专利名称:Apparatus for filtration of a suspension发明人:Setsuo Shibata,Yukihiko Koshiba,Yoshito
Hamamoto,Katsutoshi Kugai,AkiroKawashima,Hiroshi Fujisawa
摘要:An apparatus for filtering a suspension by at least one aggregate ofmembranes made of a high molecular weight compound porous hollow fibers toseparate a filtrate from the suspended matter contained in the suspension, backwashingthe aggregate of membranes with a backwashing gas to clean it and minimizing theamount of suspended matter entrained by the backwashing gas, and repeating thefiltration and backwashing alternately, comprises a filtering vessel divided into a feedregion and a filtrate region, the filtrate region being above the feed region, an inlet forthe suspension at the feed region, an outlet for the filtrate at the filtrate region, an inletfor a backwashing gas in the filtrate region, an outlet for the backwashing gas in the feedregion, a partition plate in the filtering vessel to support the aggregate of membranefilters and to divide the inteior of the filtering vessel into the filtrate region and the feedregion, an outlet for a portion of the suspension in the feed region at a position lowerthan the outlet for the backwashing gas, a cylindrical protective case for housing theaggregate of membranes.
代理机构:Bucknam and Archer