2000年公路货运量103亿t 客运量134.7亿人
维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 2001中国汽车=l=业 2000年公路货运量103亿t客运量134.7亿人 1 0.3 Billion TOns Of Freight and 1 3.47 Billion Passengers Transported by Motor Vehicles in 2000 随打我fq公路地没i't,'J JJI1快 公路条f t:lf"J改 公路运输的优势II益灾 , 成为审受的运输办式。按全 f:会完成总量 2000{r公路货运 i 总货运} 的76.5o o,址铁路运输的6f :公路货物川转 l 总景的13.8%;公路客运最占总客运量的 91.1。o.址铁路客运 的12.8僻:公路旅 J州转 l}Iti总 的54.3 H’ith the speeding up of road constl uction and the inlprovement of road conditions of China.road transport has increasingly pronlinent adx antages and has become a、ery ilnportant transport means.According to the total volume ofthe whole society,road freight \otutne took 76.5 ofthe total freight\OlLtFne in 2000,6 times that of railway transport.The turnover of road freight took l3.8%ofthe total The passengerstransported bymotor、ehiclcs accountedto 91.1%ofthetota1.12.8times ofthat of railwaytransport Theturnover ofpassengers transport took 54.30 0 ofthe total ●货运量 (单位:1 O0 ̄t) ●货物周转量 (单位H7.t・km) l994 l995 l996 l997 1998 l999 2000 年份Year 2oo0 l999 1998 1997 1996 1995 l994 8 949 l 9 403.9 9 838.6 9 765 4 9 760 0 9 904 4 l0 388.3 路Highway 6 129.0 5 724.0 5 483 0 5 272.0 5 0l1.0 4 695.0 4 486.0 l 630 9 l 658 6 1 688.0 l 697.3 l 6l:4 l 641.8 l 780.2 铁路Railway 13 902.0 l2 616.0 12 312.0 13 097.0 12 971.0 12 870 0 12 457.0 l 070.9 l 3l1.9 1 274.3 1 l 34.1 l 095.6 l l46.1 l 223 9 边Water 23 734.0 21 263.0 19 406.0 19 235.0 17 862.0 17 552.0 l5 687.0 0 8 1.0 1.2 1.2 l 4 1.7 2 0 50.0 42.0 33.4 29 0 24.9 22.3 18.6 l l 802 7 12 348.1 12 962.0 l2 757 5 l2 643.6 12 896.3 l 3 58l 2 汁Total 44 452.0 40 273 0 37 855.0 38 212 0 36 454.0 35 730.0 33 261.0 ●客运量 (单位:100万人) ●旅客周转量 (单位:亿人-km) 1994 1995 l996 1997 1998 1999 2000 年份Year 2000 1999 l998 l997 1996 l995 1994 9 539.4 10 408.1 11 221.1 12 045.8 l2 573.3 l2 690 0 13 473 9 公路Highway 6 657 6 199 5 942.8 5 541.0 4 909.0 4 603.0 4 220.0 l 087 4 l 027.5 941.6 925.8 936.2 982 5 l 050 7 铁路Railway 4 533 4 051 3 696.0 3 548.0 3 325.0 3 546.0 3 636.0 :61.6 239.2 229.0 225 7 205.4 j91 5 l93.9 运Water l01 107 120.3 l61.0 156.0 l72.0 l83.0 40.4 51.2 55.6 56.3 57.6 60.9 67.2 4 971 857 800.2 748.0 744.0 681.0 552.O l0 9 8 8 l l 726.0 12 447.2 13 253 6 l 3 772 5 13 925.0 14 785 7 汁Total l2 261 11 214 10 559.0 9 143.0 10 0l9.0 9 002.0 8 591.0 ●历年不同运输方式货运量比率 货运量(。 o) sha e of F eight Transpo rc bY Di仟e ent Means in selected Yea s 货物周转量(%) 9 1 ~ 9 2 1 j 9 8 1 j 8 9 l 8 7 l( 8 9 1 1 O E l3 8 l 3 4 1 3 l 3 3 l2 8 l 1 7 l3 l 水运 534 52 8 51 3 50 3 49 0 49..2 47.2 fWater ‘铁路 R酾 Ⅳ 31 3 3l 3 32 5 34 3 35 6 36 37 4 一5 S 76: 75 9 76 5 : 7[、8 76 5 一 l 3 8 14: l4 5 l 3 8 l 3 7 l 3 l 1 3 5 0''04 1995 1996 199’ 1 8 1999 999 I998 l997 1 996 1995 1994 ●历年不同运输方式客运量比率 客运量(。 ) share of Passenger Transpon bv+lD e en Means‘n se。ec ed Yea s 旅客周转量(%) PassengerTransport(%) PassengerTransportTu rnover(%) lO 6 8 8 1水运 iWat媸 er 37 0 36 l 35.0 35.4 6 39-4 42 4 Ra- 87_3 88.8 90.1 90.9 91 3 91.1 91 9 公路 54.3 55 3 56 6 55.3 51.1 49.1 Highway