
High-speed binary image compression method

2022-04-14 来源:好走旅游网

专利名称:High-speed binary image compression


发明人:Jong-min Kwon,Eul-hwan Lee申请号:US11374089申请日:20060314



摘要:A high-speed binary image compression method, the method includingcalculating an estimation value of a current pixel based on a context value derived fromneighboring pixels of the current pixel, determining whether a pixel value of the current

pixel, the context value of the current pixel, and the estimation value of the current pixelare identical to one another, and determining whether the current pixel is a continuouspixel having a pixel value that is continuously identical to previous pixels input prior to thecurrent pixel, determining whether the previous pixels are continuous pixels, if thecurrent pixel is determined not to be continuous with the previous pixels, and coding thecontinuous pixels using a block unit having more than one pixel if the previous pixels aredetermined to be the continuous pixels, and determining block by block whether pixelsinput after the current pixel are continuous pixels if the current pixel is a continuous pixel,and coding the continuous pixels block by block. The method can enhance a codingspeed by detecting and coding blocks each having continuous and identical pixel values ina binary image by the block unit.

申请人:Jong-min Kwon,Eul-hwan Lee

地址:Suwon-si KR,Seongnam-si KR


