
Multi-computer system with plural serial bus loops

2024-08-18 来源:好走旅游网

专利名称:Multi-computer system with plural serial

bus loops

发明人:Toshihisa Oka,Hiroaki Nakanishi,Ryoichi

Takamatsu,Takayuki Morioka,MasakazuOkada,Hideyuki Hara,Hirokazu Kasashima


摘要:A multi-computer system includes a plurality of data processors and at leastone I/O device which is commonly accessible by the data processors. A plurality of serialbus loops are configurated in hierarchy with interbus linkage devices disposed betweenadjacent layers of the hierarchy. The data processors are connected to a plurality of firstlayer serial bus loops and the I/O device which is commonly accessible by the dataprocessors is connected to a second layer of serial bus loop. The interbus linkage devicescontrol linkage among the plurality of serial bus loops and carry out routing control fora start command from the data processor to the I/O device, routing control for aninterruption to report the end of I/O device operation, routing control for data transfer,routing control for a request interruption and exclusive use control of the shared I/Odevice.


代理机构:Antonelli, Terry & Wands

