专利名称:Reusable and transferable printer driver
preference system
发明人:Ramgopal Vidyanand申请号:US09360861申请日:19990723公开号:US06967728B1公开日:20051122
摘要:A system is provided for supporting multiple platforms with common personalpreferences for printer drivers. The set preferences for the printer driver are thereforereusable and may be moved from one driver to another. The system involves the
provision of a common format for printer driver preferences. When a new printer isbrought to a system or a user moves to a station that uses a different printer, thepreferences are readily moved to that location. Further, an MIS department may providea corporate wide printer preference solution, for example for printing a particular pageor printing in a particular style. The preferences may not be identical for each printer dueto differences in the capabilities of various platforms. The printer preferences overwrite adefault value in printers with preferences, to the extent that each printer has the optionsavailable. To the extent that these options are not available, the printer reverts to itsdefault setting.
申请人:Ramgopal Vidyanand
地址:Cupertino CA US