Procedure for Failure Incident Reporting andEarly Warning of Serious Failure Incidents -“Early Warning Scheme - EWS”
1.1 To improve ship safety and protection of the marine environment by providing informationon incidents of hull failures and machinery space fires and explosions which are consideredto have endangered the ship, or its personnel, or posed a threat to the environment andwhere sister or similar ships exist that could be at risk. The information regarding such
failures is to be provided to the involved Classification Societies, and other relevant parties asstipulated herein, with a view to reducing the likelihood of their reoccurrence.2
Definitions: In the context of this procedure, the following definitions apply.
2.1 Failure incident1) : A hull failure that is known, or suspected, to be due to inadequatecompliance with relevant standards for design, construction, modification or repair of thefailed item or inadequacy in standards relevant to the failed item. Damage incidents causedby all other causes, including but not limited to such things as collision, grounding, improperor inadequate operation, improper loading, human error or action, natural disaster, etc. arenot \"failure incidents\" within the context of this procedure.2.2 that:--Serious failure incident: A hull failure incident or a machinery space fire or explosionResulted in loss of the ship, death or serious injury to the personnel on board, or severe pollution of the marine environment; or
Endangered the ship, the personnel on board, or posed a threat of severe pollution ofthe marine environment.
2.3 Sister ship: Ships having the same hull form, dimensions and cargo tank or cargo holdconfiguration that have been built to the same plans, even if approved by different societies.2.4 Similar ship: Ships having similar arrangement or features affected by the incident ofdamage or failure in question.
This Procedural Requirement applies from 1 July 2009.
In this procedure, no machinery space fire nor explosion is categorised as a ‘failure incident’.Only machinery space fires or explosions judged as a ‘serious failure incident’ are reportable.
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2.5 Hull: Hull structure and appurtenant equipment and structure fitted on or through thehull envelope (including but not limited to such things as hatches, doors or ramps, deck
equipment, ventilation and sounding pipes, rudder including steering gear, sea connections,anchors & cables, etc.)
2.6Involved Society: a classification society classing a sister or a similar ship to the oneinvolved in the incident.
2.7 Incident Reporting Officer (IRO): The person designated by each Society to report andreceive confidential information and to undertake or manage the performance of theprocedure within the Society.3
3.1 Failure incidents which are considered to be noteworthy and of possible utility forimproving international technical requirements, Societies’ Rules or survey procedures andguidance are to be reported2), without identifying the particular ship involved, and addressedin accordance with Annex 1.
3.2 Serious failure incidents which are considered, owing to the severity of their
consequences, to warrant investigation and/or action with respect to other ships which maybe susceptible to such failures are to be reported and addressed in accordance with Annex23).4
4.1 In cases where the Builder or Manufacturer has taken the responsibility to adviseOwners and the relevant classification societies of ships which may be similarly affected, thereporting of serious failure incidents may be limited to posting on the website sufficient detailsto identify the incident and a note of the action taken by the Builder or Manufacturer.
Considerable uncertainty may exist as to whether a particular incident is a failure incident or not. In
deciding whether to treat an incident as a failure incident consideration is to be given to whether enoughis known or can reasonably be expected to be learned about the particular incident to warrant treating itas a failure incident. Similarly, for incidents which may have been caused by inadequate maintenance ofan item, consideration should be given to whether information on the incident would contribute to
reassessing the periodicity of required surveys or examinations, or other aspects within the purview ofclassification or statutory certification.
In judging whether an incident should be treated as a serious failure incident consideration is to be givento the risk involved in terms of the probability of future occurrences resulting in severe or unacceptableconsequences as well as the likelihood of identifying and implementing safety improvements which willeffectively reduce that risk.
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Confidentiality: 4)
5.1 Information provided or obtained in the course of application of this procedure, is to beconsidered confidential and is not under any circumstances to be divulged to any other partywithout the explicit prior agreement of the Societies reporting the information. In this respect,prior to the submission of the details of the incident the IRO of the initiating Society is to sendthe Confidentiality Agreement to the involved Societies. The details of the incident are to besent only to the Societies which have duly signed and returned the copy of the signedConfidentiality Agreement to the initiating IRO.
5.2 Any Society providing information identifying a specific ship, or ships, under this
procedure is responsible for obtaining any required permission from the ship Owner, Builderor Manufacturer, as appropriate, prior to:
i. reporting the information in accordance with Annex 2;
ii. authorizing its release to any other party in accordance with 5.1
5.3 Access to information identifying specific ships provided in accordance with Annex 2 isto be restricted by the Societies to those within their Society with a need to know in order toundertake appropriate studies, decisions or actions directly related to achieving the objectivestated in 1.1.
A refusal by the Owner, Builder or Manufacturer to give authorization for use of information on incidents inconjunction with this procedure shall not be held against the Society involved. Similarly, inability to
provide information for use in conjunction with this procedure as a result of expectation of litigation shallnot be held against the Society involved. However, in both cases information on the incident that is in thepublic domain may be used to carry out this procedure to the extent practicable.
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Annex 1: Reporting of Hull Failure Incidents and Repairs
1. Societies are to submit the required information on hull failure incidents of ships intheir class to IACS Hull Panel. The Data Sheet for Reporting Hull Failure Incidents andRepairs, contained in Annex 3, is to be used for this purpose.
2. The Hull Panel will be responsible for maintaining the records of submitted information andissuing periodic lists of all cases.
3. The Hull Panel will, on an ongoing basis, review the information received and, wherenecessary or appropriate, make recommendations to GPG regarding possible further actionby IACS. The Hull Panel will also use the information received, when appropriate, in the
development and maintenance of the IACS booklets on typical hull damages for various shiptypes.
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Annex 2: Early Warning of Serious Failure Incidents1
1.1 In the event of the occurrence of a serious failure incident, the IRO of the Societyclassing the ship involved, is to identify sister ships and/or similar ships, their classingSocieties and send the following information to these involved Societies:-----Ship’s Name and IMO Number,Builder’s Name and Yard Number,Date and location of incident,
Details of the incident (See sections 2 and 3 below),
Any additional information considered relevant to pursuing the objective of thisprocedure.
In reporting the details of these incidents, the data sheet contained in Annex 3 should beused for guidance.
1.2 The IRO of the initiating Society is responsible for managing the process describedbelow.
1.3 In order to determine whether the incident is one of a series of similar incidents onsister ships or whether it appears to be an isolated case, written feedback from the IROs ofinvolved Societies of any information held on file concerning surveys, damages or repairsundertaken on the ship or the identified sister ships in their class or previously in their class,which is relevant to the case, is to be submitted to the IRO of the Society which initiated thecase, as soon as possible.
1.4 Written feedback from IROs of involved Societies with respect to relevant follow-upinformation obtained during subsequent surveys is also to be sent to the IRO of the Societywhich initiated the case as soon as possible.
1.5 The IRO of the society initiating a case is to take a leadership role in monitoring andassessing the case information and, together with the other IROs involved (without access tothe identity of ships of other involved Societies), recommending any further follow-up actionsconsidered necessary or appropriate to IACS through IACS Permanent Secretariat prior toclosing the case file. Such recommendations might include, but are not necessarily limited to,such things as revision/development of IACS Resolutions with a view to minimizingreoccurrence of the serious failure incident in question.
2 Machinery Space Fires and Explosions: Where appropriate, the initiating IRO isalso to identify any known ships similarly at risk. In reporting the details of these incidents,the following should be used for guidance:
a) Incident type (e.g. fire, explosion, explosion followed by fire, etc.),b) Extent of injury and loss of life,
c) Effect on ship (e.g. abandoned, temporarily disabled, towed, etc.),d) Fire contained ( yes/no ),
e) Extinguishing method (e.g. hand extinguisher, CO2, halon, etc.),f) Heat source,
g) Combustible material (e.g. fuel oil, lub oil, soot, gas, etc.),h) Fault type and location,
i) Machinery component(s) involved (including manufacturer and type designation, where known).
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Early Warning Scheme (EWS) Data Sheet for Reporting Hull Failure Incidents and Repairs
Description of Damages, Likely Causes, Methods of Repair and Lessons LearnedPlease describe (1) the nature and extent of damages
(2) factors likely to have contributed to the damages if known (3) methods of repair if any (4) lessons learned
Please also identify global locations of damages on the diagrams provided on Page 1.
Please sketch (1) Details of damage with scantlings and material of associated structures
(2) Details of repairs, if any, with scantlings and material of any modified structures and/or additional reinforcements
Page of PagesSociety
Ship Number
NOTE: This form should not be used as a vehicle to transmit information to societies’ field surveyors or any other parties.
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