专利名称:Efficient display processing with pre-fetching发明人:Kumar Saurabh,Sreekanth Modaikkal,Anitha
Madugiri Siddaraju,Naveenchandra ShettyBrahmavar
摘要:In an example, a method for tile-based processing by a display processor mayinclude reading first foreground tile data of a foreground image from a first memory
space. The method may include storing the read first foreground tile data into a secondmemory space. The method may include reading first background tile data of abackground image from the first memory space. The method may include storing theread first background tile data into a third memory space. The method may includereading a subset of data of the first foreground tile data from the second memory space.The method may include reading a subset of data of the first background tile data fromthe third memory space.
申请人:QUALCOMM Incorporated
地址:San Diego CA US
代理机构:Shumaker & Sieffert, P.A.