专利名称:Memory access control device, and its
control method
发明人:Chanson Lin,Joe Shyu申请号:US09/113381申请日:19980710公开号:US06167549A公开日:20001226
摘要:A memory access control method which includes the step of using a dataprocessor to subdivide a data sector into a plurality of data fields when storing data, thenusing an encoder to add a respective error correcting code to every data field, and thenstoring error correcting code encoded in a memory, and the step of decoding therespective error correcting code when reading data from the memory, then storing thedecoded error correcting code in a recorder, and then controlling an error correctinglogic circuit to compare the decoded error correcting code, and then controlling the dataprocessor to correct the respective data field if the decoded error correcting code isdenied after comparison or controlling the data processor to read the data for output ifthe decoded error correcting code is confirmed.
代理机构:Rosenberg, Klein & Lee