

2022-06-09 来源:好走旅游网

英汉广告的用词特点 一:用词简洁,恰如其分


1.1动词,尤其是单音节动词,广泛使用于英、汉广告(这些单音节动词不但简洁易懂,节奏感很强,而且富有各种语法功能,具有十分丰富、生动活泼的表达意义) 1.2形容词及其比较级和最高级使用频率颇高。(形容词的比较级和最高级在英语广告中处处露面,因为比较级可显示出某一商品与其它商品相比的优越性,突出产品本身的特征,最高级则可强调商品的最佳品质和最大特点等等) 1.3名词使用极为普遍。


三、口语气息甚浓,通俗易懂(恰当地运用口语和俚语,极富亲切感颇有感染力,人情味很浓)。You bet属非正式英语,相当于surely, certainly或of course


五、词语省略,习以为常(为了使广告词简洁精练,为了压缩篇幅降低成本,英、汉广告中有些词字往往被省略。只要不产生歧义,只要不使读者感到莫名其妙,能省的词尽量可省) 六、广告措词要注意:通俗性、简明性、针对性、准确性、新奇性。


在英、汉广告中,各类句子和不同结构灵活运用,各具功能,为广告的总体功能服务。使用最为频繁的是陈述句(statements), 其次是祈使句(commands), 疑问句(questions)和感叹句(exclamations)。从句子结构来看,省略结构( elliptical structures), 句子片断(sentence fragments), 比较结构(comparative constructions)和排比结构(parallel structures)也屡见不鲜。 Ⅰ.英汉广告的语句类型与功能

1.1陈述句 陈述句,尤其是简单的肯定陈述句,在广告篇章中应用最普遍。措词巧妙得当的陈述句能充分体现广告功能。

1.2 祈使句 从所周知,广告的功能之一为劝说功能,即劝使消费者心动,采取消费行动。广告撰写者往往采用一些祈使句,就是因为祈使句具有直接劝说、直接鼓动的作用。

1.3 疑问句 疑问句如同祈使句意味着对读者直接对话,通常被视为需要作出反响,就象电话响了需要回话一样。疑问句还有更为微妙的作用——包含预设(presuppositions)。1.4 感叹句 广告为何使用那么多感叹句?因为感叹句要重读,带有强烈的感情色彩,更有信息份量。 Ⅱ.英汉广告的常用结构及其功能

2.1 省略结构 省略不仅使广告文字精辟从而减少篇幅,降低成本,而且可促使读者积极思维,捕捉省略的信息,这样读者将自己也写进了广告。另外,省略结构还可使篇章紧凑有力,语气连贯,琅琅上口,节奏感强,激发读者的联想,从而树立产品美好的形象。

2.2 句子片断 广告设计者别具匠心地用句号把句子切成片断,即切成更多的信息单位,结果虽然句子顺序不变,词语一样,但包含的核心重音就多了,因为每个信息单位的末尾都带核心重音。核心重音增多,令人瞩目的成分便自然增多,广告的感染力便大大增强。

2.3 比较结构 从比较对象来看有纵向比较和横向比较; 根据比较的内容是否明确可分显性比较和含蓄比较。广告商品通过比较更确切地显示出本身的特性、功效和优势,更具有引人注目的竞争力

2.4 排比结构(Parallelism)排比结构工整匀称,意义并重,易读易记,便于表达出突出广告信息。


广告语篇中恰当而巧妙地运用修辞格不但使广告语言生动活泼,言简意赅,或节奏感强,很有力量,而且深刻地描绘或强调广告商品或服务的特征、特性与功能,大大有助于创造其美好形象,颇能促进广告走向成功 It is intended to prove that sentences and structures in which rhetorical devices are ingeniously employed show unusual novelty, display rare originality and brim with the copywriter's rich and remarkable imagination; also it is meant to demonstrate that proper and ingenious applications of the major devices in advertising not only render advertising language vivid, lively and compendious, or highly rhythmical and forceful, but also impressively describe or emphasize the special features, properties and functions of the advertised commodities or services, and immensely help to create their nice and attractive images, thus contributing a great deal to the success of advertisements.

一、比喻(Simile & Metaphor)比喻通常由本体(tenor)、喻体(vehicle)和喻词构成.比喻(tropes)分为明喻(simile)和暗喻(metaphor)比喻恰当而巧妙地用于广告语篇,不但使广告语言生动活泼,引人动人,而且言简意赅地描绘商品或服务的典型特点或非凡功能,栩栩如生地创造鲜明的意境和形象,唤起受众丰富的联想,深深地打动他们的心,从而大大促进广告的总体功能





六、反复(Repetition)试图通过对受众大脑神经的强行刺激来弥补那些消极被动的受众对广告信息的忽视。典型的反复有连续反复和间隔反复两种。连续反复往往出现在广告的开头或结尾。 七.排比(Parallelism)目的在于增强语势,提高表达效果。


A complete verbal advertisement is usually made up of the following five component parts: 1) headline; 2) body text; 3) slogan; 4) trademark; 5) illustration.

Functions of Headlines:to arouse consumers’ immediate attention;to excite their interest and curiosity;to show or designate the theme.Excellent headlines are those that are attractive, unique, concise, implicit or straightforward. It goes without saying that headlines play a very important role in English advertising.

Classification of English Advertising Headlines:Headlines may be divided into three types: direct headlines; indirect headlines; combination headlines.

Direct HeadlinesA direct headline seems to tell consumers almost everything about a certain product or service, including its special features, qualities and benefits. Direct headlines are more informative, more concise, and more straightforward. However, in most cases, they are not very attractive, incapable of stimulating consumers’ interest. But if printed in bold type, expressed in the form of a question or an exclamatory sentence and accompanied by a charming illustration, direct headlines can also catch consumers’ attention and prompt them to go on reading or listening to the full texts of advertisements.

Indirect HeadlinesIndirect headlines indirectly induce or tempt potential consumers to

continue reading the full texts through use of artistic hints. They are somewhat baffling to read. Potential consumers can hardly make head or tail of an indirect headline unless they go on reading the full text.

Combination Headlines It is one that combines a direct headline with an indirect one. In other words, both the advantages of a direct headline and those of an indirect one are combined or blended into a combination headline. Combination headlines not only point out the names of products but also possess a charming magic through artistic methods.

Body-texts of English Advertisements(英语广告的正文)

The body-text of an advertisement explains the headline and introduces the specific qualities of what is advertised. The ad’s theme is mainly spelled out in the body text, which is the most important part of an English advertisement.A well-designed body text may satisfy the potential consumer’s curiosity and prompt potential consumers to take purchasing action.

Reason-why Body Texts (解释性/说明性正文)briefly introduce the benefits that a certain product or service will bring to the potential consumers or clients, or to offer a factual account of a product or enterprise, and then present further explanations.

Humorous Body Text (幽默性正文)(make consumers feel light-hearted, tend to arouse the consumers’ interest and stimulate their desire to buy the commodities. Also, such body texts can convey simple ideas both effectively and vividly. )

Descriptive Body Texts (描写性正文)(describes a commodity or a service, and its qualities and functions is known as a descriptive body copy. )Descriptive texts employ a lot of adjectives.

Testimonial Body Text (引证性正文)A body text written in the form of a testimonial(证明,证据;证明书;推荐信;嘉奖状;感谢信) is referred to as a testimonial copy text. Ads will be highly interesting, powerfully eloquent, and unmistakably convincing or effective.

Dialogue Body Text (对话式正文)(Body texts of this type give a very clear account and present a definite explanation of the functions and special features of commodities. Moreover, they are full of human feelings.a body text can be very interesting, highly attractive, and unusually tempting)

Narrative Body Text (叙述性正文) (also called a story-style copy.It is a piece of advertising written in the form of a story. In a narrative body text, the most important thing lies in the story itself. There are usually contradictions or difficulties in the plot which are overcome through use of some commodity or service. A narrative body text usually goes like this:Some people have some trouble and are feeling worried, or at a loss what to do, when there appears a certain product or service. The problem is solved by the good effect of the commodity or service. At the end of the narrative copy, potential consumers are called on to get the product or use the service and to enjoy the benefit it will produce.)

Identification Marks (识别标记)in English Advertising

Identification marks in English advertising mainly refer to slogans and trademarks(商标).

Advertising slogans are roughly divided into three types.3.11:Advertising slogans that emphasize benefits3.12:Advertising slogans that call on consumers to take action to buy the advertised product or use the advertised service.3.13:Advertising slogans that both stress benefits of products and stimulate consumers to consume the advertised commodity or utilize the service

Trademarks in English AdvertisingA trademark is a special name, sign, word, etc., which is marked on a commodity or on its package, or written as a necessary element of an


Its functions are to ensure the commodity quality, to make it convenient for consumers to recognize and select products, and to safeguard the rights, interests and reputation of the product owner. In a general sense, a trademark is made up of a brand name, a corporate or store name, and visual symbol.

3.21Brand names (牌号,品牌) Brand names are closely associated with the products they stand for. 3.22Corporate or store name (厂商名称)A corporate or store name is normally not as important as a brand name, but it can also raise the value of a product and attract the consumers’ attention.3.23Visual symbols (视觉符号/标记)there are patterns or symbols, or geometric figures(几何图形), or figures of persons, animals and plants, which are called visual symbols of trademarks.

While designing trademarks, we should pay attention to the following points:

1) A trademark designed should not confuse the consumers; 2) it should not be a family name or a geographical spot; 3) it should be easy to identify and easy to pronounce; 4) it should not include names that describe the product or one of its characteristics; 5) it should be adaptable to all media; 6) it should be international; 7) it should not arouse any unpleasant connotations. 1.1 Illustrations in English Advertising

Illustrations in advertising, which include photographs, art work, cartoons, diagrams, etc. are regarded as language of vision in advertising. They are the most important visual part of advertisements. In some cases, they are considered to be even more important than headlines and body copies though they are less important in other cases. Anyhow, in most cases, illustrations form an essential part of advertising. 1.1.1 Functions of Illustrations in Advertising

Illustrations in advertising have many important functions, which are briefly summed up in the following. Illustrations communicate information or message directly, quickly, and

effectively. Consumers can directly see the advertised commodity in an illustration and immediately understand its features and advantages, which influence them immensely in making decisions of purchase. No wonder, people say that illustrations have miraculous power. Illustrations are capable of attracting the consumers’ attention and arousing

their interest in the headline and body copy. In many cases as soon as they see the illustration, consumers become interested enough to read the headline and body copy. Illustrations are capable of communicating something that might be difficult to

express in words. Some commodities are very hard to describe in words. But illustrations can help consumers see clearly the special features of commodities which are difficult to express in words, and may leave a deep impression on their minds. Illustrations can help render the advertisement more believable. Sometimes,

illustrations in advertising can be more convincing than even body copies, making what is advertised more trustworthy.


一、 What cultural values are reflected in English advertising texts? (10%)

Cultural values and advertising language are closely related to each other: cultural values influence advertising language, which reflects cultural values. Broadly speaking, people in modern society desire good luck, much fortune and great wealth, seek youthful beauty, satisfactory love, and luxurious life, and highly value strong health, home happiness and children growth, all of which have become current cultural values which are reflected in English ad texts. 二、 Briefly describe the main characteristics of wording in English advertising.

They are as follows: simple verbs are often used; concise adjectives commonly employed; new words constantly appear; borrowed terms frequently turn up; colloquial words and expressions are often properly employed in most English adverts. But elegant words and expressions and complex sentences are always found in advertisements for high quality products or top-grade services. 三、Point out the sentence types and typical constructions in English adverting texts.

The most commonly used sentence types in English advertising are declarative sentences or statements, imperative sentences or commands, interrogative sentences or questions and exclamatory sentences or exclamations. The normally employed constructions are comparative constructions, elliptical constructions, sentence fragments, and parallelism. 四、 Briefly state major rhetorical devices used in English advertising?

The major rhetorical devices employed in English advertising are simile, metaphor, metonymy, personification, repetition, parallelism, pun, antithesis, hyperbole, and rhyming. 五、Briefly answer the following questions: (40)

1、 Which main components does a typical English advertisement consist of?

A typical English advertisement consists of five components: the headline, the advertising slogan, the body text, the trademark, and the identification marks. 2、 What is the function of English advertising slogans?

An English advertising slogan is mainly aimed to maintain the continuity of an advertising campaign and to hold the consumers’ interest and to promote more sales of the product. For this reason, an advertiser makes much effort to render the slogan as attractive, distinctive and effective as possible. A wise advertiser will alter the slogan when there are changes in the goal of promotion or in the ways and means of advertising.

3、 Point out the different types of body texts of English advertisements.

Body texts of English advertising are divided into six types: 1) Reason-why Body Texts (解释性/说

明性正文). A reason-why body copy is direct and clear. It is likely to excite the consumers’ desire to buy. 2) Humorous Body Text (幽默性正文). A body text which contains humorous expressions and which makes known commodities in a lively atmosphere is known as a humorous body text. 3) Descriptive Body Texts (描写性正文). A body text that describes a commodity or a service, and its qualities and functions is known as a descriptive body copy. 4) Testimonial Body Text (引证性正文). A body text written in the form of a testimonial(证明,证据;证明书;推荐信) is referred to as a testimonial copy text. 5) Dialogue Body Text (对话式正文). If a body text is written in the form of a dialogue in which questions are raised and answered, such a body copy is known as a dialogue body text. 6) Narrative Body Text (叙述性正文) A narrative body text is also called a story-style copy. It is a piece of advertising written in the form of a story.

4、 What do you know about a trademark? And what functions does it possess?

A trademark is a special name, sign, word, etc., which is marked on a commodity or

on its package, or written as a necessary element of an advertisement. A trademark is owned and used by a particular producer and it is not to be used by any other producer or manufacturer. Its functions are to ensure

the commodity quality, to make it convenient for consumers to recognize and select products, and to safeguard the rights, interests and reputation of the product owner. In a general sense, a trademark is made up of a brand name, a corporate or store name, and visual symbol. All trademarks must be registered, patented, and protected by law.

5、 Describe the main functions of illustrations in English advertising.

The main functions of illustrations are as follows: 1) to communicate or convey advertised

information or message directly, quickly, and effectively; 2) to attract the consumers’ attention and arouse their interest in the headline and body copy; 3) to put across something that might be difficult to express in words; 4) to help render the advertisement more believable or more trustable.

六、Each of the following sentences contains one or more than one rhetorical device(s). Point out

which rhetorical device(s) is (are) involved in each of the sentences below. 1、 pun 2、 repetition, antithesis 3、 repetition, rhyming, and parallelism 4. parallelism, repetition 5. repetition and parallelism 6. personification 7. metaphor 8. hyperbole

9. repetition, parallelism, and personification 10. repetition and parallelism, and metaphor

五、 Create an English advertising text for one of the products you are familiar with. Make sure that it

is at least made up of its headline, body copy, and a slogan. (10%) Example One

 Petrol Savings By Honda  Honda Leads the Way

 Setting the standards, and raising them, is a glorious tradition at Honda. In this part of the world, it is

Hero Honda that leads the way. Into a future where you’ll be spared one worry--- the cost of petrol. Example Two

The Queen of the Skies Is Here! (空中的皇后就在这里!) Air-India’s Magnificent B747 DASH 400

Air-India’s new Boeing 747 DASH 400 is the largest commercial jetliner (商务喷汽式客机)in the

world today. It can fly 400 passengers 8300 miles nonstop---one third of the way around the world.

Distinguished by radical technical advances, it also brings you a fabulous new world of comfort and amenities….

In the above two ad texts, the headline also serves as the slogan.
