2.在选择工作的时候,你要清楚地了解自己的能力,同时也要知道自己的兴趣和目标。对你的强项和弱点要实事求是、仔细审视自己是怎样的人,擅长什么,想成为何种人。 3.要清楚像你这样的人可能取得成功或感到满意的职业是什么。与已经从事你所青睐的职业的人们交谈,你可以了解到具有同样能力和兴趣的其他人认为他们所选择的职业中哪些是重要和富有挑战性的。观察这些人的工作。
Key to Language Points
1. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 求职前,考虑一下你能做什么,不能做什么。
Give thought to what you can do and what you can’t do before seeking a job. 2) 我们作决定时,要考虑它们是否符合实际,能够实施。
When we make our decisions, we should give thought to whether they are practical and can be carried out.
2. Translate the following sentences into English.
1) 考虑到他是个新手,我们觉得他已经做得非常好了。
Bearing in mind he is a green hand, we think he did a very good job. 2) 找工作时,记住你要找的是什么样的工作。
While seeking a job, bear in mind what kind of job you want. 3. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 玩游戏时,必须要清楚游戏规则。
When you play a game, you must have a clear knowledge of the game rules. 2) 对自己有个清楚的了解是明智的。
It is considered wise to have a clear knowledge of oneself. 4. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 求职前,你应该清楚你擅长做什么。
Before seeking a job, you should be clear about what you are good at.
2) 虽然他清楚从事这项工作是危险的,但他还是毫不犹豫地选择了它。
Although he was clear about the danger of the work, he chose it without hesitation. 5. Translate the following sentences into English.
1) 当了十几年的运动员,他积累了丰富的比赛经验。
Having been a sportsman for more than ten years, he has a tremendous fund of competition experience.
2) 这个地区有大量可供耕作的土地。
This region has a tremendous fund of land for farming. 6. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 与君一席谈,真是受益匪浅。
I benefited a lot from the talk with you. 2) 学好英语对你将来的工作大有好处。
Your future work will benefit from your good knowledge of English. 7. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 出国的愿望激励他更好地学英语。
His desire to go abroad stimulates him to learn English better. 2) 他的成功极大地鼓励我们毕业后去西部工作。
His great success stimulated us to go to the west after our graduation. 8. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 人事部经理给我们讲了一些有关面试的诀窍。
The manager of the Personnel Department told us something as to the tips of taking an interview. 2) 医生给了我一些建议,为了降低血压,在日常生活中我应该吃什么,不应该吃什么。
The doctor offered me some advice as to what to eat and what not to eat in my daily life to lower
Unit 2 Traffic Chinese Version 英国交通标志点滴
2.除了警告标志和禁令标志以外, 对指示标志也进行了仔细的检查。对道路进行分类、编号并决定让公众了解这些编号而不是仅仅为了官方使用。因此,很有必要把道路编号标明在指示标志上。为了做到这一点,实行路牌标准化,地名用白底加三英寸大的黑色粗体大写字母。“一级路”用白底加上黑色字母A和道路编号。“二级道路”用黑底、白色字母B和道路编号。
一级路为白底黑字,二级路为黑底白字,但是,新标识有了新变化:采用一种新的标准字体,全用大写字母。所有的字母有4.5 英寸大。道路编号采用6英寸大的凸起字。开始使用图标。路线和目的地名标明在路标的标牌上。道路标号用方框来表明。
Key to Language Points
1. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 抽烟太厉害会使你有患肺癌的危险。
Heavy smoking will put you in danger of having lung cancer.
2) 如果我们不采取措施保护它们,这些珍稀动物仍然处于行将灭绝(become extinct)的危险之中。
These rare animals are still in danger of becoming extinct if we don’t take measures to protect them.
2. Translate the following sentences into English.
1) 为了响应红十字会的呼吁,我把所有的业余时间都用于帮助残疾人了。
In response to the call by the Red Cross Committee, I contributed all my leisure time to helping the disabled.
2) 这个国家开始从边境撤军以回应邻国的友好态度。
The country began to withdraw its army from the border in response to the friendly attitude of the neighboring country.
3. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 路标有警告标志和指示标志之分。
Road signs can be classified into warning signs and directional signs. 2) 图书馆里的书籍通常按照科目分类。
Books in the library are usually classified by subjects. 4. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 警告标志经常使我意识到谨慎驾驶的重要性。
Warning signs often make me aware of the importance of careful driving. 2) 他不快的表情使全班都明白他一定出了什么事。
His unhappy appearance made the class aware that there must be something wrong with him. 5. Translate the following sentences into English.
1) 法律要求父母给予每个孩子接受教育的平等机会。
The law obliges parents to give their children equal chances of education. 2) 他被迫报废了一辆新车。
He was obliged to write off a new car.
6. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 我给你推荐一个公司去工作。 I’ll recommend you a company to work.
2) 经理建议延长工作时间,提高员工工资。
The manager recommended lengthening work hours and increasing the employees’ pay.
The manager recommended that work hours (should) be lengthened and the employees’ pay be increased.
7. Translate the following sentences into English.
1) 他会讲三国语言。
He is capable of speaking three different languages. 2) 小敏很可能会忘记做作业。请提醒她。
Xiao Min is quite capable of forgetting to do her homework. Please remind her. 8. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 总经理必须在合同上加签他的名字。
The general manager should affix his signature to the contract. 2) 如果你想寄航空快信,在信封上贴三枚80分邮票。
If you want to send it by air mail, please affix three 80-fen stamps to the envelope.
Unit 3 Business Negotiation Chinese version 谈判策略
Key to Language Points
1. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 一切东西都是相互关联和相互作用的。
All things are interrelated and interact on each other. 2) 在表演这个魔术时,魔术师要求观众与他互动。
The magician asked the audience to interact with him in playing this magic.
2. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 合同将在庆典前签署。
The contract will be signed prior to the ceremony. 2) 在会议之前我们没有得到任何消息。 We received no news prior to the meeting.
3. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 大连以其优美的环境而闻名。
Dalian has been noted for its beautiful environment. 2) 这所大学以其先进的教育方法而闻名。
This university has been noted for its advanced teaching method. 4. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 是我该做点正事的时候了。
It’s time I got down to some serious work. 2) 我们来谈点实质性问题。 Let’s get down to brass tacks.
5. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 自由不一定包含着责任。
Freedom does not necessarily imply responsibility. 2) 他沉默不语意味着同意了。 His silence implied agreement.
6. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 你的重大时刻马上就要到了。 Your big moment is at hand. 2) 惩罚即将来临。 Retribution is at hand
7. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 他正在整理他的外国邮票。 He is sorting out his foreign stamps. 2) 我们必须把好苹果和烂苹果分开。
We must sort out the good apples from the bad ones. 8. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 我的逻辑是这样的。报告如下。
My reasoning runs thus. The report is as follows.
2) 本次径赛项目如下:400米跨栏,越野赛以及马拉松。
The track events are as follows: the 400 meter hurdles, cross-country race and marathon.
Unit 4 Tourism Chinese version 威尼斯日记
1.威尼斯与中国的苏州是友好城市。这大概是因为苏州城里有许多像威尼斯一样的河道。 2.在河道、桥与城市的和谐关系上,类似威尼斯的城市还有荷兰的阿姆斯特丹,它有一千多座
桥,至少一百多条运河。瑞典的首都斯德哥尔摩,十五个小岛被水隔开,又由许多桥连起来。 3.马里的莫普堤也有些相像,但是城市所在的三个岛,缺少桥梁的连接。尼日利亚的拉哥斯则号称“非洲威尼斯”。
Key to Language Points
1. Translate the following sentences into English.
1) 在高楼、立交桥和轨道交通等方面,上海和国外大都市很相像。
In terms of skyscrapers, overpasses and track transportation, Shanghai resembles foreign metropolises.
2) 我们不应该考虑任何事情都以报酬为条件。 We shouldn’t consider everything in terms of payment. 2. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 他用词比较锐利。写作风格有点像鲁迅。
He likes to use sharp words. His writing style bears a little similarity to Lu Xun’s. 2) 这两个花瓶太像了,人们分不清哪个是塑料的,哪个是瓷的。
The two vases bear so much similarity to each other that people can’t tell which is plastic and which is ceramic.
3. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 潮起潮落和月亮的活动有密切联系。
The rise and fall of the tide is closely related to the movement of the moon. 2) 旅游的发展和人们的收入有很大的关系。
The development of tourism is much related to the people’s income. 4. Translate the following sentences into English.
1) 光从课本上学理论没有用,最好的方法是把理论和你的实际工作结合起来。
It’s no use learning theories from the textbooks only; the best way is to combine theory with your practical work.
2) “红色旅游”把景点参观和革命传统教育有机结合在一起。
“Red Tourism” organically combines the visit of interesting places with the education of
revolutionary tradition.
5. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 他坐在书桌前,好像在认真做作业似的。
He sat on the desk as if doing his assignments carefully. 2) 我看着眼前的一切,似乎在梦中。
I looked at everything before me as if in dream. 6. Translate the following sentences into English.
1) 还没等我反应过来,我就被爆炸气浪推倒在地上。
Before I realized it, I had already been knocked down by the explosion. 2) 不知不觉我们高中毕业已有两年了。
Before we know it, it has been two years since we left the high school. 7. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 我父母天天锻炼,不管是星期六还是星期天。
My parents do physical exercise every day, be it Saturday or Sunday.
2) 故宫里的每一座宫殿都有自己的特点,或神秘,或庄严(solemn),或静谧(tranquil)。
To each palace in the Palace Museum there is a unique feature, be it mysterious, solemn or tranquil.
8. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 在国外生活了许多年,老人渴望落叶归根。
Having lived abroad for many years, the old man yearns to return to his native land. 2) 全世界都向往和平、幸福、没有战争和邪恶。
All the world yearn for peace and happiness without wars or evils.
Unit 6 Fashion Chinese version 时尚
2.“时尚”这个词通常用在肯定的意义层面,它是时髦和风格的同义词。在这种概念下,时尚是一种群体艺术,这种艺术是通过一种文化检验它的审美观。“时尚活动和思维领域都相似。 3.长期以来,服装的流行趋势是要表达人们的情感或是与他人共处的情绪。现代的西方人在择衣方面有很广泛的选择。一个人所穿的衣服能够体现出一个人的个性或是爱好。当一个有社会地位的人穿起了一种新的或是不同的服装,那么一种流行时尚便开始了。喜爱或是尊敬那些有社会地位的人就开始穿同样的衣服。时尚按年龄,社会地位,年代,职业,或是地理位置的不同就会有很大的不同。例如,如果一位老年人穿上了年轻人喜爱的服装,那么,他在年轻人和老年人的眼里都会很奇怪。
4.“时尚牺牲者”就是指那些盲目跟从当今流行趋势的人。人们可以把这种利用各种时髦进行自娱的体系看作是不同时尚的表达方式与时尚术语的结合。 5.从定义上讲,时尚变化得很快。时尚的变化会比人类活动的其他领域(语言,思维等)变化快得多。一方面,现代社会快速的流行变化象征着许多资本主义的消极方面:它造成浪费并且鼓动消费者没有必要地消费。另一方面,尤其是年轻人享受着时髦带来的多样性,认为这种时髦的
6.实际上,能够引起时尚变化的各个方面都会起变化的,比如,裙子的长度也从脚踝变化到超短。过去,世界的小部分地区都会在外国风格的基础上引起时尚变化的原动力。例如,18或是19世纪的欧洲对土耳其事物尤为热爱,其次是中国的事物和日本的事物。 7.现代的外国服装也包括俱乐部服饰。近些年来,全球化也见证了非西方服饰已经进入了西方世界。
Key to Language Points
1. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 以上条件,仅适用于三千捆以上的订单。
Above term only applies to the order of more than 3,000 bales. 2) 我建议他们向当地政府申请改善住房的贷款。
I advise that they apply to the local government for a home improvement grant. 2. Translate the following sentences into English.
1) 这种观念固有的含义就是女人不应插足男人的世界。
Inherent in the conception is the idea that women shouldn’t go into the man-dominated world. 2) 这种结论天生的观点就是财富多的人就是能人。
Inherent in the conclusion is the point of view that people possessing great fortune are abled. 3. Translate the following sentences into English.
1) 我选史密斯教授做我的导师,因为他的教学风格适合我的品味。
I chose Professor Smith as my tutor because his teaching style fit in with my taste. 2) 这种所谓的“时尚”不适合中国的年轻一代。
This so-called “fashion” doesn’t fit in with the Chinese young generation. 4. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 磁悬浮是一种先进的交通方式,和地铁相似。
Magnetic suspension is an advanced transportation mode common to the subway. 2) 这是一种流行病,和非典和禽流感相似。
It is an epidemic disease common to SARS and bird flu. 5. Translate the following sentences into English.
1) 在新的软件中,旧版本将并入新开发的版本之中,使程序运行得更快。
In the new software, the old version will be incorporated into the newly-developed one to run the program more rapidly.
2) 教职员工的建议都将并入学院新的发展规划之中。
The teaching staff’s suggestions will be incorporated in the new development plan of the college. 6. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 电视,电脑体现了人类的聪明才智。
Television and computer embody human’s intelligence and wisdom. 2) 香港、澳门的回归体现了“一国两制”的原则。
The return of Hong Kong and Macau to the mainland embodied the principle of “one nation, two systems”.
7. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 低出生率会造成一定的社会问题。
The low rate of birth will pose certain social problems.
2) 通货膨胀造成物价飞涨。
Inflation poses the high increase of prices.
8. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 这个地方的温差很大,在10-20度之间变化。
The difference in temperature in this area is great. It ranges from 10 to 20 degrees. 2) 从外表到性格我都不喜欢他。
He is not my favorite ranging from appearance to character.
Unit 7 Environmental Protection Chinese version
1.中国西藏自治区占据青藏高原的主要地区。它海拔高度高,地理环境独特,野生生物、水和矿物资源丰富,被称为“世界屋脊”和“地球第三极”。它不仅是“江河之源”,南亚和东南亚地区的“生态之源”, 还是中国乃至整个东半球的“气候之源”和“气候调控之源”。 2.西藏的生态系统极其脆弱,其抗干扰能力和再生能力也十分薄弱。一旦生态系统遭到破坏,很长时间都难以恢复。50多年以来,西藏始终坚持可持续发展战略,确保生态改善。环境保护与经济建设协调发展。在经济迅速发展、人民的生活水平不断提高的同时,生态环境也得到了有效的保护。根据最新的监测结果,西藏的水环境和大气环境基本上未受污染。比较严重的环境污染事故从未在西藏发生过,而且大多数主要的河湖还处于原始状态。
3.环境保护应与农业的生产和发展相适应。因此,必须转变中低产田的生产模式,以便提高农业生态系统的水平。以此为目标,西藏自治区政府在一系列全面发展农业的项目上大量投资。 4.工业发展项目都经过仔细的选择,环境污染的预防与控制也得到加强。直到和平解放之后,西藏的工业才得以发展。即使在今天,西藏的工业企业也很少。因此,工业污染还不成问题。为了减少由于工业发展而对生态环境造成的破坏,西藏政府坚持工业发展和环境保护同等重要的原则。为了有效地与污染作斗争,确保现代工业的发展不破坏生态环境,西藏政府采取了一系列的环境污染预防措施。
5.致力于旅游产业和其他特色产业的发展有利于生态环境的保护。发展对生态环境破坏相对较小特色产业一直以来就是一项加速西藏经济发展的重要策略。西藏凭借其大自然所赋予的得天独厚的地理条件和文化氛围,大力发展旅游产业和其他第三产业。仅2001年,就接待中外游客686100 人, 旅游收入共计750000万元,外汇收入达46380万美元。有6506 人直接从事旅游产业,30000 多人间接地从事与旅游产业相关的工作。旅游产业在西藏经济中的地位不断提高。
Key to Language Points
1. Translate the following sentences into English.
1) 如果你认为你自己是正确的,就坚持下去,别让别人使你动摇分毫。
If you feel that you are right, adhere to it, and don’t let anyone persuade you to give in an inch. 2) 别整天啃书本,你需要点休息和娱乐。
Don’t adhere to your books all day. You need a little rest and recreation. 2. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 这些书按照作者的顺序放在书架上。
The books are placed on the shelves in accordance with the writers. 2) 依据法律,人人都有爱与被爱的权利。
In accordance with the laws, everyone has rights to love and to be loved. 3. Translate the following sentences into English.
1) 观众席上的所有观众不时爆发出掌声和叫喊声。
Applause from all the people in the audience is synchronized with crying from time to time. 2) 我喜欢吃适合自己口味的食物。
I enjoy those foods that is synchronized with my taste. 4. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 公司倒闭致使21人失业。
The company was shut down, with twenty-one unemployed. 2) 他只说了一句话就走了。
With only a word spoken, he went away.5.Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 直到我亲自去了西藏,我才知道她的广袤和美丽。
It was not until I had been to Tibet that I was aware of its breadth and beauty. 2) 直到多年以后,人们才知道将军被谋杀的秘密。
It was not until many years later that the secret that the general had been murdered was made known to the people.
6. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 新政府那项新计划的重点肯定是削减费用。
Cutting costs must be laid emphasis on in the new plan by the new government. 2) 学校反复强调规章制度的重要性。
The school lays emphasis on the importance of the rules and regulations again and again. 7. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 我们不应该在这些问题上多费时间。
We should not devote any more time to this problem. 2) 你赞成牺牲舒适换取仪表吗?比如在热天穿制服。
Do you approve of devoting comfort to appearance, for example, by wearing formal clothes in hot weather?
8. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 开学时,新生们都受到了热情的接待。
At the beginning of the school, all the freshmen were played host to warmly. 2) 那家宾馆以热情的服务而出名。
That hotel is famous for the facts that all the guests are played host to cordially.