

2023-07-19 来源:好走旅游网


适合初一读的英语故事 适合初一读的英语故事:儒学风度 During the Song and Ming Dynasties, Confucian morality became fashionable. Many people vied with one another to imitate the poise of a moralist. There was one Confucian moralist who went to the city. On the street, he walked respectfully with measured strides, his back arched and his hands behind his back. He took every step according to the accepted angle and length. As he walked and walked, he felt his back aching, and was entirely exhausted. He looked around, then turned to his servant and whispered: “Take a look. Is there anyone behind“ The servant replied: \"No.\" At this moment, the Confucian moralist at once straightened up, heaved a sigh of relief and began to walk unbridledly with long strides. Another Confucian moralist was walking slowly on the road with measured strides, when black clouds suddenly rolled in the sky and heavy rain began to pour. He dashed hurriedly for over one li. All of a sudden, he exclaimed with regret: \"Too bad! I have erred! But a gentleman corrects his error as soon as he is aware of it, and it is not too late yet.\" Consequently, braving the rain, he returned to the place where he started running and began to walk slowly again, step by step with measured strides. 宋朝、明朝时期,儒学成了一种时髦,很多人都争着模仿儒学家的风 度。 有一位儒学先生进城去,走在大路上,弓着腰,背着手,恭恭敬敬地 踱着四方步,每一步都不超过规定的角度和距离。

他走着走着,觉得腰酸背痛,疲惫不堪,左右张望一番,又回头小声 问仆人:“看看,后头有没有人” 仆人回答:“没有。” 这时候,这位儒学先生马上直起腰杆,长吁一口气,跨开大步,放肆 地走起


又有一位儒学先生,正在路上慢慢地踱着四方步。突然间天空乌云翻滚,下起了倾盆大雨。他慌忙奔逃,跑了一里多路。忽然,他“哎呀”一声,后悔 地说:“不好,我失误了。君子知错就改,为时不晚。” 于是,他冒着雨退回到刚才起跑的地方,重新开始一步一步地踱起四 方步来。

适合初一读的英语故事:按图索骥 Bo Le was a famous expert in the physiognomy of horses in ancient China. His book On the Physiognomy of Horses was a classic piece of work on that subject. Bo Le had a son who wanted to learn his father\"s special skill and knowledge. He read the book On the Physiognomy of Horses over and over again. Whenever he went out, he would carry the book with him, and as soon as he saw a horse, he would take out the book, and compare the horse with the drawings of various horses in the book one by one. One day, he finally found a horse which looked similar to the drawing in the book. He led it home to his father, but it turned out to be an inferior horse of fiery temperament, and not a good steed which could gallop 1, 000 li a day. Bo Le said to his son: \"If you look for a steed with the aid of drawings, how can you find a really fine one\" 伯乐是中国古代有名的相马专家。《相马经》是他的一本相马的专著。

伯乐有个儿子很想把父亲的技能继承下来。他反复阅读《相马经》, 出去相马时也带在身边,一看到马,就把书拿出来,按照书上绘画的各种马的图 样,一一加以对照。

一天,他终于找到了一匹马,看来跟书上绘着的一样,牵回家给父亲 一看,却是一匹性子很凶悍的劣马,而不是日行千里的好马。伯乐对儿子说:“像 你这样照着图样找良马的方法,怎么能找得到真正的好马呢” 适合初一读的英语故事:季子拜师 Ji Zi of the Shang Dynasty was particularly fond of Taoism. He carried a lot of money

with him and travelled around to fmd a teacher of Taoism. Whenever he saw a man wearing a yellow cap, he would take him as a Taoist priest and kneel down before him to ask for instructions. One day, a sly swindler tried to get Ji Zi\"s bag of money. He said deceitfully: \"I am a Taoist priest with the true doctrine of Taoism. If you\"ll follow me, I\"ll certainly teach Taoism to you.\"Ji Zi believed this to be true, and followed this man wholeheartedly. The swindler wanted all along to take action, but had no chance, while Ji Zi time and again urged him to teach the Taoist doctrine. One day the two of them came to a river bank. At the sight of a moored boat, the swindler got an idea and planned to take action. He said to Ji Zi: \"Taoism is right here!\" Ji Zi asked anxiously: \"Where\" The swindler said: \"It is at the top of the boat\"s mast. You will learn Taoism if you climb up to the top.\" Ji Zi put his bag of money under the mast, hurriedly grasped the mast and began to climb. The swindler clapped his hands and shouted below: \"Up! Go further up!\" When Ji Zi climbed up to the top and could go no further, he suddenly saw the light. Hugging the mast, he shouted happily: \"I\"ve learned Taoism! I\"ve learned Taoism!\" The swindler took this opportunity to pick up the bag of money and run away. When Ji Zi came down, he kept shouting happily. The by- standers said: \"Hey, you fool, he is a swindler and has made off with your money.\" Ji Zi replied: \"He is my master! He is my master! This is also what he is teaching me!\" 商季子特别爱好道学,带了很多钱,游学四方,只要见到戴黄帽子的 先生,就以为是道士,跪拜求教。

一天,一个狡猾的骗子,企图骗取季子的钱袋,就骗他说:“我是一 个得了真传的道士,只要你跟着我云游,我就一定把道学传授给你。” 季子信以为真,诚心诚意地跟着他走。骗子一直想下手,但是没有机 会。季子却不时地催促他传道。


准备 下手,就骗季子说:“道就在这儿哩!” 季子忙问:“在哪儿” 骗子说:“就在这条船的桅杆顶端,你爬上去就得道了。”季子将钱袋放在桅杆下,急忙抓住桅杆往上爬。骗子在下面拍着巴掌, 连声喊道:“上!再上!” 季子爬到顶端,无法再上的时候,忽然大悟,抱着桅杆欢叫:“我得 道了!我得道了!” 骗子趁机捡起钱袋跑掉了。

季子下来后,仍然欢叫个不停。旁观的人说:“晦!傻瓜,他是个骗子, 早把你的钱袋拿走了!” 季子回答说:“他是我师傅!他是我师傅!这也是他在教我哪!”
