Question: Some people think that the government should establish free libraries in each town. Others, however, believe that it is a waste of money since the public can use the Internet at home to obtain information. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
1st argument:
Despite the sheer volume of a diverse range of information available online, the exorbitant price of computer and Internet access in many regions of the world have rendered library the sole viable source of information to the majority of population around the world. An average computer, priced around US$1000, is apparently beyond the purchasing power of many rural poor, whose annual income is hovering around US$400. Besides, the daunting set of computer operations involved has also excluded the senior citizens in our society, most of whom are computer illiterate and unwilling to ride along the wave of Internet development due to their fear of high-tech products.
2nd argument:
The reliability and accuracy of information online are by no means comparable
to that of print media stored in libraries. User-oriented by nature, the Internet is largely characterized as a repository of contents contributed by anonymous, unverified online users, making it an unlikely source for researchers who hope to find some professional knowledge in a particular field of discipline. By contrast, the printed books are mostly authored by experts in their each respective specialized area of study and are thus more reliable and accurate.
3rd argument:
Internet as a novel source and carrier of information overcomes the space limitations constraining traditional printed books. A national library may at best house millions of books; the Internet, in comparison, can provide million times more information. More importantly, as increasing importance has been attached to the speed of information update, library is evidently rendered obsolete as a result, for many books available for loan in libraries are simply too old! 思路:
Expressions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
sheer volume 大量的,非常多的 a diverse range of 广泛地,各种各样的 exorbitant 非常昂贵的 render 使得… sole 唯一的 viable 可行的
beyond the purchasing power 超越了购买能力 hover around 大约在多少徘徊 daunting 有挑战的
10. exclude 不包括 11. senior citizens 老年人
12. computer illiterate 不懂电脑的人 13. ride along the wave 乘着什么的浪潮 14. by no means 绝不
15. user-oriented 以用户为中心 16. be characterized as 以什么为特点 17. repository 知识库 18. anonymous 匿名的 19. unverified 没有经过验证的 20. field of discipline 学科领域 21. by contrast 与之形成对比的是
22. specialized 专长的 23. novel 创新的
24. overcome limitations 克服局限性 25. constrain 限制 26. at best 最多,最好 27. house 容纳 obsolete 过时的
那是心与心的交汇,是相视的莞尔一笑,是一杯饮了半盏的酒,沉香在喉,甜润在心。 红尘中,我们会相遇一些人,一些事,跌跌撞撞里,逐渐懂得了这世界,懂得如何经营自己的内心,使它柔韧,更适应这风雨征途,而不会在过往的错失里纠结懊悔一生。 时光若水,趟过岁月的河,那些旧日情怀,或温暖或痛楚,总会在心中烙下深深浅浅的痕。生命是一座时光驿站,人们在那里来来去去。一些人若长亭古道边的萋萋芳草,沦为泛泛之交;一些人却像深山断崖边的幽兰,只一株,便会馨香满谷。 人生,唯有品格心性相似的人,才可以在锦瑟华年里相遇相知,互为欣赏,互为懂得,并沉淀下来,做一生的朋友。 试问,你的生命里,有无来过这样一个人呢? 张爱玲说“因为懂得,所以慈悲”. 于千万人群中,遇见你要遇见的人,没有早一步,也没有晚一步,四目相对,只淡淡的问候一句:哦!原来你也在这里,这便足够。 世间最近与最遥远的距离,来自于心灵与心灵。相遇了,可以彼此陌生,人在咫尺心在天涯,也可初见如旧,眼光交汇的那一刻,抵得人间万般暖。