专利名称:Method and apparatus for interactive
computer conferencing
发明人:Frederick E. Naef, III申请号:US07/393876申请日:19890815公开号:US05206934A公开日:19930427
摘要:A method and apparatus for conferencing among a plurality of computers isdescribed. A local user receives inputs containing user actions and data for interpretationas to what the user action is with respect to the data and produces user action outputs.An interpreter/encoder interprets and encodes the user action outputs into packets ofencoded commands and data related thereto. A communications device sends theencoded information to at least one remote user and the local user itself. An interpreterdecoder at each computer interprets and decodes the encoded information specifying anoperation to be performed on the data. The operation is then executed at the local userand the remote users. The system is operating system independent and multipledocuments and applications may be worked on at the same time by different users.
代理机构:Venable, Baetjer & Howard