Literary stylistics文学文体学p211: It deals with the relationship between language and literature; it focuses on the study of the linguistic features related to literary style.
Foregrounding前景化p211: it is defined as “artistically motivated deviation”This deviation, or uncommon usage, involves all levels of language: vocabulary, sound, syntax, meaning,etc.
In a purely linguistic sense, the term ‘foregrounding’ is used to refer to new information, in contrast to elements in the sentence which form the background against which the new elements are to be understood by the listener / reader.
Simile明喻p214: It is a way of comparing one thing with another, of explaining what one thing is like by showing how it is similar to another thing. And it explicitly signals in a text, with the words as or like.
Metaphor隐喻p214: It always makes a comparison between two unlike things, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated, (and it is a way of transferring qualities from one thing to another, but it is more powerful. )
Metonymy借喻p214: It is a change of name, for example, “crown” represents “king”.
Synecdoche提喻p215: It is a type of metonymy. The name of a part of an object is used to talk about the whole thing, and vice versa.
Rhyme押韵p217: It serves a two-fold purpose: first, as a combining agency for the stanza; second, as a musical device giving pleasure in itself.
Alliteration头韵、双声p217: the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of a series of words, or at the beginning of stressed syllables within words:
Assonance元音叠韵p217: the repetition of similar (not necessarily identical) vowels situated within words:
Consonance假韵、辅音叠韵p217: the repetition of the final consonant, functioning as the end rhyme:
Reverse rhyme反韵、掉尾韵p218: describes syllables sharing the vowel and initial consonants:
Pararhyme类尾韵p218: when two syllables have the same initial and final consonants but different vowels, they Pararhyme.
Repetition重复p218: the repetition of the same word, it is also a kind of deviation as it violates the normal rule of usage by over frequency.
Metre格p218: when stress is organized to form regular rhythms, the word for it is metre.
Iamb抑扬格: an iambic foot contains two syllables: an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one:
Trochee扬抑格: a trochaic foot contains two syllables: a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable:
Anapest抑抑扬格: an anapestic foot contains three syllables: two unstressed syllables are followed by a stressed one:
Dactyl扬抑抑格: A dactylic foot contains three syllables: a stressed syllable followed by two unstressed ones.
Spondee扬扬格: a spondaic foot contains two stressed syllables, but lines of poetry rarely consist of only spondaic feet:
Couplet对句: two lines of verse, usually connected by a rhyme, and It consists of two lines that usually rhyme and have the same meter.
Quatrain四行诗: stanzas of four lines, very common in English poetry.
Blank verse无韵诗: consists of lines in iambic pentameter which do not rhyme:
Narrator:叙述者 The person who tells the story may also be a character in the fictional world of the story, relating the story after the event.
Schemata图式p224: Schema theory suggests the knowledge we carry around
in our head is organized into interrelated patterns. They are constructed from our experience of the experiential world and guide us as we make sense of new experience. In language schemas are the underlying structures which accounts for the organization of texts or discourse. Different participants in the same situation will have different schemas, relating to their different viewpoints.
New information新信息p224: information that is presented by the speaker as not recoverable, it is new.
Given information已知信息p224: information that is presented by the speaker as recoverable, it has already been motioned before.
Direct speech直接引语p225: it contends a reporting clause, a reported clause and quotation marks: “Am I too late?” she asked.
Indirect speech间接引语p225: the narrator provides the reporting clause and contributes to the formation of the reported clause: She asked whether she was too late.
Free direct speech自由直接引语p226: a reported clause without either the reporting clause or the quotation marks or both: “Am I too late?”
Free indirect speech自由间接引语p226: more of the narrator’s contribution, it is closer to the original words form of the question. Was she too late? She asked.