
Multi-voltage DC output with single reactor voltag

2023-03-25 来源:好走旅游网

专利名称:Multi-voltage DC output with single reactor

voltage control

发明人:Alfred M. Hase申请号:US06/349186申请日:19820217公开号:US04471423A公开日:19840911

摘要:A circuit having voltage regulated DC-output is provided, which may havebalanced DC voltages with respect to zero, and which has only a single voltage sensingand power regulating means. The power regulator is on the input of a transformer havingat least a bifilar wound secondary and a center tap. One or more pairs of balanced taps,one of each pair on either side of the center tap, are provided; and to each tap there isconnected a pair of oppositely facing diodes, connected as to their polarity to providepositive or negative DC voltage with respect to zero; with similarily connected diodesfrom each pair of diodes at each tap being tied together at their output, facing theoutput of the circuit. In series with the output terminals of the circuit there are closelycoupled, bifilar wound chokes, wound on a single core with isolated windings, and polarityconnected to the respective outputs.


代理人:Donald E. Hewson

