

2022-02-01 来源:好走旅游网


药理研究发现,大枣中含有多种生物活性物质,如大枣多糖、黄酮类、皂苷类、三萜类、生物碱类、环磷酸腺苷(cAMP)、环磷酸乌苷(cGMP)等,对人体有多种保健治病功效。 抗肿瘤

大枣中的cAMP在生物体内参与细胞分裂与分化、形态形成、糖原和脂肪分解、类固醇生成等多种生理生化过程,并可作用于基因转录,影响蛋白质的合成。更重要的是cAMP对治疗各种肿瘤有显著疗效,能有效阻止人体中亚硝酸盐类物质的形成,从而抑制癌细胞的形成与增殖,甚至可使癌细胞向正常细胞转化的物质,另外,大枣中富含的三萜类化合物具有抑制癌细胞的功效,尤以山楂酸效力最强,甚至超过了常用的抗癌药氟脲嘧啶。 抗氧化




的功能,对高血压、动脉粥样硬化等病有疗效;所含的黄酮类物质可用于高血压和动脉硬化的治疗和预防。 保肝护肝


在临床上大枣可用于慢性肝炎和早期肝硬化的辅助治疗。 提高免疫力

大枣多糖是大枣中重要的活性物质,其有明显的补体活性和促进淋巴细胞增殖作用,可提高机体免疫力。 防治脑供血不足

大枣中的黄酮类物质可以防治脑缺血症并对脑缺血所致的脑组织超微结构损伤有保护作用。 抗过敏

食用大枣可治疗过敏性紫癜。这主要是因为人体摄入足量的cAMP后,免疫细胞中cAMP的含量也升高,由此会抑制免疫反应,达到抗过敏效应;大枣中的乙基-D-呋喃葡萄糖苷衍生物对5-羟色胺和组织胺有对抗作用,因而可抗过敏。 防治心血管病

大枣中含有丰富的维生素C、维生素P,对健全毛细血管、维持血管壁弹性,抗动脉粥样硬化很有益;大枣中含有cAMP,其药理作用表现为改善人体微循环,扩张冠状动脉,增加脑和心脏的供血量,减慢心律,降低心肌耗氧量而改善缺血心肌的代谢,故可防治心脑血管病。 防治骨质疏松和贫血



另外,大枣含维生素E,有抗氧化、抗衰老等作用。 大枣中含有与人参中所含类同的达玛烷型皂甙,具有增强人体耐力和抗疲劳的作用。大枣对妇女的美容养颜以及更年期的潮热出汗、情绪不稳也有调补和控制作用。


1 . 免疫抑制作用: 大枣的醇提物以每天100 mg 给大鼠灌胃, 显示大枣与硫唑嘌呤具有同样的免疫抑制

作用, 对特异反应性疾病能抑制抗体的产生。大枣醇提物可能对大鼠反应性抗体有抑制作用, 而对非反应性抗体不产生抑制作用。

2 . 其他作用: 大枣中的黄酮双葡萄糖苷A, 药理实验证明有镇静、催眠和降压作用, 大枣有增加白血球内cAMP的作用。大枣煎剂能降低CCl4 对家兔肝脏的损伤。能延长小鼠的游泳时间。报道大枣有抑制癌细胞的增殖作用。

总之, 大枣即平日供食用的红枣, 性质平和, 是适用于老年人的安全、有效的药物。大枣益气生津, 尤可治疗老年人气血津液不足, 补脾和胃及治疗老年人胃虚食少, 脾弱便溏。故大枣对老年健身和延缓衰老有一定作用。大枣的现代药理研究表明具增加白血球内的cAMP 的作用, 具有抗变态反应、保肝、增加肌力、镇静、催眠和降压的作用。这些均有利于延年益寿。

【 中药应用】


As more than 2,000 years of history of Chinese medicine in application, mainly used in the gas shortage, spleen and stomach, body tired fatigue, eat less, loose stools, blood deficiency chlorosis, the treatment of women dirty ankle card.

Pharmacological study found, jujube contains a variety of biologically active substances, such as jujube polysaccharides, flavonoids, saponins, triterpenoids, alkaloids, cyclic adenosine (cAMP) and cyclic guanosine (cGMP), There are a variety of health cure efficacy on the human body. Antitumor

Involved in cell division and differentiation the jujube of cAMP in vivo morphogenesis, glycogen and fat decomposition, steroid generate a variety of physiological and biochemical processes, and the role of gene transcription, protein synthesis. More importantly cAMP for the treatment of various tumors, a significant effect, it can effectively prevent the formation of human nitrite substances, thereby inhibiting the formation and proliferation of cancer cells, and even allows cancer cells to normal cells transformed substance Further, jujube rich triterpenoids inhibit

cancer cell efficacy, especially hawthorn acid is the most potent, even more than the commonly used anti-cancer drug fluorouracil. Antioxidant

Jujube rich in vitamin C has strong antioxidant activity and promote collagen synthesis may be involved in the redox reaction of the tissue cells, a variety of substances and in vivo metabolism, plenty of vitamin C to promote growth and development, and enhance strength and alleviate fatigue.

Lower blood pressure, and cholesterol-lowering

Jujube vitamin P content is the highest of all fruits and vegetables, it has to maintain capillary permeability, improve microcirculation and prevent arteriosclerosis role, but also promote the vitamin C in the human body savings. Jujube contained in soaps, has a role in regulating human metabolism, enhance immunity, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, lower blood sugar and

cholesterol levels; contains rutin protection capillaries unobstructed to prevent the fragility of the vascular wall addition

The function, hypertension, atherosclerosis and other diseases efficacy; contains flavonoids that can be used for the treatment and prevention of hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Liver Liver

Jujube fructose, glucose, oligosaccharides, acidic polysaccharide involved in liver protection. Rabbit serum total protein and albumin jujube carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury can significantly increase. www.uevip.com,Jujube can improve vivo monocyte phagocytic function, protect the liver, enhance the role of the physical; jujube in vitamin C and cAMP, chemical drugs can reduce the damage of the liver, and promote protein synthesis, increased serum total The role of the protein content.

The jujube clinical for the adjuvant treatment of chronic hepatitis and early cirrhosis. Improve immunity

Jujube polysaccharide jujube important active substances, and its complement activity and promote the role of lymphocyte proliferation, improve immunity. Prevention of cerebral insufficiency

Jujube flavonoids in brain tissue can be prevented by the lack of hyperlipidemia and brain caused by cerebral ischemia ultrastructural damage protective effect. Allergy-Free

Food jujube treat allergic purpura. This is mainly because the human intake of a sufficient

amount of cAMP cAMP content in immune cells also increased, whereby to suppress the immune response, to achieve the anti-allergic effect; jujube ethyl-D-ribofuranosyl glucoside derivatives on 5 - serotonin and histamine antagonism, and therefore anti-allergic. Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease

Jujube is rich in vitamin C, vitamin P, a sound capillaries to maintain the flexibility of the vessel wall, anti-atherosclerotic very beneficial; jujube contains of cAMP and its pharmacological action to improve the human microcirculation, expansion of coronary artery increase the blood supply of the brain and the heart, slowing the heart rate, reducing myocardial oxygen consumption and improve the metabolism of the ischemic myocardium, it can prevent cardiovascular diseases. Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and anemia

Often have osteoporosis in the elderly, are at the peak of the growth and development of young people and women prone to anemia. Jujube rich in calcium and iron, and they had very good

therapeutic effect, the effect is usually the drug can not be compared. Jujube who physically weak after the illness has a good tonic effect.

In addition, the jujube vitamin E, anti-oxidation, anti-aging effects. Jujube contains dammarane saponins, ginseng contained similar role with boosting the body's endurance and anti-fatigue. Jujube beauty beauty of women, and menopausal hot flashes, sweating, mood swings tune up and control.

Pharmacological effects

Immunosuppressive effects: jujube alcohol extract to 100 mg per day gavage display jujube and azathioprine have the same immune suppression

Effect on atopic diseases can inhibit the production of antibodies. Jujube alcohol extract may inhibit reactive antibody in rats, while the non-reactive antibody inhibition.

Other role: jujube flavonoids diglucoside A pharmacological experiments show sedative, hypnotic and hypotensive effect jujube role of cAMP in an increase in white blood cells. Jujube decoction can reduce CCl4 rabbit liver damage. www.bjyuer.net, Can extend the swimming time in mice. Reported jujube inhibit cancer cell proliferation.

Short, jujube weekdays for food jujube, the nature of the peace, is applicable to the safety of the elderly, effective drugs. Jujube Qi Sheng Jin particular treat elderly blood fluid, spleen and

stomach and treatment of the elderly empty stomach to eat less, loose stools, weak spleen. So jujube old fitness and anti-aging. The jujube modern pharmacological studies show that with an increased role of cAMP within the white blood cells, has anti-allergic, hepatoprotective, increase muscle strength, sedative, hypnotic and buck the role. These are conducive to longevity. 【Chinese medicine applications]

Jujube as Chinese medicine has been used for more than 2,000 years of history, and found to pharmacological studies, jujube contains a variety of bioactive substances on the human body, there are a variety of health cure efficacy. Jujube Qi tonic, nourishing the nerves, health The role of the spleen and stomach, www.wfzyc.com,spleen and stomach, blood deficiencies, fatigue, weakness, insomnia patients with good health nutrition. Application from the clinical point of view, taking jujube well be a good adjuvant therapy for mild insomnia. If not effective, may be appropriate to use the stability control, but not long-term use. The use of taking long-term

stability and greater harm to the body, such as patients produce drug dependence, stability and should try to reduce it and using traditional Chinese medicine, such as Chinese medicine, there will be a more significant effect. In addition, patients with insomnia should cultivate good habits, such as more than a walk after dinner, usually more exercise, these are very good for the recovery of sleep to help.
