO Shi,MENG Dong—yuan(473) Computer Simulation of TE1 )Wave Transmitting in Rectangular Wave—guide…Analyze on the Force of a Ladder—Type Three I evel Atom Driven by a Standing Wave …………………………・・・・…・………・………………・…・・……・………・・WANG Yue—ming.GU Huai—qiang・JIN Kang(476) First—principle Study of the Ferroelectricity and Optieal Properties of the SrBi2Ta2()9 ………………………………………………………………………………………CHENG Zheng—ze,JIANG Feng—chun(479) ZHANG Bing,ZHANG Wen—mei(484) Design of a 1.8 GHz 2.4 GHz Broadband Voltage—Controlled Oscillator……………Application of Edge Detection in Phase Unwrapping・………………………………………………I.I Zhi rong・L1 Yue—e(489) Chemistry・ Synthesis and Structure Characterization of 1一Pridineformyl一4一allylaminothiourea ………………………………………ZHAO Ming—gen.SHI Yu—fang,ZHAO]iang—yu,I U Hal bin,ZHANG Ting—ling(64) Synthesis of 2,2 :6 ,2"-Terpyridine Derivative Ligands ……………………………………………………………ZHANG Lin。WANG Guo song,LIU Wei—min,WANG Zi—wei(68) Analysis on Chemical Components in Radix Astragall and Radixet Rhlzoma Notoginseng by Twice Development TI C ・VI・ 维普资讯 山西大学学报(自然科学版)30卷总目次 …………………………………………………………………ZHANG Li—zeng,BI Quan—xi,DAI Yun—tao,QIN Xue—mei(71) Preparation and Characterization of IA/MAA Copolymer Scale Inhibitor …ZHANG Guang—hua,LAI Zhi chao,LI Hui(74) Prediction of the Chromatographic Retention Indices of Alkene ………………………………………DU Wen,ZHANG Sheng—wan,KOU Jian—ren,QIA0 Hua,LI Mei—ping,YANG Li(79) Progress in Interactions of Transition Meta1 ions such as Copper and Zinc with Amyloid Peptide Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease……………………………………………ZHANG Zhi—gang,MA Xn—yan(83) Recent Development of 一Diketiminatometal Complexes………………………………LIU Dian—sheng,TONG Hong_bo(201) Preparation and Characterization of Co3O4 and its Catalytic Performance in Low—Temperature CO Oxidation …………………………………………………………………ZHAO Yong—xiang。WANG Yong—zhao。HOU Xiao—dong(205) Self—assembling Research of a Benzene—Bridged,Threonine—based Cyc1odepsipeptide…………GUO Wei,ZH0U Jie—yu(210) The Oxidative Cleavage of N—P Bond and the Fluorescence of the Supramolecular Polymeric Compounds ……………………………………………………………………………GUO Jian—ping,SHANG Dong—lin,WANG Lei(215) YANG Pin,XI Xiao—li,YANG Man—man(220) Study on the Binding Mode of Pirarubicin with DNA…………………………Spectra Studies on the Functions of Glu101 to Keep the Natura1 Conformation of Euplotes octocarinatus Centrin ……………………………………………YANG Bin—sheng,LI Guo—ring,WANG Zhi-jun,ZHA0 Ya—qin,DUAN I ian(224) Molecular Recognition of P一(Diphenyeamino)phenyl Boronic Acid to Monosaccharides Based on Fluoriemtry ………………………………………SHUANG Shao—min,CHENG Zhe,WANG Zhong—ru,LI Zhong hui,M.S.Wong(229) Study on Quinine and Quinidine by the Time-Resolved Room Temperature Phosphorimetry …………………………………………………………………………………DONG Chuan。TONG Xiao—fei,WEI Yan一1i(234) Support Vector Machine Method Applied to Predict the Toxicity of Halogeno Benzene and Phenol Derivatives ………………………………………………………ZHANG Xiang—dong,YU Cheng,GUAN Hong—yu,GE Chun—hua(240) Synthesis of Thioglycolic Acid and Thioglycerol co—Capped CdTe Nanocrystals ………GONG Yan jun,BAO Hao—bo(366) Synthesis of Meta1 Complex Luminescent Materia1 Containing 1。1O—Phenanthro¨ne …………………………………………………………………………………LIN Zhen。WANG Xiao—ju,FENG Li—heng(371) Synthesis of a—aminoxy Acid Polypeplide Oligomers with Phenyl Side Chain ……………………………………………ZHU Yi—fei,LU Ai—min,HOU Zhan—zhong,YANG Xiao—min,FAN Yun—fei(375) Kinetics and Mechanism of the Iridium(III)一Catalyzed Oxidation of Diethanolamine by Cerium(IV)in Sulfuric Acid Media …………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Rong—hui,SONG Wen—yu,SUN Jian—hong(379) Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Magnetite from Jinbeizhuang Iron Ore—Deposit in Hebei and Its Medica1 Significance…………………………………………………………………LIU Hui—zhuo,TANG Yue—gang(385) Synthesis and Characterization of Nove1 Tetra—substituted Phtha1ocyanines and Metal1ophtha1ocyanines ………………………………………………………XIA Dao~cheng,MA Chun—yu,CHENG Chuan—hui,CONG Fang—di, YU Shu~kun。CHANG Yu—chun,LI Wan—cheng,YU Hai—feng,DU Guo—tong(493) A New Method for the Synthesis of a—Substituted PhosDhonoch1oridate…REN Xin—feng,LI Hong—sen,CHEN Si—hao(498) Preparation of Aceta1 Modified Vinyl Acetate/Acrylic Acid Emulsion and the Properties of its Membranes ………………………………………………………………………………………………GE Xiao juan,SHEN Yi—ding(502) Prediction of the Chromatographic Retention of Carbony1 CompouHds …………………………………………… 一YANG Li。ZHANG Sheng—wan,KOU Jian—ren,LI Mei-ping,QIAO Hua(507) Supramolecular Systems of meso—tetrakis(4一pyridy1)porphyrin with Cyclodextrins ………………………………………………………………SONG Jin—ping.GUO Yu—jing。YE Xiao—Lan,PAN Jing—hao(511) Geochemica1 Characteristics and the Tectonic Setting of Amphibolites of the North Liaohe Group in Liaodong Area …………………………………………………………………MA Li—iie。CUI Ying—chun,LIU Jun~1ai,ZHANG Jun_bo(515) ・Li and Environment Science・ A New Record Species of Eichleriella(Basidiomycetes,Tremellales)from China ………………………XUE Juan—juan(88) Genetic Differentiation of Six Populations of Six Species of the Acridoidea …………………………………………………………………………MA Xi—ping,LI Cui—lan,GUO Ya—ping,MA En_bo(90) Effect of Allergenic Protein from Tartary Buckwheat on Activity of Several Isoenzymes in Organs of Mice …………………………………………………………………LI Yu—ying,ZHANG Zheng,BAI Yan,WANG Zhuan—hua(95) Effects of the Different Magnetic Field Treatments on the Physiology Characteristic of Several Plants …………………………………………………………………FAN Ling-juan.LI Yan—ru。YANG Li—li,ZHOU Xiao—mei(98) …MA Ya—li,ZHANG Feng(102) Study on the Ordination of Climate Factors in Corn—growing Regions of Shanxi by PCAStudy on Land Sustainable Utilization Evaluation in Yangquan Suburban SONG Xiao—li,FAN Jun—hua,YAO Jian—zhong(107) ・Ⅶ・ 维普资讯 山西大学学报(自然科学版) Studv on Tre.atment of Water with High Turbidity of Yellow River in Inclined—Plate Presettling …………………………………………………………………………………30(4)2007 ZHANG Li ping。LIU Zhen qian,FANG Xi(1l1) Analysis on Landseape Pattern of Land Cover in Shanxi Province ………………………………………………………………ZHANG Wei—feng,WANG Meng—ben,ZHANG Xian—ping(115) Analysis on the Dynamic Characteristics of the S0 2 Concentration in the Air from 1991 to 2000 in Changzhi・Shanxi …………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Gui—ping,LI Jian—hua,SHANG Ju—hong(120) Studv on the Relationships between the Soil Moisture Condition of Underlying Surface and Rainfall—runoff ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………SUN Ming(125) Phylogenetic Analysis on the Batrachospermales(Rhodophyta)Based on Morphological Data …………XIE Shu lian(245) Study on the Population Genetics of O:cya chinensis …………………………………MA En_bo,L1 Tao,ZHANG Jian—zhen,YANG Hal tao,REN Zhu—mei,GUO Ya—ping(251) Preparation,Purification and Identification of Polyclonal Antibody against Class I Release Factor eRFla from E“plof 0ftocarinat“5………………………………………………………LIANG Ai—hua,SONG Li,ZHANG Zhi-yun(257) Cloning and Seqt enee Analysis of a Novel p—tubulin Gene from Euplotes octocarinatus …………………………………………………………………………CHAI Bao—feng,WANG Jing—tao,LIANG Ai—hua(261) Cloning and Constructing of the 1 6kDa Promoter from Rice …………………………………………………………………WANG Jing—xue,YANG Cui—ping,LIANG Chao,LIU Li(265) Protective Effects of Cysteine Against SO 2一induced Oxidative Damage in Barley…………………YI Hui lan,LIU Jing(270) Study on the Physiological and Biochemical Properties of Exudates from Penicillium sp.PT95 …………………………………………………………………………HAN Jian—rong,YA0 Peng,QI Jing,LI Xiao—ling(274) Effects of I cad on Mitoehondrial Marker Enzyme Activity in the Main Tissues of Sinopotd”zM henanense ………………………………………WANG Lan,LEI Wen—wen,ZHANG Xiao—bo(279) Root Characteristics of Winter Wheat as Affected by Co application of Biosolids and Water Treatment Residuals ……………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Meng—ben,HU Quan—cai(285) Quantitative Analysis on lnterspecific Relationships among the Dominant of Plant Communities Populations of Abandoned Land in Guandi Mountains,Shanxi………ZHANG Feng,QIAO Li—peng,ZHANG Gui—ping,WU Yu—zhen,HAN Hong(290) Study on the Pollen Vitality of Elaeagnus mollis ……………………………………………QIN Yong—yan,YAN Gui—qin,FEI Xing—mei,ZHU Mei—xia,MENG Li—gang(390) Studies on Decreasing the Cadmium Accumulation of Whcat and Cole Seedlings b Rhodobacter sphaeroides ………………………………………………………………………………………………GU0 Ling,ZHANG Zhao ming(394) Study on Callus Differentiation of Common Buckwheat……………………………………………………HAO Jian—ping(400) Flora of Seed Plants in the Qingyazhai Nature Reserve,Hebei …………………………ZHANG Xiao li,I IU Zhan niu(406) Study on Wild Plant Resources in the Southern Segment of Taihang Mountainous Region,Shanxi ………………………………………………………………………RU Wen—ming.ZHANG Gui—ping。ZHANG Jin—tun(411) Study on Interspecific Association of Polygonum viviparum Communities in Luya Mountains,Shanxi ………………………………………………………………………………………GU Ning,ZHANG Jin tun,CAO Yang(4l5) Study on Ecological Control for Main Pests of Salicc ba6vlonica in Fenhe Scene Spot,Taiyuan ……………………………………………………ZHAO Yi—xue.SONG Peng—fei,HA0 Xin—ping,ZHANG Rong guang(41 9) Study on BOD Mathematieal Model of Filtrate B()D in Aerobic Submerged Membrane Bioreactor for Municipal Sewage Treatment…………………………………CHEN Jun—ping,YANG Chang zhu・PU Wen hong(422) Studies on the Human Health Situation in Industrialized Suburbs and Farming Areas,Shanxi …………………………………………………………………………………………………DANG Jin—hua.MA Shi jun(427) Study on Extraction of P0lvhvdroxvbutvrate from Sinorhizobium fredii ……………………………………………………DONG Yue—feng,ZHA0 Jian—ying,XIA0 Jing—fan.ZHA0 Liang—qi(524) Inducement and I ocation Identified of Antibacterial Substances in Oxya chinensis ……………………………………………………………LI Ting,ZHA0 I i ping,ZHANG Jin—hua,HUANG Deng—yu(528) Study on the Bryophyte of Manghe Nature Reserve in Shanxi …………………………………………WANG Gui hua,XIE Shu lian,ZHANG Feng,ZHAO Yi—shan,LIU Xiao ling(532) Analysis on the Flora of the Wi1d Medicina1 Seed Plants in Jincheng,Shanxi ………………GA0 Kun,ZHANG Feng(538) Study on the Diversity of Vines in Lishan Nature Reserve。Shanxi,North China ……………………………………………………………………………………LIU Xiao—ling,XIE Shu-lian,CHEN Li(544) Study on the Denitrification of Aquiculture Water Body by Immobilized Microbes…………DU Gang,WANG Jing—wei(55O) Advaneed in the Methods of Interaction between Metal and DNA……………………………WANG Lan,I U Dong—tao(554) ・Ⅷ・