专利名称:Pincer Parametric Intersector
发明人:Mark L. Sinclair-McGarvie,Christopher C.
Brown,Michael J. Atkins
摘要:A system, method, and computer program for a finding an intersection forgeometrically coincident curves, comprising selecting a curve pair where at least onecurve in said curve pair is a parametric curve; determining a curve parameter for each
curve in said curve pair; splitting each of said curves into a plurality of candidate
segments; recursively subdividing each of said candidate segments into a pair of finalizedsegments that are sufficiently straight; intersecting an approximation for each of saidfinalized segments; obtaining a plurality of next parameter values from said intersectingstep; and testing for a terminating condition and appropriate means and computer-readable instructions.
申请人:Mark L. Sinclair-McGarvie,Christopher C. Brown,Michael J. Atkins
地址:Cambridge GB,Cambridge GB,Cambridge GB