

2022-07-02 来源:好走旅游网

压电的英文: piezoelectricity

参考例句:Piezoelectric material 压电材料Piezoelectric stress constant 压电应力常数Piezoelectric voltage constant 压电电压常数piezoelectric linear stepping motor 压电直线步进电动机 Piezoelectric stiffness constant 压电劲度常数indirect piezoelectricity

间接压电现象,电致伸缩piezoelectricity是什么意思: n.压电piezoelectric linear stepping motor 压电直线步进电动机 A natural or synthetic crystalline material having piezoelectric or semiconducting properties.In order to construct a new type of piezoelectric quartz crystal DNA biosensor for HBV, the single-chain DNA sequence is immobilized on the surface of gilt quartz crystal to make a HBV gene sensor, then to hybridize on the gene sensor in the serum sle.

为了建立石英晶体DNA传感器检测乙肝病毒基因的方法,在石英晶体金表面固定单链DNA,构成压电晶体HBV DNA生物传感器,与待测样品进行杂交反应。

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