English: Dear classmates and teachers, it is with mixed emotions that I write this farewell letter to all of you. I am grateful for the wonderful memories we have shared together and the knowledge that I have gained from each one of you. As I move on to the next chapter of my life, I will always cherish the friendships and experiences that I have had in this school. Thank you for your guidance, support, and love. Farewell, and I hope to see you all again someday.
Translated content: 亲爱的同学和老师们,我怀着复杂的情绪给你们写这封告别信。我为我们共同分享的美好回忆和从每个人那里获得的知识感到感激。随着我迈向生活的下一个篇章,我将永远珍惜在这所学校中结交的友谊和经历。感谢你们的指导、支持和爱。告别了,希望有一天能再见到你们。